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Re: study stool flashcards are broken again

Postby pervbate » November 25th, 2014 10:38 am

I use microsoft windows. My username is posted on this thread, and the issue has been stated numerous times by different users.
Hundreds of cards are 'due now' even though I stay on top of the cards daily, and the same cards appear again and again without going away when they should be due in 1.5 years or so. Clicking on an individual deck that might say 1 card due now, will list 10 or more cards due, and they are not even cards related to that lesson. Please have the tech department fix this problem.

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Re: study stool flashcards are broken again

Postby adelholtz_499460 » November 25th, 2014 11:13 am


doesn't matter which system is used, the algorithm which is being used is just broken and on top it seems to me that some database Tables are corrupted.
Simply to verify this i created a new Deck (import from lesson) and started some sessions. I have around 500 cards in this deck. After a few test runs i stopped and checked the progress. Every Card i saw had been updated to 4% which is plain wrong, it should be at 1%.
The SRS algorithm is completely messed up. Can't study like that.
The way it is now you can effectivley start 1000+ cards per day as new cards with each card just been seeing once. That totally goes against the principles of SRS.

Flashcards are right now afaik unusable.
Last week there has been a maintenance somewhere in your system, and this maintenance fucked up everything. Don't know what exactly went wrong but smth definitely did go wrong.
Also i the way it looks for me, the structure you are using to represent data in your databases is bad. You obv don't use foreign keys or any similar principle cause if you would do we wouldnt have problems of unrelated cards showing up in Decks we never even added.

A statement of someone responsible for this mess would be nice. I paid around $160 to use this service and cant make use of it. Please do smth about it.

just to make this more clear :
- core world lists are unusable due to Flashcard Problems
- Lesson Vocab is unusable due to Flashcard Problems
- Flashcards as a whole (that means old decks) are unusable cause they either got reset or/and give you words you never even added
- Flashcard Decks are corrupted - words got switched out, new ones added some completely disappeared
- SRS algorithm seems to be broken
- The display of due cards and the display of total percentage done of an individual card is definitely broken
- if you create a new Flashcard deck, everything of the stuff above comes into paly which make it impossible to use lists that have more than 50 words....

Again: Please FIX!

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Re: study stool flashcards are broken again

Postby laemus » November 25th, 2014 12:19 pm

Textbook JPod reply from laura, there, serving no purpose but to infuriate people with a whole load of nothing.

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Re: study stool flashcards are broken again

Postby pervbate » November 26th, 2014 10:28 am

The flashcards are still a mess. What's going on over there? It's been at least a week now. There hasn't been any notices or explanations from you as to what you're doing or when it will be fixed. Are us paid premium members going to receive any kind of compensation for the down time we're unable to use premium features?

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Re: Flash card decks are breaking/corrupted.

Postby team.relationships » November 26th, 2014 9:56 pm


Thank you for your message. We had experienced some problems with flashcards, but we hope to have it fixed.

In case you still experience problem please kindly write to us at .


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Re: study stool flashcards are broken again

Postby team.relationships » November 26th, 2014 9:56 pm


Thank you for your message. We had experienced some problems with flashcards, but we hope to have it fixed.

In case you still experience problem please kindly write to us at .


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Re: study stool flashcards are broken again

Postby laemus » November 27th, 2014 2:18 pm

Now they're broken in a different way: every time I start a deck of 20, they're all Recognition with romaji.

This is getting quite ridiculous.

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Re: study stool flashcards are broken again

Postby mmmason8967 » November 27th, 2014 6:26 pm

laemus wrote:Now they're broken in a different way: every time I start a deck of 20, they're all Recognition with romaji.

I'm not seeing this. My decks are behaving more-or-less as expected now--there are a few cards that seem to have reset to zero percent complete, but otherwise the decks don't seem to be misbehaving.


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Re: study stool flashcards are broken again

Postby adelholtz_499460 » November 27th, 2014 8:29 pm

SRS for new Cards is still broken.

You just get Recognition with Romaji and Kana ONE TIME and then get new cards.
In Theory those cards should still count as new and you should get another form of recognition like Voice or Kanji. That does not happen.
So its still unusable if you have a large amount of new cards like Core Word Lists ect.

This was all working fine like about 7 days ago. So how can you mess a fine running system like that? I just don't get it.

and please refrain from writing smth like: Please write an Email with the details of the issue and so and so forth....
This is not helping in any way and negates the purpose of a Technical Support Forum.
If you want customers to write Emails about Technical Issues or Problems they encounter on the site, state this clearly in prominent way and point and don't put a Support Forum where issues are not really dealt with and people get no help.

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Re: study stool flashcards are broken again

Postby Loki64_500765 » November 28th, 2014 10:09 am

it is still not fixed - since that flascard reset from more then week ago i have card that have 100% but in reality they are consider as new unless i answer them (then - they are reset to 0%). is this gonna be fixed or not ?! best would be to reset vocab list to state it was 9 days from now. And of course as ussual - some cards was change from them like, number 6 i had saved there only with hiragana and not with kanji as i had before). and of course - i had no informative response (just the generated message like "there is something happening so thank you for noticing us) from previous message/mail - suprise suprise ...

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Re: Flash card decks are breaking/corrupted.

Postby Loki64_500765 » November 29th, 2014 9:05 pm

it's broken again, after your "fix" it does same thing again. i am just so tired by your inability to make your vocab list functional. Maybe is this error because of flascard reset from 20.11.2014(or 19.11) but it starting to be imposible to use your flashcard system. I would like to know if these kind of errors are common on these sites or if this is just first time thing (i am here for only a half year).

also - i would like to know if you sometimes delete some words from your vocab database. I asked that before but it seems you sometimes don't read whole messages.

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Re: study tool flashcards are broken again

Postby patrick_harnett » November 30th, 2014 12:29 am

It is odd that flash-cards get broken when they did work for so long - perhaps an "improvement" broke them.

Anyway, doing some study ahead of the JLPT next week and I still find the "study all" is not working, but my individual decks seem to be ok at the moment.

(as for device, I use either a win7 laptop or sometimes samsung S3 mobile)


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Re: study tool flashcards are broken again

Postby Kythyss_501387 » November 30th, 2014 3:51 am

While now, they are remembering progress, I am now back to getting random replacements of words with, in some cases words that have similar kanji. In other cases words that have no relevence with it's replacement. For Example, 財布 being replaced with 物.

Please do fix this so that every session I am not having to go in and remove the word/s that were not part of the lesson and replacing them with the correct words from the vocabulary.

Also, noticed that just now a new word was added to the vocab in a lesson that, not only did the word not appear in the vocabulary in the lesson. It also was not mentioned nor said in the audio or the PDF, so it just wandered in on it's own.

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Re: study tool flashcards are broken again

Postby patrick_harnett » November 30th, 2014 4:42 am

Yes, occasionally words are updated or changed - I just hit kaimasu (to buy) for the first time in the 300 series list. It does seem a bit random - because I have no idea why zehi (certainly) suddenly appeared in the "Earth Day" list.

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wordbank "ghost cards" flashcards

Postby Loki64_500765 » November 30th, 2014 10:25 am

after finishing all "Due now" cards in wordbank flashcards there are still 2 left, but if i click "study" button it shows 0 remaining. can you please fix that?

PS: i have also send this message to

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