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Archive for the 'Kanji Scrabble' Category

Kanji Scrabble #21: 口 Have Fun Learning with Kanji Scrabble: a Kanji Game Just for Twitter!

The Kanji for this week are as follows: (Remember, each compound must use the Kanji in the brackets .) Kanji Scrabble #21, Key Kanji: 半、万、一、外、火、語、先、空、気、後 (Learn How to Play Here) To start, all you need is a Twitter account and to follow our Twitter account @japanesepod101 (What’s Twitter you ask? Read our guide here.) Answers: Kanji Kana English 一口 ひとくち (n) (1) mouthful/bite/sip/draft/draught/(2) one word/(P)/ 万口 ばんこう (n) (mouths of) many people/ 先口 せんくち (n) previous preconception/previous engagement/ 半口 はんくち (n) half share/ 口先 くちさき (n) (1) lip service/mere words/professions/(2) lips/mouth/snout/proboscis/(P)/ 口口 くちぐち (n) each entrance/every mouth/ 口外 こうがい ... Show more

Kanji Scrabble #20: 社 First 5 Tweets with At least 3 Correct WIN a Prize!

This week marks the 20th Kanji Scrabble! Thank you so much for playing each time so far! To celebrate, we'll be giving away FREE 1 month subscription to the first 5 tweets with at least 3 correct answers. Already have a subscription? Then we'll extend your current subscription by 1 month! Kanji Scrabble #20, Key Kanji: 名、友、人、間、一、会、入、小、新、来 (Learn How to Play Here) To start, all you need is a Twitter account and to follow our Twitter account @japanesepod101 (What’s Twitter you ask? Read our guide here.) Answers: Kanji Kana English 一人会社 いちにんかいしゃ (n) one man company/ 人間社会 にんげんしゃかい (n) human society/ 会社 かいしゃ (n) (1) company/corporation/(2) workplace/(P)/ 会社人間 かいしゃにんげん (n) company... Show more

Kanji Scrabble #19: 道 Have Fun Learning with Kanji Scrabble: a Kanji Game Just for Twitter!

The Kanji for this week are as follows: (Remember, each compound must use the Kanji in the brackets .) Kanji Scrabble #19, Key Kanji: 車、小、上、気、食、新、人、早、大、入 (Learn How to Play Here) To start, all you need is a Twitter account and to follow our Twitter account @japanesepod101 (What’s Twitter you ask? Read our guide here.) Answers: Kanji Kana English 上気道 じょうきどう (n) upper respiratory tract/upper airway/ 人道 じんどう (n) humanity/sidewalk/footpath/(P)/ 入道 にゅうどう (n) (1) (Buddh) entering the priesthood/priest/monk/(2) man with a shaven head/(3) bald-headed monster/ 大入道 おおにゅうどう (n) large, bald-headed monster/a giant/ 大道 たいどう (n) main street/avenue/ 小道 こみち (n) path/lane/ 新道 しんどう ... Show more

Kanji Scrabble #18: 車 Have Fun Learning with Kanji Scrabble: a Kanji Game Just for Twitter!

The Kanji for this week are as follows: (Remember, each compound must use the Kanji in the brackets .) Kanji Scrabble #18, Key Kanji: 古、中、名、火、本、花、牛、口、日、上 (Learn How to Play Here) To start, all you need is a Twitter account and to follow our Twitter account @japanesepod101 (What’s Twitter you ask? Read our guide here.) Answers: Kanji Kana English 中古車 ちゅうこしゃ (n) used car/secondhand car/(P)/ 口車 くちぐるま (n) cajolery/wheedling/ 名車 めいしゃ (n) famous or exceptional car/ 日本車 にほんしゃ (n) car of Japanese make/ 火車 かしゃ (n) (1) (Buddh) fiery chariot/(2) kasha (mythical beast said to devour dead bodies)/(3) (in China) train (i.e. steam locomotive)/(4) (abbr) (arch) vile old hag/ 牛車 うしぐるま ... Show more

Kanji Scrabble #17: 大 Have Fun Learning with Kanji Scrabble: a Kanji Game Just for Twitter!

The Kanji for this week are as follows: (Remember, each compound must use the Kanji in the brackets .) Kanji Scrabble #17, Key Kanji: 一、金、長、円、社、多、安、立、会、気 (Learn How to Play Here) To start, all you need is a Twitter account and to follow our Twitter account @japanesepod101 (What’s Twitter you ask? Read our guide here.) Answers: Kanji Kana English 一大 いちだい (n) one large .../a great .../(P)/ 多大 ただい (adj-na,n,adj-no) heavy/much/(P)/ 大会 たいかい (n,adj-no) convention/tournament/mass meeting/rally/(P)/ 大会社 だいがいしゃ (n) large industrial company/major corporation/big business/ 大円 だいえん (n) large circle/great circle/ 大安 たいあん (n) (Buddh) lucky day/auspicious day/ 大社 たいしゃ (n) Grand... Show more

Kanji Scrabble #16: 南 Have Fun Learning with Kanji Scrabble: a Kanji Game Just for Twitter!

The Kanji for this week are as follows: (Remember, each compound must use the Kanji in the brackets .) Kanji Scrabble #16, Key Kanji: 南 西、東、北、口、下、国、上、天、中、水 (Learn How to Play Here) To start, all you need is a Twitter account and to follow our Twitter account @japanesepod101 (What’s Twitter you ask? Read our guide here.) Answers: Kanji Kana English 南下 なんか (n,vs) going south/ 南中 なんちゅう (n,vs) crossing the meridian/ 南北 なんぼく (n) south and north/(P)/ 南南東 なんなんとう (n) south-southeast/ 南南西 なんなんせい (n) south-southwest/ 南口 みなみぐち (n) south entrance/(P)/ 南国 なんこく (n) southern countries/(P)/ 南天 なんてん (n) (1) the southern sky/(2) heavenly bamboo/nandina/Nandina domestica/ ... Show more

Kanji Scrabble #15: 下 Have Fun Learning with Kanji Scrabble: a Kanji Game Just for Twitter!

The Kanji for this week are as follows: (Remember, each compound must use the Kanji in the brackets .) Kanji Scrabble #15, Key Kanji: 車、中、上、道、高、足、金、水、火、目 (Learn How to Play Here) To start, all you need is a Twitter account and to follow our Twitter account @japanesepod101 (What’s Twitter you ask? Read our guide here.) Answers: Kanji Kana English 上下 うえした (n) high and low/up and down/unloading and loading/praising and blaming/(P)/ 上下水道 じょうげすいどう (n) water and sewer services/ 上中下 じょうちゅうげ (n) excellent-good-poor/first-second-third (class)/ 下下 したじた (n) the lower classes/the common people/ 下水 げすい (n) (1) drainage/ditch/gutter/sewerage/(2) sewage/black water/(P)/ 下水道 げすいどう (n)... Show more

Kanji Scrabble #14: 水 Have Fun Learning with Kanji Scrabble: a Kanji Game Just for Twitter!

The Kanji for this week are as follows: (Remember, each compound must use the Kanji in the brackets .) Kanji Scrabble #14, Key Kanji: 火、目、牛、車、道、大、中、生、出、口 (Learn How to Play Here) To start, all you need is a Twitter account and to follow our Twitter account @japanesepod101 (What’s Twitter you ask? Read our guide here.) Answers: Kanji Kana English 中水道 ちゅうすいどう (n) gray-water system/grey-water system/recycled waste-water/ 出水 しゅっすい (n,vs) flood/freshet/inundation/ 大水 おおみず (n,adj-no) flood/(P)/ 水中 すいちゅう (n,adj-no) underwater/(P)/ 水口 みずぐち (n) a spout/(P)/ 水火 すいか (n) fire and water/ 水牛 すいぎゅう (n) water buffalo/(P)/ 水生 すいせい (n,adj-no) aquatic (life)/living in the water/ ... Show more

Kanji Scrabble #13: 花 Have Fun Learning with Kanji Scrabble: a Kanji Game Just for Twitter!

The Kanji for this week are as follows: (Remember, each compound must use the Kanji in the brackets .) Kanji Scrabble #13, Key Kanji: 金、道、出、見、一、新、名、国、火、木 (Learn How to Play Here) To start, all you need is a Twitter account and to follow our Twitter account @japanesepod101 (What’s Twitter you ask? Read our guide here.) Answers: Kanji Kana English 一花 ひとはな (n,adj-no) success/one flower/ 出花 でばな (n) first brew of tea/ 名花 めいか (n) celebrated flower/beautiful woman/ 国花 こっか (n) national flower/ 火花 ひばな (n) spark/(P)/ 花木 かぼく (n) (1) flowers and trees/(2) flowering trees/ 花火 はなび (n) fireworks/(P)/ 花見 はなみ (n,vs) cherry blossom viewing/flower viewing/(P)/... Show more

Kanji Scrabble #12: Have Fun Learning with Kanji Scrabble: a Kanji Game Just for Twitter!

The Kanji for this week are as follows: (Remember, each compound must use the Kanji in the brackets .) Kanji Scrabble #12, Key Kanji: 金、言、花、円、一、年、口、国、人、東 (Learn How to Play Here) To start, all you need is a Twitter account and to follow our Twitter account @japanesepod101 (What’s Twitter you ask? Read our guide here.) Answers: Kanji Kana English 一万 いちまん (n) 10,000/ten thousand/ 一万円 いちまんえん (n) 10,000 Yen/ 万一 まんいち (adv,n) by some chance/by some possibility/if by any chance/10,000 to 1 odds/(P)/ 万万 ばんばん (adv) (1) very much/fully/(2) never (with negative verb)/ 万万一 ばんばんいち (adv,n) by any chance/ten thousand to one/ 万人 ばんじん (n) (1) all people/everybody/(2) ten thousand... Show more