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Postby 蒔四夢 » April 9th, 2008 10:24 am


Hi, everyone... :D
I'm new on this forum, I recently decided to learn Japanese by my own and it's kind difficult sometimes. I hope the things I wrote are right. I apologize for my English (and my Japanese - I'm just starting). :oops:
I love the Podcasts of this site, There are so useful. I hope I could learn a lot of Japanese thanks to this and thanks to you people. I'm going about the 13/14 Beginner Lesson..little by little... ^-^' :)
I hope it is the right place to introduce myself, otherwise, I'm sorry. :(


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Postby Psy » April 9th, 2008 8:59 pm

フォラームへようこそ! 言葉は英語でも日本語でも分かりやすいので、そんな謝る必要がないですよ。長い道なのに、日本語の勉強を楽しんでください。

Welcome to the fourm! Your words in both English & Japanese were quite clear so there's no need to apologize. It's a long road, but I hope you enjoy learning Japanese with us!
High time to finish what I've started. || Anki vocabulary drive: 5,000/10k. Restart coming soon. || Dig my Road to Katakana tutorial on the App store.

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Postby 蒔四夢 » April 10th, 2008 12:45 am

I was a little...freaked out when I saw your reply in Japanese....but I finally realized that you were saying the same thing that in English..fortunately...
Thank you. I'm going to study and learn as much as I can.. I'm sooooo motivated.
ありがとう Psyさん。I'll make it the best I can!!

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Postby seeker12 » May 3rd, 2008 8:40 pm


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Postby ke6i-1 » May 4th, 2008 3:44 am


ああ、これは四字熟語がありますか?(Ahh, is this a yojijukugo?)
読まないけど(I can't read these but)
多分中国人が易しい読みますか?www。(maybe easy for Chinese. :))
意味を言ってください?(Could you please tell me the meaning?)

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Postby seeker12 » May 4th, 2008 6:13 am

ke6i-1 wrote:>蒔四夢君

ああ、これは四字熟語がありますか?(Ahh, is this a yojijukugo?)
読まないけど(I can't read these but)
多分中国人が易しい読みますか?www。(maybe easy for Chinese. :))
意味を言ってください?(Could you please tell me the meaning?)

私の思うべきとしたら,マクシムになりますね. xD

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Postby ke6i-1 » May 6th, 2008 3:55 am

>私の思うべきとしたら,マクシムになりますね. xD

分かって思います。一番な自分にがなります。(Become the best self. 多分変な日本語。)

どこに皆さんです? 「This forum]は静かですね。

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Postby ke6i-1 » May 6th, 2008 3:43 pm

...変な日本語? (I think)

皆さんでどこでですか? (I think maybe is better for where is?)

日本語で[confirmation code]が痛い。(The confirmation code is painful)

が悪いです。(I press caps lock and then my code is bad)

[half-width alphanumeric]が悪いが英語はいいです。
(Half-width alphanumeric characters don't take, but English is good)

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Postby ke6i-1 » May 7th, 2008 6:11 pm

Ooh, that was a little whiney. Sorry guys.
すみません、私は払わないので(I don't pay)
そう、全部がいいです。(So it's all good)


皆さんはどこですか? (Ack, this time with feeling.  simple, good...)

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Postby tiger » May 16th, 2008 5:01 am



今からまた頑張ります :P

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