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Advanced Japanese Lesson: 化ける (to transform oneself)



さて、「訛」という漢字を見たことがありますか? これは「なまり」と読みます。方言のことですね。直接的には「本来の姿を変えたことば」を意味していますが、地方によって表現の仕方が変化している言い回しのことを「なまり」というのです。

では、「革」が「化ける」とどうなりますか? 「靴」(くつ)になります。

さらに「木」が「花」のように「化ける」ときには? 「椛」(もみじ)という漢字になります。秋になるとカエデの葉は花のように赤や黄色に色づきます。日本人は、この様子を表わして「椛」という文字を作りました。



You learn the kanji 花 (hana) or “flower” at the beginning of your kanji study. If you take this character apart, it can be divided into 廾 (kusakanmuri) and 化 (ka). Back in the day people must have thought, “the  green leaves transform into red and white.” That’s why the symbol transformed as “the 草(廾)(kusa) that changes”.

The 化 can also be seen in the character 貨. This character means “money,” and shows that shells were used as currency. You can exchange money for many things. In other words money sometimes changes into other things.

Now, have you seen this kanji before 訛? This is read as namari. It means “dialect.” It directly means “a word that has changed its original figure” and expressions changing depending on the region are called namari.

Now, how about 革 (kawa) or leather that 化ける (bakeru)? That becomes 靴 “shoe.”

How about when a 木 (ki) or “tree” transforms 花 (hana) or “flower” like? It becomes the kanji 椛 (momiji). In autumn, the maple leaf changes into red and yellow colors like a flower. The Japanese made this character 椛 by describing the appearance.

The character 化 represents a person who has collapsed on the left side, and a person that is sitting on the right side. Another story is that the person on the left is standing and the other one is in a strange position. Whatever the reason, it indicates a different form from the original shape. That’s why kanji with the character 化 written represents some kind of change.

Advanced Japanese Lesson: 同じ漢字を3つ(Three same kanji)



では「轟」はどうでしょう。「車」が三台も走っていますよ。こんなに車の通りが激しいと、大きな音がするでしょうね。 Read the rest of this post »

Advanced Japanese Lesson: 海のつく動物 (Animals that contain the “sea” character)



では、「海象」は? 肌の質感がゾウに似た海の生き物…セイウチです。確かに両者とも、灰色でごつごつ、ざらざらした皮膚をしていますからね。

さらに、「海猟」は? この他にも「猟虎」と書いて同じ読み方をする生き物ですよ。「ラッコ」と読みます。ラッコはイタチの仲間で、外見も似ていますね。しかも、毛皮が珍重されて狩猟対象だった(「海」と「狩猟」の「猟」の文字を組み合わせて「ラッコ」と読ませていますよ)ことも共通点です。

最後に、「海栗」は? 寿司のネタとしても人気の高いおいしい生き物であることがヒントです。これは「ウニ」と読みます。栗のような黄色い色合いといい、甘みといい、まさにウニは「海の栗」といえるでしょう。


Can you read the kanji 海豚?

Since the character 海 or “sea” can been seen, you can guess that it has something to do with marine life.  However, it is hard to imagine something that lives in the sea that looks like a 豚 or “pig”.  This is read as iruka or“dolphin.”  Since it is also a mammal, as well as classified as being part of the artiodactyl family in biology, this kanji was chosen.

Then, what’s 海象?  The marine animal that has the same skin texture as an elephant… it is a walrus. It is true that both have gray, rough, rugged skin.

Additionally, what’s 海猟? This can also be written as 猟虎 and read the same way.  It is read as rakko or “sea otter.” The sea otter is part of the weasel family and its appearance also looks similar.  It was also a target for hunting since its fur was of high value (combining 海 or “sea” and the 猟 from 狩猟 or “hunting” is read as sea otter.) which is also a common point.

Lastly, how about 海栗?  A clue is that it is also a popular and delicious topping for sushi. This is read as uni or “sea urchin”.  Having a yellow hue like a chestnut, as well as having the sweetness, it can be said that the sea urchin is the “ocean’s chestnut”.

If you look at these ways of reading that are particular to Japan, you can picture the trouble taken to apply the right kanji.

Advanced Japanese Lesson: 看護と介護 (kango to kaigo)


まず、「看護」を考えてみましょう。「看」の文字は、「目」の上に「手」が添えられています。これは、手をかざしてじっと見ることを意味しているのです。つまり、ただ漠然と目に映るものを見ているのではなく、「見る対象を注意深く見る、見守る」という見方を表わしています。 Read the rest of this post »

Advanced Japanese Lesson: 雨かんむり(Ame kanmuri)







The kanji 雨 or “rain” is a representation of how rain falls from the sky, and is a character that looks like a drawing.  Now, if you write the character下 or “below” under 雨, how would you read the character?

The anwer is shizuku or drop.  This way of reading is particular to Japan, and this kanji does not represent water trickling in China.  Furthermore, the character 滴 or “drop” as in 水滴 or “water drop”,  is used for water other than rain, for example the “drops in shower water” or “tears”.  Generally, only rain drops are represented by the 雫 character.

Now, what do you think the kanji 雲 or “cloud” has to do with rain?  The 云 or “speak about” under 雨 represents “the rising vapors blocked in an area like a ceiling, and appears to be misty” with its lines.  In other words, “clouds” are “misty filling vapors.”  Additionally, 云 can be found in the kanji 魂 or “spirit”, since spirits are not something that have shape, but rather they’re this misty thing that is believed to “somehow or someway be there.”

By the way, what do you think of 電 or “electricity”?  A long time ago, the character 申 or “to report” was written under 雨, but gradually it changed to the character shape today.  申 represents the long stretch of lightning that stretches to the ground (申 can also be seen in the kanji 伸 or “stretch”).

Furthermore, can you read the kanji 霧 or “fog”? This is read as kiri.  The 務 or “task” under 雨 means “searching for by fumbling”,  since in a fog, the misty vapors block the surrounding view, one needs to feel their way through.  When this situation is represented in kanji,  it becomes霧.

Lastly, 霜 or “frost” is read as shimo.  The 相 or “together” portion means “vertically facing each other, separately standing in a line”, and is said that the kanji was made after seeing icicles lined vertically.

Originally, 相 is 木 or “tree” + 目 or “eye”,  and these are aligned facing each other, which describes looking at a tree with your eyes.  相 can also be found in the character for the national sport 相撲 or “sumo”. This is because the match starts with two wrestlers standing and facing each other.

Advanced Japanese Lesson: 水に関する漢字




「洗濯」のように「洗」に組み合わされる「濯」にも「さんずい」が見られますよ。右側は「羽+隹」。「隹」の部分は、他の漢字でもよく見かけませんか? 「隹」は「とり」と読み、「鳥」を表わしています。字形が似ていますものね。木の上に鳥がたくさんいると「集」という文字になり、「あつまる」と読みます。また、「焦」は「こがす、こげる」と読み、鳥を火であぶってちりちりと焦がす様子が漢字になっています。鳥がすいすいと飛んで前に進むから「進」という文字には「隹」がいますね。





It is said that a person’s body is 60% water. We cannot survive without water, and it is needless to say that civilizations have grown in areas where there’s water.

There are also many kanji that relate to 水 or “water”.  The radical called sanzui seen on the left of a kanji, has as many as 642 references in even a standard Japanese dictionary.  Among them, let me introduce you to a few kanji that are frequently used in our everyday lives.

The 先 or “point” that is found in 洗,  is 足+人 or “leg + person”,  and represents the tip of your feet. Between each toe, there’s some space. The act of washing between these spaces is 洗う or “to wash”.

In 洗濯 or “laundry” the 濯 that is constructed with 洗 also has a sanzui. The right side is 羽 or “wing”+隹.
Do you see the 隹 part in other kanji?  隹 is read as tori and represents a 鳥 or “bird”.  The shape of the characters look alike.  If there are many birds on a tree, you get the character 集 which is read as atsumaru or “gather”.  Also, 焦 is read as kogasu, kogeru or “burn”, and it’s a kanji that represents a chicken if you roast it over a fire and burn it.  進 or “advance” contains隹 because a bird smoothly flies forward.

Going back to the topic, 濯 contains the image of a bird raising its wings high, by quickly raising the things being washed, then putting them back in water, then raising them again… and in this image the formation of the kanji represents the movement of the washing.

Now, how about 沈 or “sink”.
is 牛+川 or “cow + river”, and it represents the ritual of sinking a cow in a river. Also, since 枕 or “pillow” is a piece of bedding to sink your head into, that’s why you write木 or “wood”+

The opposite kanji for the meaning of sink is 浮 or “float”.  Now, how about this. On the right, you have 爪+子 or child, and 爪 represents the nails on your hand.    When you represent the image of protecting a young child with your hand it looks like this, 孚 or “nourish”, and the image of floating face down as if you’re dearly holding the water has become 浮.

Advanced Japanese Lesson:凩 (kogarashi)

凩…この漢字を見たことがありますか? 何と読むのでしょうか。



では、「風が止まる」と書く「凪」という漢字はどう読むのでしょうか? これは「なぎ」と読みます。朝夕に風が止まる状態や時間帯を「朝凪(あさなぎ)」「夕凪(ゆうなぎ)」と呼びます。


Have you ever seen the character 凩? How do you read it.
A hint: it’s a kanji related to winter. Also, please look closely at the character’s formation. It looks like the character 風 (kaze), “wind”, doesn’t it?

The answer is こがらし(kogarashi). It’s generally written 木枯し.
こがらし means a cold north wind that blows at the beginning of winter, shaking the leaves from the trees.
The character 凩 is classified as 国字 (こくじ), or characters newly created in Japan which imitate Chinese kanji. In short, they’re 和製漢字 (わせいかんじ), or “Japanese-made kanji”. こがらし is “a wind (几) which blows cold enough to kill the trees”, so hence the character 凩 was devised.

A character used when talking about New Year games, 凧 (tako), is also Japanese-made. The radical 巾 which can be seen in the centre of 風(几)is equivalent to 布, which means “cloth” (you can also see 巾 in the centre of 布, can’t you?). “Cloth that soars on the wind” = a kite (凧).

So, how would we read the character meaning “the wind ceasing” (凪)? It’s read なぎ (nagi). A state or period of time in which the wind does not blow from morning to night is called 朝凪(asa nagi), “morning calm” and 夕凪(yuu nagi), “evening calm”.

So as you can see, native Japanese kanji were created in a way that is almost similar to wordplay and word association games. It’s also fun to ask your friends “Can you read this kanji?”, and then teach them how.

Learn Japanese Kanji – Everyday Kanji (Japanese Vending Machines)

Hi everyone!
Welcome to Everyday Kanji! In this series, we’re going to present pictures of kanji seen in various places in Japan taken by the team members at That’s right – kanji seen and used everyday!

The theme for this week is kanji found on vending machines. Let’s take a look!

Everyday Kanji week 22 - Vending Machine ①
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Learn Japanese Kanji – Everyday Kanji (Filling Out Forms at the Bank)

Hi everyone!
Welcome to Everyday Kanji! In this series, we’re going to present pictures of kanji seen in various places in Japan taken by the team members at That’s right – kanji seen and used everyday!

The theme for this week is kanji found on forms at the bank. Let’s take a look!

Everyday Kanji week 21 - Filling Out Forms at the Bank ①

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Learn Japanese Kanji – Everyday Kanji (Special Occassion Money Envelopes)

Hi everyone!
Welcome to Everyday Kanji! In this series, we’re going to present pictures of kanji seen in various places in Japan taken by the team members at That’s right – kanji seen and used everyday!

The theme for this week is kanji found on envelopes used to put money into for special occassions. Let’s take a look!

Everyday Kanji 20 - Special Occassion Money Enevelopes ①

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