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Two More Ways of Drawing a Line

There are at least two other ways of saying “to draw a line.”

線を引く (sen o hiku: to draw a line (on paper))
     line + to draw, pull

This phrase has a strictly literal meaning: using pencil and paper to draw a line, as one might in a math class.

A kara B made sen o hikinasai.
Draw a line from A to B.

(sen: line)

一線を画する (issen o kakusuru: to draw a (territorial boundary) line)     one + line + to draw a line

This expression is used figuratively, as in the following sentence:

Watashi wa hoshuha to wa issen o

I drew a line between myself and conservatives.

(watashi: I)
保守 (hoshuha: conservatives)
     to conserve + to protect + faction

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