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Archive for the 'Advanced Japanese' Category

Advanced Japanese Lesson: 桃太郎のなぞ

「桃太郎」は、日本人なら誰もが知っている昔話の一つです。この話のあらすじを紹介しておきましょう。 Read the rest of this post »

Advanced Japanese Lesson: 結婚式の言葉

今日は、この結婚にまつわることばについて紹介しましょう。 Read the rest of this post »

Advanced Japanese Lesson: れんが (renga)

漢字では「連火」と表わし、「れっか(列火)」とも呼ばれます。「火」を表わす記号が漢字の下の部分につく場合、四つの点「灬」になるのです。今日は、この「れんが」を部首に持つ漢字を紹介しましょう。 Read the rest of this post »

Advanced Japanese Lesson:おふくろの味






Have you ever heard of the expression ofukuro no aji or “mother flavored”?

Ofukuro means mother. The sentence construction is the same as “banana flavored” and “apple flavored”, but you don’t lick your mother and taste her with “mother flavored”.

“Mother flavored” means “a meal that has been made by your mother”. It’s especially used when you’re an adult and you miss the home cooked meals that you grew up eating during your childhood years. Unlike meals at restaurants, home cooked meals vary in ingredients, flavoring and method of cooking from home to home. And since the taste that your own family had been eating contains many memories with your family, your “mother flavored” is thought as likeable.

For the Japanese, the foods that come to mind when they hear “mother flavored” are the Japanese everyday food on the table such as miso soup, simmered meat and potatoes, burdock root and more. Additionally, more men than women miss “mother flavored” and tend to feel that it tastes good. The reason for this is thought that because in Japan, there are more situations where the women cooks, and can use the flavor they’ve been eating as a base for cooking, whereas the men don’t have much of an opportunity to recreate “mother flavored” by cooking for themselves.

By the way, the word ofukuro has been used since the Muromachi period, and there’s a theory to its origin. The representative theory is that since the mother managed money by putting it in a bag, the mother was called fukuro or bag, and the polite prefix o was added onto it, thus making it ofukuro. However, the accurate derivation is unknown.

Advanced Japanese Lesson: ネコとハトとサメ


一見、何のつながりもなさそうですが、実は三種類とも身体の状態を表わすときに登場する動物なのです。 Read the rest of this post »

Advanced Japanese Lesson:大と太と犬

「大」と「太」と「犬」。この三つの漢字はとてもよく似ています。それぞれどのような成り立ちで生まれた文字なのでしょうか。 Read the rest of this post »

Advanced Japanese Lesson: 化ける (to transform oneself)



さて、「訛」という漢字を見たことがありますか? これは「なまり」と読みます。方言のことですね。直接的には「本来の姿を変えたことば」を意味していますが、地方によって表現の仕方が変化している言い回しのことを「なまり」というのです。

では、「革」が「化ける」とどうなりますか? 「靴」(くつ)になります。

さらに「木」が「花」のように「化ける」ときには? 「椛」(もみじ)という漢字になります。秋になるとカエデの葉は花のように赤や黄色に色づきます。日本人は、この様子を表わして「椛」という文字を作りました。



You learn the kanji 花 (hana) or “flower” at the beginning of your kanji study. If you take this character apart, it can be divided into 廾 (kusakanmuri) and 化 (ka). Back in the day people must have thought, “the  green leaves transform into red and white.” That’s why the symbol transformed as “the 草(廾)(kusa) that changes”.

The 化 can also be seen in the character 貨. This character means “money,” and shows that shells were used as currency. You can exchange money for many things. In other words money sometimes changes into other things.

Now, have you seen this kanji before 訛? This is read as namari. It means “dialect.” It directly means “a word that has changed its original figure” and expressions changing depending on the region are called namari.

Now, how about 革 (kawa) or leather that 化ける (bakeru)? That becomes 靴 “shoe.”

How about when a 木 (ki) or “tree” transforms 花 (hana) or “flower” like? It becomes the kanji 椛 (momiji). In autumn, the maple leaf changes into red and yellow colors like a flower. The Japanese made this character 椛 by describing the appearance.

The character 化 represents a person who has collapsed on the left side, and a person that is sitting on the right side. Another story is that the person on the left is standing and the other one is in a strange position. Whatever the reason, it indicates a different form from the original shape. That’s why kanji with the character 化 written represents some kind of change.

Advanced Japanese Lesson: 同じ漢字を3つ(Three same kanji)



では「轟」はどうでしょう。「車」が三台も走っていますよ。こんなに車の通りが激しいと、大きな音がするでしょうね。 Read the rest of this post »

Advanced Japanese Lesson: 海のつく動物 (Animals that contain the “sea” character)



では、「海象」は? 肌の質感がゾウに似た海の生き物…セイウチです。確かに両者とも、灰色でごつごつ、ざらざらした皮膚をしていますからね。

さらに、「海猟」は? この他にも「猟虎」と書いて同じ読み方をする生き物ですよ。「ラッコ」と読みます。ラッコはイタチの仲間で、外見も似ていますね。しかも、毛皮が珍重されて狩猟対象だった(「海」と「狩猟」の「猟」の文字を組み合わせて「ラッコ」と読ませていますよ)ことも共通点です。

最後に、「海栗」は? 寿司のネタとしても人気の高いおいしい生き物であることがヒントです。これは「ウニ」と読みます。栗のような黄色い色合いといい、甘みといい、まさにウニは「海の栗」といえるでしょう。


Can you read the kanji 海豚?

Since the character 海 or “sea” can been seen, you can guess that it has something to do with marine life.  However, it is hard to imagine something that lives in the sea that looks like a 豚 or “pig”.  This is read as iruka or“dolphin.”  Since it is also a mammal, as well as classified as being part of the artiodactyl family in biology, this kanji was chosen.

Then, what’s 海象?  The marine animal that has the same skin texture as an elephant… it is a walrus. It is true that both have gray, rough, rugged skin.

Additionally, what’s 海猟? This can also be written as 猟虎 and read the same way.  It is read as rakko or “sea otter.” The sea otter is part of the weasel family and its appearance also looks similar.  It was also a target for hunting since its fur was of high value (combining 海 or “sea” and the 猟 from 狩猟 or “hunting” is read as sea otter.) which is also a common point.

Lastly, how about 海栗?  A clue is that it is also a popular and delicious topping for sushi. This is read as uni or “sea urchin”.  Having a yellow hue like a chestnut, as well as having the sweetness, it can be said that the sea urchin is the “ocean’s chestnut”.

If you look at these ways of reading that are particular to Japan, you can picture the trouble taken to apply the right kanji.

Advanced Japanese Lesson: ちゃうちゃう (Chau chau)



さて、このAさんとBさんがそれぞれ何を伝えているのか、理解することができますか? Read the rest of this post »