If you’re looking at this page, it means that you’ve achieved the intermediate level and are interested in moving ahead to advanced-level Japanese. That’s great—you’re in the right place!
Levels N1 and N2 of the JLPT (Japanese-Language Proficiency Test) are equivalent to the advanced level, and aiming to pass these levels would be a good source of motivation at this point in your studies. It surely takes tremendous effort and dedication to reach this stage, especially when it comes to learning the more difficult Kanji that are mostly used for special occasions or in official settings.
Apart from conventional studying, however, there are more enjoyable ways to learn advanced Japanese words. For example, you could start reading books in Japanese and watching Japanese movies or TV shows in more serious genres; history shows, biographies, thrillers, and action films are great examples. Once you learn enough advanced Japanese words, you can utilize such tools to reinforce your knowledge and memory.
In this article, we will introduce a list of frequently used advanced Japanese words, including nouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs, as well as other sophisticated words you can use to substitute basic everyday words. Let’s start climbing to the summit here at JapanesePod101.com!

You will be able to more easily read Japanese newspapers with advanced Japanese words.

- Nouns – 名詞 (Meishi)
- Verbs – 動詞 (Dōshi)
- Adjectives – 形容詞 (Keiyōshi)
- Adverbs – 副詞 (Fukushi)
- Alternative Words for Greater Sophistication
- Conclusion
1. Nouns – 名詞 (Meishi)
The Kanji for advanced Japanese nouns is often complicated and difficult. However, the good news is that you’ll never have to worry about which article to use or how to change a word from singular to plural.
Advanced Japanese nouns are usually just as simple as beginner nouns in terms of reading and pronunciation, but learning the high-level Kanji will take a lot of time and effort.
1 – Advanced Academic Words
English | Kanji | Hiragana | Reading |
concept | 概念 | がいねん | gainen |
precision | 精密 | せいみつ | seimitsu |
expansion / extension | 拡張 | かくちょう | kakuchō |
pressure | 圧力 | あつりょく | atsuryoku |
efficiency | 効率 | こうりつ | kōritsu |
specimen / sample | 標本 | ひょうほん | hyōhon |
evidence | 証拠 | しょうこ | shōko |
verification / inspection | 検証 | けんしょう | kenshō |
atom | 原子 | げんし | genshi |
molecule | 分子 | ぶんし | bunshi |
radioactivity | 放射能 | ほうしゃのう | hōshanō |
concentration / density | 濃度 | のうど | nōdo |
coagulation / solidification | 凝固 | ぎょうこ | gyōko |
fusion / melting / liquefaction | 融解 | ゆうかい | yūkai |
- この実験は新しい説の分析と検証です。
Kono jikken wa atarashii setsu no bunseki to kenshō desu.
“This experiment is an analysis and verification of a new theory.”
- この地域は放射能の濃度が高く危険です。
Kono chiiki wa hōshanō no nōdo ga takaku kiken desu.
“This area is dangerous because of its high concentration of radioactivity.”
- その物質は温度の変化により凝固と融解を繰り返した。
Sono busshitsu wa ondo no henka ni yori gyōko to yūkai o kurikaeshita.
“The substance repeatedly solidified and melted by changes in temperature.”

物質の濃度を測る (busshitsu no nōdo o hakaru)
“measure the concentration of the substance”
2 – Advanced Business Words
English | Kanji | Hiragana | Reading |
negotiation | 交渉 | こうしょう | kōshō |
strategy | 戦略 | せんりゃく | senryaku |
capital / fund | 資本 | しほん | shihon |
stockholder / shareholder | 株主 | かぶぬし | kabunushi |
revenue | 歳入 | さいにゅう | sainyū |
investment | 投資 | とうし | tōshi |
securities / stock | 証券 | しょうけん | shōken |
loan / financing | 融資 | ゆうし | yūshi |
repayment / payment / settlement | 返済 | へんさい | hensai |
debt | 債務 | さいむ | saimu |
mortgage / guarantee | 担保 | たんぽ | tanpo |
credit | 債権 | さいけん | saiken |
assets | 資産 | しさん | shisan |
bankruptcy | 倒産 | とうさん | tōsan |
trademark | 商標 | しょうひょう | shōhyō |
patent | 特許 | とっきょ | tokkyo |
employment | 雇用 | こよう | koyō |
dismissal / termination of employment | 解雇 | かいこ | kaiko |
company director / board member | 取締役 | とりしまりやく | torishimariyaku |
board of directors | 理事会 | りじかい | rijikai |
permanent employee | 正社員 | せいしゃいん | seishain |
contract-based employee | 契約社員 | けいやくしゃいん | keiyaku shain |
outsourced temporary employee | 派遣社員 | はけんしゃいん | haken shain |
- その証券会社は巨額の債務を抱え倒産しました。
Sono shōkengaisha wa kyogaku no saimu o kakae tōsan shimashita.
“The securities company went bankrupt with huge debt.”
- 新しい事業のため銀行から融資を受けたいです。
Atarashii jigyō no tame ginkō kara yūshi o uketai desu.
“I’d like to get a loan from a bank for a new business.”
- 革新的な技術の特許を取得した後、その企業の株価が上がりました。
Kakushinteki na gijutsu no tokkyo o shutoku shita ato, sono kigyō no kabuka ga agarimashita.
“After acquiring the patent of an innovative technology, the company’s stock price went up.”

交渉を有利に行う戦略 (kōshō o yūri ni okonau senryaku)
“a strategy to negotiate favorably”
3 – Advanced Medical Words
English | Kanji | Hiragana | Reading |
medical care | 医療 | いりょう | iryō |
gene | 遺伝子 | いでんし | idenshi |
immunity | 免疫 | めんえき | men’eki |
artery | 動脈 | どうみゃく | dōmyaku |
vein | 静脈 | じょうみゃく | jōmyaku |
blood transfusion | 輸血 | ゆけつ | yuketsu |
spinal cord | 脊髄 | せきずい | sekizui |
radioactive ray | 放射線 | ほうしゃせん | hōshasen |
medical treatment / therapy | 治療 | ちりょう | chiryō |
department of surgery | 外科 | げか | geka |
internal medicine | 内科 | ないか | naika |
symptom | 症状 | しょうじょう | shōjō |
infection | 感染 | かんせん | kansen |
inflammation | 炎症 | えんしょう | enshō |
fit / spasm / seizure | 発作 | ほっさ | hossa |
paralysis / palsy | 麻痺 | まひ | mahi |
coma | 昏睡 | こんすい | konsui |
tumor | 腫瘍 | しゅよう | shuyō |
bruise | ー | あざ | aza |
vomiting | 嘔吐 | おうと | ōto |
diarrhea | 下痢 | げり | geri |
pneumonia | 肺炎 | はいえん | haien |
cancer | 癌 | がん | gan |
- 日本の医療システムは国民健康保険で成り立っています。
Nihon no iryō shisutemu wa kokumin kenkō hoken de naritatte imasu.
“The Japanese medical system works with National Health Insurance.”
- 昨日から嘔吐と下痢の症状があります。
Kinō kara ōto to geri no shōjō ga arimasu.
“I have had the symptoms of vomiting and diarrhea since yesterday.”
- その男性は発作を起こして昏睡状態になりました。
Sono dansei wa hossa o okoshite konsui jōtai ni narimashita.
“The man had a seizure and went into a coma.”

放射線治療で癌を治す (hōshasen chiryō de gan o naosu)
“cure cancer with radiation therapy”
4 – Advanced Legal Words
English | Kanji | Hiragana | Reading |
arrest | 逮捕 | たいほ | taiho |
detention / custody | 拘留 | こうりゅう | kōryū |
prosecution / indictment | 起訴 | きそ | kiso |
probation / suspension of sentence | 執行猶予 | しっこうゆうよ | shikkō yūyo |
arbitration / mediation | 調停 | ちょうてい | chōtei |
trial | 裁判 | さいばん | saiban |
court | 裁判所 | さいばんしょ | saibansho |
judge | 裁判官 | さいばんかん | saibankan |
plaintiff / accuser | 原告 | げんこく | genkoku |
defendant / accused | 被告 | ひこく | hikoku |
public prosecutor | 検察官 | けんさつかん | kensatsukan |
imprisonment / penal servitude | 懲役 | ちょうえき | chōeki |
appeal | 控訴 | こうそ | kōso |
detention center / jail | 拘置所 | こうちしょ | kōchisho |
prison | 刑務所 | けいむしょ | keimusho |
death penalty / capital punishment | 死刑 | しけい | shikei |
fraud | 詐欺 | さぎ | sagi |
bribery | 賄賂 | わいろ | wairo |
tax evasion | 脱税 | だつぜい | datsuzei |
forgery / falsification / counterfeiting | 偽造 | ぎぞう | gizō |
threatening / intimidation | 脅迫 | きょうはく | kyōhaku |
theft / stealing | 窃盗 | せっとう | settō |
assault / act of violence | 暴行 | ぼうこう | bōkō |
murder / homicide | 殺人 | さつじん | satsujin |
- 彼は懲役5年執行猶予3年の判決を受けました。
Kare wa chōeki go-nen shikkō yūyo san-nen no hanketsu o ukemashita.
“He was sentenced to five years in prison suspended for three years.”
- あの会社の元社長は脱税罪で刑務所にいます。
Ano kaisha no moto shachō wa datsuzeizai de keimusho ni imasu.
“The former president of that company is in prison for tax evasion.”
- 日本には死刑制度があります。
Nihon ni wa shikei seido ga arimasu.
“Japan has the death penalty system.”

裁判官の判決 (saibankan no hanketsu)
“judgment by a judge”
To review the basic Japanese nouns, please check out our blog post titled Guide to the Top 100+ Japanese Nouns.
2. Verbs – 動詞 (Dōshi)
Below, we have divided the most important advanced Japanese verbs into two groups: general verbs and those that are formed using the word する(suru) – “do.”
1 – General Verbs
English | Kanji | Hiragana | Reading |
force / compel | 強いる | しいる | shiiru |
range / lie in a line / stretch out | 連なる | つらなる | tsuranaru |
go through / pierce | 貫く | つらぬく | tsuranuku |
rub / chafe | 擦れる | すれる | sureru |
judge | 裁く | さばく | sabaku |
dedicate / commit / give | 捧げる | ささげる | sasageru |
prosper | 栄える | さかえる | sakaeru |
prohibit / ban | 禁じる | きんじる | kinjiru |
endure / bear / tolerate / withstand | 耐える | たえる | taeru |
deal / treat / handle | 取り扱う | とりあつかう | toriatsukau |
accompany / entail | 伴う | ともなう | tomonau |
nod | 頷く | うなずく | unazuku |
influence / affect / exert / cause | 及ぼす | およぼす | oyobosu |
become weak / become old | 衰える | おとろえる | otoroeru |
control / regulate / manage | 取り締まる | とりしまる | torishimaru |
investigate / examine | 取り調べる | とりしらべる | torishiraberu |
remove | 取り除く | とりのぞく | torinozoku |
be made up of / consist of / be composed of | 成り立つ | なりたつ | naritatsu |
install / attach | 備え付ける | そなえつける | sonaetsukeru |
- その地位は重大な責任を伴う。
Sono chii wa jūdai na sekinin o tomonau.
“The position entails grave responsibility.”
- この古い建物は大きな地震に耐えてきた。
Kono furui tatemono wa ōkina jishin ni taete kita.
“This old building has withstood big earthquakes.”
- 警察は彼を賄賂の疑いで取り調べた。
Keisatsu wa kare o wairo no utagai de torishirabeta.
“Police investigated him on suspicion of bribery.”

アンテナを備え付ける (antena o sonaetsukeru)
“install an antenna”
2 – Verbs Formed Using [ Noun + する (suru) ]
This type of Japanese verb is formed with the following pattern:
- [ Noun ] + [ する (suru) – “do” ]
For example:
- 運動する(undō suru) – “to exercise”
- 運動 (undō) – “exercise” + する (suru) – “do”
English | Kanji | Hiragana | Reading |
fermentate | 発酵する | はっこうする | hakkō suru |
make use of / have a command | 駆使する | くしする | kushi suru |
vibrate | 振動する | しんどうする | shindō suru |
bear (a cost, a responsibility, etc.) | 負担する | ふたんする | futan suru |
deploy / lay out | 配置する | はいちする | haichi suru |
shut down / lock out | 閉鎖する | へいさする | heisa suru |
evacuate | 避難する | ひなんする | hinan suru |
criticize / blame / condemn | 非難する | ひなんする | hinan suru |
intervene / interfere | 干渉する | かんしょうする | kanshō suru |
collapse / break down | 崩壊する | ほうかいする | hōkai suru |
- ブドウを発酵させてワインを作ります。
Budō o hakkō sasete wain o tsukurimasu.
“Ferment the grapes to make wine.”
- その建物は人々が避難した後に崩壊した。
Sono tatemono wa hitobito ga hinan shita ato ni hōkai shita.
“The building collapsed after people evacuated.”
- 私が車の修理費を負担します。
Watashi ga kuruma no shūrihi o futan shimasu.
“I will bear the car repair cost.”
To review the basics regarding Japanese verbs, please check out our articles The 100+ Most Common Japanese Verbs and Japanese Verb Conjugations.

エンジンが振動する (enjin ga shindō suru)
“engine vibrates”
3. Adjectives – 形容詞 (Keiyōshi)
As you approach an advanced level in Japanese, you should start strengthening your vocabulary with more nuanced descriptive words. Below is a list of Japanese adjectives to get you started.
1 – I Adjectives
English | Kanji | Hiragana | Reading |
suitable / appropriate / compatible | 相応しい | ふさわしい | fusawashii |
delusive / misleading / confusing | 紛らわしい | まぎらわしい | magirawashii |
grateful | 有難い | ありがたい | arigatai |
brave/ courageous | 勇ましい | いさましい | isamashii |
shameful / pitiful | 情けない | なさけない | nasakenai |
equal | 等しい | ひとしい | hitoshii |
regrettable | 惜しい | おしい | oshii |
great | 偉い | えらい | erai |
dangerous / critical | 危うい | あやうい | ayaui |
hurried / busy / frantic | 慌しい | あわただしい | awatadashii |
impudent / shameless | 図々しい | ずうずうしい | zūzūshii |
quick | 素早い | すばやい | subayai |
incredible / enormous / dreadful | 物凄い | ものすごい | monosugoi |
odious / hateful | 憎らしい | にくらしい | nikurashii |
chilly | 肌寒い | はだざむい | hadazamui |
careful / cautious / vigilant | 用心深い | ようじんぶかい | yōjinbukai |
extreme / terrible | 甚だしい | はなはだしい | hanahadashii |
- これはあなたに相応しい車です。
Kore wa anata ni fusawashii kuruma desu.
“This is a suitable car for you.”
- 今日は慌ただしい一日でした。
Kyō wa awatadashii ichinichi deshita.
“Today was a very frantic day.”
- 彼はとても用心深い男で、人を簡単に信用しない。
Kare wa totemo yōjinbukai otoko de, hito o kantan ni shin’yō shinai.
“He is a very cautious man, and he does not trust people easily.”
2 – NA Adjectives
English | Kanji | Hiragana | Reading |
immature | 未熟 | みじゅく | mijuku |
thoughtless / careless | 軽率 | けいそつ | keisotsu |
generous | 寛容 | かんよう | kan’yō |
essential / main point | 肝心 | かんじん | kanjin |
depressed / melancholic / gloomy | 憂鬱 | ゆううつ | yūtsu |
sensitive | 敏感 | びんかん | binkan |
quick / rapid / prompt | 迅速 | じんそく | jinsoku |
loyal | 忠実 | ちゅうじつ | chūjitsu |
cruel | 残酷 | ざんこく | zankoku |
detailed | 詳細 | しょうさい | shōsai |
- 私はいつも肝心なところで失敗する。
Watashi wa itsumo kanjin na tokoro de shippai suru.
“I always fail where it matters.”
- この化粧品は敏感な肌に適しています。
Kono keshōhin wa binkan na hada ni tekishite imasu.
“This cosmetic is suitable for sensitive skin.”
- 自然破壊が進む残酷な現実に目を向けなければならない。
Shizen hakai ga susumu zankoku na genjitsu ni me o mukenakereba naranai.
“We must face the cruel reality of the destruction of nature.”

仕事で失敗した憂鬱な日 (shigoto de shippai shita yūtsu na hi)
“a gloomy day that failed at work”
To review the basics of Japanese adjectives, please check out Learn the Top 100 Essential Japanese Adjectives and -I vs. -NA Adjectives in Japanese on our blog.
4. Adverbs – 副詞 (Fukushi)
Another set of words you’ll need to add to your advanced Japanese vocabulary is adverbs. You likely know a few of these already, but below is a list of more refined adverbs you can start practicing right away.
English | Kanji | Hiragana | Reading |
at once / right away / promptly / suddenly | 咄嗟に | とっさに | tossa ni |
just as one thought / as usual | 案の定 | あんのじょう | annojō |
by far / far off | 遥かに | はるかに | haruka ni |
indeed / truly / certainly | 如何にも | いかにも | ikanimo |
taking the trouble to do / intentionally | ー | わざわざ | wazawaza |
dare to do / not necessarily to do | 敢えて | あえて | aete |
above all | 何より | なにより | naniyori |
quite / reasonably / fairly | 結構 | けっこう | kekkō |
once / before / never before | ー | かつて | katsute |
in spite of / regardless of | ー | かかわらず | kakawarazu |
as it is / as you are | ー | ありのまま | arinomama |
naturally | 当たり前に | あたりまえに | atarimae ni |
vaguely / ambiguously | ー | あやふやに | ayafuya ni |
easily / lightly | ー | あっさり | assari |
properly / neatly | ー | きちんと | kichinto |
thoughtlessly / recklessly | ー | むやみに | muyami ni |
quite / very (emphasizing a size, frequency, etc.) | ー | ごく | goku |
- 問い詰められて私は咄嗟に嘘をついた。
Toitsumerarete watashi wa tossa ni uso o tsuita.
“Being pressed for an answer, I lied promptly.”
- 敢えてそうする訳を教えてください。
Aete sō suru wake o oshiete kudasai.
“Please tell me why you dare to do so.”
- ごくわずかな違いで結果が大きく変わります。
Goku wazuka na chigai de kekka ga ōkiku kawarimasu.
“A very subtle difference greatly changes the result.”

きちんとお辞儀する (kichinto ojigi suru)
“bow properly”
5. Alternative Words for Greater Sophistication
Whether you aim to get higher scores on writing exams or you want to write proper sentences for official documents, using high-level vocabulary and the appropriate expressions will refine your writing.
In Japanese, many basic words have more nuanced or formal synonyms. A great example of these advanced counterparts are 熟語 Jukugo (Kanji compounds), which are combinations of different Kanji that create words at different levels of difficulty and specify a meaning.
In addition, having a good command of 敬語 Keigo (“honorific language”) in Japanese is a sign of being at an advanced level, which is essential for official occasions and business settings.
In this section, you’ll learn the more sophisticated counterparts of simple Japanese words, including frequently used Keigo.
1 – Alternative Verbs
English | Kanji | Hiragana | Reading | |
生むうむ (umu)to give birth / to generate / to produce | to be born | 出生する | しゅっしょうする | shusshō suru |
to be born | 誕生する | たんじょうする | tanjō suru | |
to derive / to generate from something | 派生する | はせいする | hasei suru | |
to produce / to yield | 産出する | さんしゅつする | sanshutsu suru | |
to generate | 生成する | せいせいする | seisei suru |
始めるはじめる (hajimeru)to start / to begin | to begin / to commence | 開始する | かいしする | kaishi suru |
to start / to initiate | 始動する | しどうする | shidō suru | |
to start / to undertake | 着手する | ちゃくしゅする | chakushu suru | |
to start / to get down to / to set about | 取りかかる | とりかかる | torikakaru | |
to start / to set up / to be established | 発足する | ほっそくする | hossoku suru |
言ういう (iu)to say | to say / to state | 述べる | のべる | noberu |
to speak | 発言する | はつげんする | hatsugen suru | |
to mention / to refer to | 言及する | げんきゅうする | genkyū suru |
見るみる (miru)to see / to look / to watch | to view / to browse | 閲覧する | えつらんする | etsuran suru |
to stare / to gaze | 凝視する | ぎょうしする | gyōshi suru | |
to watch / to look carefully | 注視する | ちゅうしする | chūshi suru | |
to see / to visit (a temple, a shrine, etc.) | 拝観する | はいかんする | haikan suru |
食べるたべる (taberu)to eat | to eat | 食す | しょくす | shokusu |
to eat / to take in | 摂取する | せっしゅする | sesshu suru |
書くかく (kaku)to write | to write (a thesis, a book, etc.) | 執筆する | しっぴつする | shippitsu suru |
to write / to transcribe / to take notes | 筆記する | ひっきする | hikki suru |
読むよむ (yomu)to read | to read (books) | 読書する | どくしょする | dokusho suru |
to read well or thoroughly | 熟読する | じゅくどくする | jukudoku suru | |
to read carefully | 精読する | せいどくする | seidoku suru |
描くえがく (egaku)to draw / to paint / to depict | to depict / to portray | 描写する | びょうしゃする | byōsha suru |
to imitate and draw | 模写する | もしゃする | mosha suru |
比べるくらべる (kuraberu)to compare | to compare | 比較する | ひかくする | hikaku suru |
to compare and check each other | 照らし合わせる | てらしあわせる | terashiawaseru |
調べるしらべる (shiraberu)to search / to look up / to examine | to examine / to investigate | 調査する | ちょうさする | chōsa suru |
to examine / to inspect | 検査する | けんさする | kensa suru | |
to check / to inspect | 点検する | てんけんする | tenken suru |
- 彼は新しい本を書き始めた。 → 彼は新しい本の執筆に着手した。
Kare wa atarashii hon o kakihajimeta. Kare wa atarashii hon no shippitsu ni chakushu shita.
“He started writing a new book.”
- 実験結果の違いを比べます。 → 実験結果の違いを比較します。
Jikken kekka no chigai o kurabemasu. Jikken kekka no chigai o hikaku shimasu.
“Compare the differences in the experimental results.”
- 車の調子が悪いので、エンジンを調べてください。 → 車の調子が悪いので、エンジンを点検してください。
Kuruma no chōshi ga warui node, enjin o shirabete kudasai. Kuruma no chōshi ga warui node, enjin o tenken shite kudasai.
“The car has a problem, so please check the engine.”
2 – Alternative Adjectives & Adverbs
English | Kanji | Hiragana | Reading | |
今いま (ima)now | now / present | 現在 | げんざい | genzai |
今日きょう (kyō)today | today | 本日 | ほんじつ | honjitsu |
前にまえに (mae ni)before | before / earlier / back in the past | 以前 | いぜん | izen |
後であとで (ato de)later | later on / afterwards | 後ほど | のちほど | nochihodo |
この先このさき (kono saki)from this time on | from now on / in the future / hereafter | 今後 | こんご | kongo |
簡単にかんたんに (kantan ni)easily | easily | 容易に | よういに | yōi ni |
もっと(motto)more | what is more / furthermore / moreover | 更に | さらに | sara ni |
even more / all the more | より一層 | よりいっそう | yori issō | |
本当にほんとうに (hontō ni)really | really / truly | 正に | まさに | masani |
それぞれ(sorezore)each | each | 各々 | おのおの | ono’ono |
まだ(mada)yet / still | as yet / still | 依然として | いぜんとして | izen toshite |
少しすこし (sukoshi)a little / a few | a little / a small quantity | 少々 | しょうしょう | shōshō |
- 後で資料を送ります。 → 後ほど資料を送信します。
Ato de shiryō o okurimasu. Nochihodo shiryō o sōshin shimasu.
“I will send the document later.”
- 原因はまだはっきりしない。 → 原因は依然としてはっきりしない。
Gen’in wa mada hakkiri shinai. Gen’in wa izen toshite hakkiri shinai.
“The cause is still unclear.”
- 少し待ってください。 → 少々お待ちください。
Sukoshi matte kudasai. Shōshō o-machi kudasai.
“Please wait for a moment.”
3 – 敬語 (Keigo) [Japanese Honorific Language]
Meaning | Keigo | Kanji | Hiragana | Reading |
見るみる (miru)look / watch / see | Respectful | ご覧になる | ごらんになる | goran ni naru |
Humble | 拝見する | はいけんする | haiken suru | |
食べるたべる (taberu)eat | Respectful | 召し上がる | めしあがる | meshiagaru |
Humble | 頂く | いただく | itadaku | |
言ういう (iu)say | Respectful | ー | おっしゃる | ossharu |
Humble | 申す申し上げる | もうすもうしあげる | mōsumōshiageru | |
いる(iru)be there / exist | Respectful | ー | いらっしゃる | irassharu |
Humble | ー | おる | oru | |
する(suru)do | Respectful | ー | なさる | nasaru |
Humble | ー | いたす | itasu | |
行くいく (iku)go | Respectful | ー | いらっしゃる | irassharu |
Humble | 参る | まいる | mairu | |
くれる (kureru)give me/us | Respectful | ー | くださる | kudasaru |
Humble | ー | ー | ー | |
あげる (ageru)give someone something | Respectful | ー | ー | ー |
Humble | 差し上げる | さしあげる | sashiageru | |
知るしる (shiru)know | Respectful | ご存じ | ごぞんじ | gozonji |
Humble | 存じ上げる | ぞんじあげる | zonjiageru | |
聞くきく (kiku)ask / listen | Respectful | お聞きになる | おききになる | o-kiki ni naru |
Humble | 伺う | うかがう | ukagau |
- [Normal Polite] 彼は流れ星を見ました。 Kare wa nagareboshi o mimashita.
(“He saw a shooting star.”)
[Respectful] こちらのデータをご覧ください。Kochira no dēta o goran kudasai.
(“Please look at this data.”)
[Humble] 求人広告を拝見し、応募いたしました。Kyūjin kōkoku o haiken shi, ōbo itashimashita.
(“I saw the job advertisement and applied.”)
- [Normal Polite] 彼女は会議で意見を言いました。 Kanojo wa kaigi de iken o iimashita.
(“She gave her opinion in the meeting.”)
[Respectful] 社長は会議でご意見をおっしゃいました。Shachō wa kaigi de go-iken o osshaimashita.
(“The president gave her/his opinion in the meeting.”)
[Humble] 私は会議で意見を申し上げました。 Watashi wa kaigi de iken o mōshiagemashita.
(“I gave my opinion in the meeting.”)
- [Normal Polite] この新しい技術を知っていますか。 Kono atarashii gijutsu o shitte imasu ka.
(“Do you know this new technology?”)
[Respectful] この新しい技術をご存じですか。 Kono atarashii gijutsu o gozonji desu ka.
(“Do you know this new technology?”)
[Humble] この新しい技術を存じ上げております。 Kono atarashii gijutsu o zonjiagete orimasu.
(“I know this new technology.”)
6. Conclusion
In this article, we introduced the most frequently used advanced Japanese words, including nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, and sophisticated alternative words. Although the Kanji is difficult at this level, once you conquer it, you’ll be able to successfully work in Japan and watch any Japanese movie without stress!
If you would like to learn more about the Japanese language and pick up other useful Japanese phrases for different situations, you’ll find more helpful content on JapanesePod101.com. We provide a variety of free lessons to help you improve your Japanese-language skills.
If you want to review and check your knowledge of the intermediate level, the following articles will be very useful: Intermediate Japanese Words, Essential Business Japanese, and Japanese Phone Phrases. On the other hand, if you’re ready to press onward, then we recommend visiting our advanced Japanese course.
And there’s so much more! Learn Japanese faster and enjoy studying at JapanesePod101.com!
Before you go, let us know in the comments if there are Japanese words related to any specific topic you want to know! We’d be glad to help, and we look forward to hearing from you!