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EC2953 の Progress (Beginner)

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Re: EC2953 の Progress (Beginner)

Postby ec2953 » February 2nd, 2015 11:32 pm

Hello again everyone !


It's been a while since the time I posted last ^.^

So as I said, I started to browse the Lower Intermediate Level series that I will study in parallel with the Beginner S2.

Here is where I am currently at:

Monday, February 2nd, 2015

Beginner S1

158 (~12) -> still haven't pursued the mastery of the last lessons but will do so soon

Beginner S2


Lower Intermediate (Japanese for Everyday Life)

(~4) -> Very interesting concept ! I think it works well !

Lower Intermediate S1

Last edited by ec2953 on February 3rd, 2015 12:08 am, edited 3 times in total.

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Re: EC2953 の Progress (Beginner)

Postby ec2953 » February 2nd, 2015 11:40 pm


I have worked last week on some abstracts of the book "The Little Prince" (星の王子様 / ほしのおうじさま)which I have in bilingual version in my mother tongue.

If you guys need the translation, I can try to make one for you in English (which isn't my native language). If you went as far as I did, I think it shouldn't be that hard provided that I listed the vocabulary underneath the text below.

This is one of the pages I dived into (page 19 from my version):


「違う、違う!ボア大蛇に呑まれた象なんか、欲しくないよ。ボア大蛇、それはすごく危険なんだ。それに象、それはすごく場所ふさぎだよ。僕んとこは、とっても狭いんだ。 羊が必要なんだよ。僕に羊を書いて。」


羊(ひつじ): sheep
描く(かく): to draw
たった : just
坊や(ぼうや): boy
耳にする(みみ): to hear, to hear by chance, to hear by accident
唖然とする(あぜん): to become dumbfounded / in mute amazement
の内(うち): between, among
飲まれる/ 呑まれる(のまれる): to be swallowed up, to be engulfed / to be overwhelmed
なんか: things like ... or something like that
危険(きけん): dangerous
像(ぞう): elephant
塞ぐ(ふさぐ): (here) to occupy, to fill up, to take up / to stand in the way, to obstruct
僕んとこ(ぼくんとこ): at my place
そこで : so, accordingly, now, then, thereupon, therefore
じっと : motionlessly (eg. Stand, wait), (be) still / fixedly (eg. Gaze, stare), intently (eg. Listen, think)
深い(ふかい): deep, profound, dense ...
注意深い(ちゅういぶかい): careful
眺める(ながめる): to view, to gaze at
罹る(かかる): to suffer from
書き直す(かきなおす): to write out, to rewrite
寛大(かんだい): tolerance, generosity
げ: seeming, giving the appearance of, giving one the feeling of
にっこり: smile sweetly, smile, grin
大人しい(おとなしい): obedient, docile, quiet
大人しい羊 = ムートン
オス (=雄): male (animal)
角(つの): (here) horn, antlers
前作(ぜんさく): previous work, preceding work
前作と同じように。。。: like the preceding works
拒否(きょひ): rejection, refusal
年寄り(としより): old people, aged
うんと:a great deal, very much, a lot
長生き(ながいき): long life, longevity
分解(ぶんかい): disassembly, dismantling
我慢(がまん): patience, endurance, perseverance
書きなぐる(かきなぐる): to scribble (write quickly), to dash off (griffonner)
放つ(はなつ): to give off (eg. A scent), to emit (eg. Light)
Last edited by ec2953 on February 3rd, 2015 12:08 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: EC2953 の Progress (Beginner)

Postby ec2953 » February 3rd, 2015 12:01 am

Last but not least, this is also of great importance in my studies, as I bought today a book that is very very difficult for me.

Guess what purchase I made !


Yeah, I bought the 新完全マスター(しんかんぜん)文法(ぶんぽう)which is designed to help students to prepare for the JLPT or Japanese Language Proficiency Test (here for the grammar). However, how surprisingly it may be, I didn't get the one for the N4 ... but for the N2 !! I know this sounds crazy, as I read somewhere that the JLPT N2 is somehow above the Upper Intermediate Level series of (please correct me if I am wrong, but anyways JP101's main focus isn't on the preparation of the JLPT although we can currently find a section that is specifically built up for N5-N4-N3's prep).

The reason why I got the one for the N2 (Grammar) is that I think the earlier we get to know some grammatical points (without having to master them), the easier it is to deal with it later when the time comes. I believe that our brain will remember at some future point some of the constructions, even if it means a few years later (it wouldn't be that easily lost compared to vocabulary). I think that Japanesepod101 is doing a great job to help us build up a solid vocabulary base, so I am relatively confident that grammar is more important at this stage as it would render things much easier when I listen to later lessons. Plus, I would practice my reading skills even though I am not quite sure of the accuracy of my current understanding of the example sentences from the Kanzen N2 Grammar book.

I read a lot on Google my friend that the Kanzen (Grammar) is really good, esp. for the grammar section. It appears that one of its "competitor" which is the Nihongo Sou-Matome is nice too but isn't as comprehensive as the Kanzen despite providing translations in different languages such as English, Chinese and Korean where the Kanzen provides explanations only in Japanese.

I don't know much about the other books so far so this is what I know right now from my limited knowledge.

I will try to provide from times to times the translations of the example sentences of the Kanzen, and hope that I will be able to get some help for the corrections as I believe this might help everyone out here in the future ^.^

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Re: EC2953 の Progress (Beginner)

Postby community.japanese » February 3rd, 2015 7:42 am

いつもながら勉強熱心ですね。You are study hard as usual. :P

What is a hard work is your translation!
すごいですね。 :)

I am not sure the original sentences so I can’t comment on the translation.
However, one thing, I have to point out the difference between 書く and 描く.
書くmeans “write” and 描くmeans “draw”.
I think you should use 描く.

Yuki 由紀

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Re: EC2953 の Progress (Beginner)

Postby ec2953 » February 5th, 2015 9:58 pm

相変わらずいつもながらいろいろありがとう Yuki 先生 ^.^ !

Indeed, I noticed this difference too, however it appears that sometimes both kanji are used to express the same thing =(
Maybe it is a mistake?

Moreover, the kanji that is used by the author in のまれる is 飲(飲まれる)and I firmly believe that it should be 呑 like in Chinese (to swallow), so I guess any further mistakes (?) shouldn't be unexpected :?

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Re: EC2953 の Progress (Beginner)

Postby ec2953 » February 5th, 2015 10:02 pm

Ok everyone, to be honest the 新完全マスター (N2) is way too hard for me, I cannot grasp the different nuances across the grammar points that are covered as it might sometimes be very difficult to translate correctly the sentences.

So I purchased yesterday the 新完全マスター(文法) for the JLPT N3 ! It is way easier so far and I hope that once I finish the book the one for the N2 won't be troublesome anymore.

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Re: EC2953 の Progress (Beginner)

Postby ec2953 » February 5th, 2015 11:42 pm

JLPT N3 Grammar (Vocabulary from the Shin Kanzen Master Grammar book N3)

Hi there, I will post here the new vocabulary words from the 新完全マスター(文法 Grammar)from the first and second courses (1課・2課). Given copyright issues, I don't think I should try to translate the example sentences from the book here, although it might have tremendously helped everyone out.

Page 16 to 19

1) 〜うちに


溶ける(とける):to melt, to thaw, to fuse, to dissolve
庭(にわ): courtyard, garden, yard
状態(じょうたい):current status, condition, situation, circumstances, state
動作(どうさ): action, movement, operation
変化する(へんかする):to change, to alter
表す(あらわす): to reveal, to show, to display
意識的(いしきてき): conscious, deliberate

曲(きょく): music, melody, composition
重ねる(かさねる):to pile up, to put something on top of another, to stack up / to repeat many times over, to go through something repeatedly  
弾ける(ひける):to play (guitar, piano)
気がつく(きがつく): to notice, to become aware, to perceive, to realise
外は暗くになっていた : it was becoming dark outside
話者(わしゃ):speaker, narrator
意識(いしき): consciousness, awareness, sense
話者の意識が入らない(文):without the volition of the speaker

2) 〜 間 ・ 〜間に

昼寝(ひるね):nap, siesta
旅行で留守の間:while being away in vacation
うちの犬の世話を:to look after our dog
出かける(でかける):to go out, to leave, to depart, to start, to set out
遊びに出かける:to go play
草(くさ):grass, herbs, weeds
生える(はえる):to grow, to spring up, to sprout / to cut (teeth)
ずっとする:to continuously do something (to keep doing something)

3) 〜 てからでないと ・ 〜でからでなければ

相談する(そうだんする):to consult, to discuss
かどうか:whether or not
買うかどうか:I don’t know whether I buy or not
運転免許(うんてんめんきょ):driver’s license
治る(なおる): to be cured, to get well, to be healed
激しい(はげしい):violent, furious / extreme, intense, fierce
激しい運動:intense sport
否定的(ひていてき):negative, contradictory

4) 〜ところだ・ところ
〜ところ + を / で / へ

ロケット: rocket
間もなく(まもなく): soon, in a short time
飛び立つ(とびたつ):to jump up, to leap to one’s feet, to fly away, to take off
緊張(きんちょう):tension, nervousness, mental strain
瞬間(しゅんかん):moment, second, instant
試験中(しけんちゅう):during the examination 
注意される(ちゅうい):to get noticed
出来上がる・でき上がる(できあがる):to be completed, to be finished to be ready
直前(ちょくぜん):just before
進行中(しんこうちゅう):ongoing, in progress , afoot
直後(ちょくご):immediately following
文中では(ぶんちゅう):in the sentence

5) 〜とおりだ ・ 〜とうり(に)
〜どおりだ ・ 〜どおり(に)

交番(こうばん): Police box / alternation
迷う(まよう): to lose one’s way
迷わす(まよわす):to puzzle, perplex, bewilder, delude, mislead, fascinate
会場(かいじょう):assembly hall, meeting place, venue, grounds
期待 ( きたい): Expectation / hope / anticipation

6) 〜 によって ・ 〜によっては

感じ方 : The way of feeling
様々(さまざま): varied, various
帰宅(きたく): returning home
帰宅時間(きたくじかん): time one returns home
夜中(よなか):midnight, dead of night
文化祭(ぶんかさい): school festival / arts festival / cultural festival
中止する(ちゅうしする): to suspend, to stop

7) 〜 たびに

一定(いってい):fixed, certain, constant, definite
地方(ちほう):district, region, area, locality
害(がい):harm, injury
大水の害がおこる:harm due to flood happens
毎回同じように。。。する: like every time
特に(とく):especially, particularly
日常(にちじょう):ordinary, regular, everyday, usual
当然(とうぜん):natural, as a matter of course

8)(〜ば)〜ほど ・ (〜なら)〜ほど ・ ほど

整理(せいり):sorting, organization, putting in order
時間がたつ:the time passes
価値が上がる(かち):the value is increasing
休みの日:day off
多ければ:if it’s plenty, if there’s a lot
町(まち):town, village
にぎやかなほど:bustling, busy, lively (to that extent)
商店(しょうてん):shop, small store, business, firm
時間の使い方が上手:good at using time / time management
程度(ていど):degree, amount, grade

9) 〜ついでに

ついでに:incidentally, taking the opportunity, while you are at it, on the occasion
はがき / ハガキ:postcard
ポストに出してくる:so send (by putting it inside a postbox, mailbox)
玄関(げんかん):entranceway, entry hall, vestibule
玄関の掃除:cleaning / dusting of the entranceway
靴の整理 : tidying of shoes
調べる(しらべる):to examine, to investigate, to check up, to sense, to study, to inquire, to search
機会を利用する(きかいをりよう):to use the opportunity / chance
同時(どうじ):simultaneously, concurrent, same time
同時にやってしまう:to be done at the same time
別々(べつべつ):separately, individually
本来(ほんらい):originally, primarily, essentially, naturally, by nature, in (and of) itself
行為(こうい):act, deed, conduct
加えて(くわえて): additionally, in addition, moreover, at the same time
加える(くわえる): to add, to add up, to sum up / to increase / to include, to count in, to let join
それに加えてする(くわえてする):that adds up in addition

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Re: EC2953 の Progress (Beginner)

Postby community.japanese » February 8th, 2015 4:22 am

今日は。 :D
飲む and 呑む have the same meaning.
However, 飲む is comparatively used for actual drinking liquid and 呑む is used in metaphorical sentences.
卵を呑んだ蛇 , 固唾を呑む and so on are often used so your sentence is good.

Yuki 由紀

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Re: EC2953 の Progress (Beginner)

Postby ec2953 » February 8th, 2015 5:30 pm

Hi Prof. Yuki !

Yes, thank you for your explanations :)

Have you read the book? ^^

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Re: EC2953 の Progress (Beginner)

Postby ec2953 » February 8th, 2015 5:33 pm

JLPT 3 (Kanzen Master - Grammar の Vocabulary 2)

Hello guys, here is the following vocabulary list that I made from the grammar book. I hope this can be helpful ! I'll try to keep mowing them down until I finish the book ! It is very time consuming but I think this is necessary when we are reading a new book ^^

Page 22 to 25

10) 〜くらいだ ・ 〜ぐらいだ / 〜くらい ・ ぐらい / ほど ・ ほどだ 

腕(うで):arm, ability, talent
折れる(おれる):to break, to snap, to fracture
細い(ほそい): thin, slender, fine
腕は折れそうなくらい細い :the wrist is so thin to the extent that it seems broken
天気予報(てんきよほう):weather forecast, weather report
によると:according to (someone)
吹く(ふく):to blow (wind), to play a wind instrument, to whistle / to burst into laughter
さす:(here) to pierce, to stag
かさをさす:to pierce an umbrella
雨が降ってる(ふってる):it’s raining
突然(とつぜん):abrupt, sudden, unexpected, all at once
痛み(いたみ):pain, ache, soreness, grief, distress
背中(せなか):back (of body)
本棚(ほんだな):bookshelves, bookshelf, bookcase
倒れる(たおれる):to fall, to collapse, to drop / to go bankrupt, to be ruined / to fall (governments, dictators)
揺れる(ゆれる):to shake, to sway
激しく揺れる: to shake violently
例える(たとえる):to speak comparatively, to illustrate, to use a simile
例えて言うと: figuratively speaking, metaphorically speaking, so to speak, to use a figure of speech

11) 〜 くらい。。。はない 〜ぐらい。。。はない 〜ほど。。。はない

動物好きな人(どうぶつずき):love of animals, animal loving
いやなもの:unpleasant, detestable thing
テストほど嫌な者はない:there’s nothing as disagreeable as tests
不安(ふあん): anxiety, uneasiness, insecurity, suspense
不安になる(ふあん):to become insecure
事実(じじつ):fact, truth, reality
主観的に言うときに使う:used when expressing (something subjective)

12) 〜 くらいなら 〜ぐらいなら

毎朝(まいあさ):every morning
弁当(べんとう):bento, Japanese lunch box
気が合う(きがあう):to get along (with someone)
生活する(せいかつする):to live
一緒に生活する :to live together
このまま:as (it) is
独身(どくしん):bachelorhood, single, unmarried, celibate
説明会に行く(せつめいかい):information session, briefing, explanatory meeting
参加する(さんか):to participate
我慢する(がまん):to endure, to persevere, to control oneself
体型(たいけい):figure, body shape, build, physique
〜のまま: as one likes (as it is)
体型のまま:current body shape (?)
構う(かまう): to mind, to care about, to be concerned about / to look after
調べる(しらべる):to examine, to investigate, to check up, to sense, to study, to inquire, to search

13) 〜 に限る(かぎる)

に限る:nothing better than
映画館(えいがかん):movie theatre, cinema
流行っている(はやっている):to be popular
流行る(はやる):to be popular, to come into fashion / to be prevalent, to spread widely (eg. disease), to be endemic
写真を撮る(しゃしんをとる): to take a snapshot, to take a picture

14) 〜に対して

に対して:towards, against, regarding, in contrast with
大雨(おおあめ):heavy rain
うちの課(か):our class
外遊び(そとあそび):playing outside
長男(ちょうなん):eldest son (may be the only son), first-born son
次男(じなん):second son
と対比的に(たいひてき):contrastive, contrasting, contradistinctive
はっきり : clearly, plainly , distinctly / to be clear, to be definite, to be certain, to be exact, to become clear, to clear up

15) 〜反面(はんめん)

反面: on the other hand, opposite side, reverse
都会(とかい):city, Tokyo Metropolitan Assembly
不便(ふべん):inconvenience , inexpediency, unhandiness
辞める(やめる):to resign, to retire, to quit, to leave (one’s job)
仕事を辞める :to quit a job
一人旅(ひとりたび):travelling alone, solitary journey
気楽な(きらく):carefree, comfortable, at ease / easy-going, happy-go lucky
何でも(なんでも):any, whatever one likes, by all means, anything, everything
緊張感(きんちょうかん):feeling of tension, air of tension, tension, nervousness
逆に。。。の面もある(めん):but on the other hand, conversely there is also
両面(りょうめん):both sides, two sides, double-sided
あること:something that is
あることの対比的な両面を言うときに使う:used to present both sides of a proposition

16) 〜一方(で)

一方: one way, the other way, / on the one hand, on the other hand / whereas, although but at the same time, meanwhile, in turn
自分の意見(じぶんのいけん):one’s own point of view
教授(きょうじゅ):professor, teaching, instruction
研究(けんきゅう):study, research, investigation
取り組む(とりくむ):to tackle, tp wrestle with, to engage in a bout, to strive for, to deal with
しっかり:tightly (holding on), firmly, securely / strongly, solidly, steadily / properly, well, sufficiently / reliably, dependably, shrewdly, wisely, cleverly
学生の世話 : looking after students
責任(せきにん):duty, responsibility, (inc. supervision of staff)
重い責任:heavy responsibility
世の中(よのなか):society, the world, the times
苦手(にがて): poor (at), weak (in), not very good (at)
同時に、別の面で:but at the same time, on the other hand

17) 〜というより

競争(きょうそう):competition, contest
相手(あいて):companion, partner, company / other party, addressee / opponent ( sports)
比較(ひかく): comparison
比較する:to compare
取り上げる(とりあげる): to pick up, to take up / to adopt, to feature, to accept, to listen to / to take away, to confiscate, to deprive, to disquilify
適切な(てきせつ):pertinent, appropriate, adequate, relevance

18) 〜かわりに

にかわり:instead of, replacing
かわりに:instead of, in exchange for, to make up for
フリー:free / freelance
実行力(じっこうりょく):ability to get things done
深い(ふかい):deep, profound, dense, thick, close (relationship), intense, strong, late
正月(しょうがつ): New Year, New Year’s Day, the first month, January
いつもように:like always
ふるさと : home town, birthplace, native place, one’s old home
海外旅行(かいがいりょこう):vacation abroad
通常(たうじょう): common, general, normal, usual
通常している(つうじょう):to be doing something as one would usually do
通常する(つうじょう): to do something as one would usually do
Last edited by ec2953 on February 9th, 2015 5:00 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: EC2953 の Progress (Beginner)

Postby ec2953 » February 8th, 2015 6:26 pm

By the way, I'd like to add a few points for beginners who struggled because of the grammar points in the Lesson 163 from the Beginner Series (S1) :

A few points to be aware of, that aren't explained to that point (for those who followed the different lessons in the right order

1) When to use toori instead of doori?

Well, doori follows a noun, whereas toori follows a verb (I think many people are unaware that it is as simply as this)

2) Verbず = ないで in polite form (but it looks very informal here in the conversation although verbs in polite form are being used !)

3) Shika is always followed by a verb in negative form (ない). It might appear confusing at first but it makes sense if we translate it as : nothing but (he doesn't do anything but = he does only ...)

Hope it helps !

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Re: EC2953 の Progress (Beginner)

Postby community.japanese » February 9th, 2015 3:59 am

ec2953 san,
I am sorry to which book are you referring?

Yuki 由紀

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Re: EC2953 の Progress (Beginner)

Postby ec2953 » February 10th, 2015 2:34 pm





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Re: EC2953 の Progress (Beginner)

Postby ec2953 » February 10th, 2015 2:41 pm

Hello everyone !

So, I noticed throughout my additional studies with the Shin Kanzen (Grammar) JLPT N3 that some of the explanations were not either crystal clear or thorough, so I found an old but excellent book called "A Dictionary of Intermediate Japanese Grammar" that gives both very comprehensive and clear explanations of everything we should know at the intermediate level! It also provides with tons of example sentences in addition to some alternative usages while telling in what manner they differ :P

I can't recommend it more, it will definitely boost your understanding of Japanese grammar ^.^

(PS: Those who have a phablet (phone / tablet) can download it for free through the application Scribd (shhhh!) 8) )

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Re: EC2953 の Progress (Beginner)

Postby ec2953 » February 10th, 2015 5:46 pm

Finally officially done with the 170 lessons from the Beginner S1 ! Just need to review a lot later after I've finished the Beginner S2 and some parts of the Lower Intermediate Series !



簡単な言葉とかなんて(is nante too informal here?)が書けるし。


これから、失礼します (??)。


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