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How do you think your JLPT went this year?

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How do you think your JLPT went this year?

Postby paulp1988 » December 5th, 2011 4:35 pm

Just thought i would ask everyone who took the JLPT this year how they thought it went? I took the JLPT N5 yesterday in the SOAS University, London, UK and thought for the most part it went quite well, except the listening section where i seemed to struggle (i think my concentration had been pushed to its limits by the other sections lol). I'm still relatively confident of getting a pass, but won't be too annoyed if i failed as i'm already studying for N4 next year :)

How did your tests go? Do you think you passed or failed?

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Postby tulae3334693 » December 9th, 2011 2:37 am

I took N3, I planned to study a lot more than I actually did (crammed grammar & reading over the weekend). My vocabulary is terrible, so that may be the part I fail if any.

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Postby shinjiIII » December 10th, 2011 4:16 am

I took the N4 this year. I'm SO not sure how I did. I could've passed, or I could've failed. I guess I'll have to wait and see!

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Postby mwbeale6642 » December 11th, 2011 10:55 pm

I took N5 in SOAS too. I also found the listening section the hardest. I seemed to get the example questions right, but some of the others were harder. I thought もんだい1 on the listening was harder than the others questions of that section. The other thing that put me off was that there was one of the grammar questions (in the second part of the test) that I just didn't understand at all. It was one of those where you had to put the right word in the "*". The problem was that all the possible answers seemed to be particles. Because I took ages on that, I nearly timed out on that whole section.

I was impressed by the way SOAS ran the test. The only criticism I would have is that the signs directing people to either the Brunei building or the main building were totally useless because unless you were a SOAS student you wouldn't know which building was which.

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Postby coronet3247 » December 17th, 2011 3:38 pm

I took the N3 in Milan. The most difficult task, for me, was the reading section because I-m still too slow. When was announced the time is over I still had three readings to go. Meh. I have to improve this.
Listening and comprehension wasn-t too difficult, thanks to JPod, apart one I didn-t understand even the subject. :?
One guy forgot his cell phone on and was expelled right away. Scary.

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Postby smokey » December 25th, 2011 5:20 pm

It was just awful for me.

There was a section with multiple blanks and a star, I suppose you rearrange everything and pick the star, but I don't know.

Then the listening section is the classic nightmare of opening a test and having it be blank........

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Postby mwbeale6642 » February 25th, 2012 11:50 am

How did people get on? I got my test result this morning and I passed N5. I now need to decide whether to do N4 this summer or not.

I hope everyone did well.

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Postby coronet3247 » March 1st, 2012 10:22 am

Received my results last Friday. N3
Managed to fare 130/180. :D As expected my weaker point is reading. I'm sloow! Well, the only solution is reading more. There is a pile of manga waiting in my bookshelf. I' m coming!

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Re: How do you think your JLPT went this year?

Postby AmaiEmiko » December 10th, 2016 3:57 am

Ahh I took the N4 this month, studied all year, and completely blanked out the day of the test.
So nervous to find out my scores. Turns out I Learned a ton of words in it's Kanji form, but when
it came to N4 haves 70% of these words in kana written text, I flaked out soo badly. I could be
reading "watashi" but it wouldn't click that it was "I" until it was written in Kanji.

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Re: How do you think your JLPT went this year?

Postby Kenjhee » December 14th, 2016 11:20 am

Took my first crack at the N4 this month. Ugly. Was much harder than I anticipated. I'm certain I failed. Just did not have a firm grasp on everything. Will tick off another year of studying, and try her again next year.

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