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Breakdowns of the Kanji in These Sentences

You know the following breakdown:

雲間 (kumoma: a break between clouds)     cloud + interval

Here are breakdowns of the other kanji in the sentences containing 雲間:

Taiyō ga kumoma kara kao o dashita.
The sun came out from behind the clouds.

太陽 (taiyō: sun)     big around + sunshine
顔を出す (kao o dasu: to turn up, to put in an appearance)
     face + to come out

Tsuki ga aojiroi kao o kumoma kara misehajimeta.
The moon began to show her pale face from behind the clouds.

(tsuki: moon)
青白い (aojiroi: pale; blue and white)     blue + white
(kao: face)
見せ始める (misehajimeru: to begin to show)

This compound is a combination of two verbs:

見せる (miseru: to show)
始める (hajimeru: to begin)

The 始める acts as a verb suffix, indicating that the action in the preceding verb (見せる) has begun to happen.

Apparently, the sun and moon have faces (, kao) in Japan! And in the second sentence, someone has translated “blue-white” (青白い, aojiroi) as “pale”! What poetry Japanese gives us!

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