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Postby Cooljaws » October 8th, 2007 5:11 am

i think the first と in the sentence is fine

also im not to sure but its alright to use と there /\ instead of the commas, also i think 'ya' (sorry gotta find a converter microsoft doesn't work for me) is also acceptable but its used as a casual way of listing things its like saying 'this, this, this etc.' something goes at the end of the sentence slipped my mind if you do choose to use 'ya' its for the etc bit

all of what i said is coming from 2 years ago so dun expect it to be right

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Postby Jason » October 8th, 2007 11:13 am

や is not casual. The only difference between と and や is that と implies that your list is exhaustive (you list everything), and や implies your list is not exhaustive (there are things you didn't list).

Listing things doesn't work like it does in English. Usually each list item except the last one is followed by と or や with no commas. Though in speaking, it's fairly common to pause a bit after each と.
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Postby AdamLeliel » October 8th, 2007 3:03 pm

Jason -- would it be


Then? Thank you very much for the explanation!

Jason Team Member
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Postby Jason » October 8th, 2007 3:16 pm

Take out the と before エヴァンゲリオン and yeah. However, you have another problem in that you don't have a complete sentence here. You should finish it up by saying you like them.


What is that ある doing in there?
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Postby Shaydwyrm » October 11th, 2007 10:21 am

The casual, or at least more colloquial, version of や that I've been hearing a lot is とか, which basically means the same thing. Actually, I don't think I've heard anyone actually say や in conversation so far.

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Postby CoryInJapan » November 30th, 2007 6:37 am

Cory desu

yoroshiku onegai shimasu

18 desu

Anatatachi wa genki desu ka

watashi wa zekkocho desu

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Practicing (Please feel free to correct anything)

Postby beginnergo » June 22nd, 2008 8:55 am

My Attempted Japanese:
Hajimemashite. Kenny desu ("BeginnerGo" mo ii desu). Nihongo wo benkyuu shite imasu. Yoroshiku onegaishimasu.

Mina-san, donna nihon no bangumi ga suki desu ka? Ima, boku wa "Last Friends" wo mite imasu. Totemo omoshiroi desu. Monogatari wa harahara suru desu. Mina-san mo mita hou ga ii desu yo.

What I was REALLY trying to say:
Nice to meet you. My name is Kenny (you can also call me "BeginnerGo" here). I am learning Japanese. (Don't know how to translate the next part). :)

What kind of Japanese TV Drama does everyone like? I am watching a drama called "Last Friends" at present. It is very interesting. The story is very exciting. You guys should watch it too.

Pardon my broken Japanese because my vocab is limited and I even had to search the dictionary for certain phrases (so it may not make complete sense). Anyway, that is the purpose of this thread, right? :)

I rushed into talking about drama (instead of talking any more about myself) because I'm guessing it will probably be easier to try different sentences patterns that way. Hope everyone don't mind.

Hope to get some feedback and response soon. Thank you.

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Postby ke6i-1 » June 22nd, 2008 8:34 pm

>Mina-san, donna nihon no bangumi ga suki desu ka? Ima, boku wa "Last Friends" wo mite
>imasu. Totemo omoshiroi desu. Monogatari wa harahara suru desu. Mina-san mo mita
>hou ga ii desu yo.

romaji wo kaite mimasu.

ninongo no terebi ha zenzen mimasen.
terebi ga wakaru koto ga muzukashisugimasu.
kotoba ga takusan wakaranai shi hayasugimasu.
podcast no benkyou ha shinakerebanaranaindesu yo.

harahara to imi desu ka?

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Postby beginnergo » June 28th, 2008 12:11 pm

ke6i-1 wrote:>Mina-san, donna nihon no bangumi ga suki desu ka? Ima, boku wa "Last Friends" wo mite
>imasu. Totemo omoshiroi desu. Monogatari wa harahara suru desu. Mina-san mo mita
>hou ga ii desu yo.

romaji wo kaite mimasu.

ninongo no terebi ha zenzen mimasen.
terebi ga wakaru koto ga muzukashisugimasu.
kotoba ga takusan wakaranai shi hayasugimasu.
podcast no benkyou ha shinakerebanaranaindesu yo.

harahara to imi desu ka?

Mochiron, "subtitles" ga hitsuyou desu ne. Watashi no Nihongo ga mada dame desu. Anata wa nan no tameni Nihongo wo benkyou shite imasu ka? Watashi wa, zettai ni terebi to "anime" no tameni desu. :lol:

Shumi wa nan desu ka?

("harahara suru" wa "be in suspense / suspenseful(?)" to iu imi desu... tabun! :lol: )

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Postby cbhib » October 4th, 2008 3:23 am

Hajime mashite. Watashi wa Roseru Robaatsu. Yoroshiku onegai shimasu.
Ogenki desu ka? Watashi wa bachiri desu.
Watashi wa Amerika-jin desu.

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Postby dcthespian » October 20th, 2008 11:23 pm

Mina-san, Konnichiwa! Amerika no nyuu youku no Maaku (Mark) desu. Yoroshiku onegaishimasu. Rokugatsu kara nihongo wo benkyou shimasu. Totemo tanoshii desu yo! Demo, nihon no tomodachi ga arimasen. wa honto sugoi desu. Hopefully, I can make some friends on here to practice with.


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Postby Hiroko » October 21st, 2008 1:17 am

cbhib san, dcthespian san> Welcome to!
Nihon-go no benkyou o ganbari mashou ne! :D
Yoroshiku onegai shimasu :ue:

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Postby TerraScythe » October 25th, 2008 8:43 am


Just to get the ball rolling, I'm probably really rusty! =)

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Postby minty247_ » November 8th, 2008 6:02 pm

Beginnergo san,
watashi mo nihon dorama ga daisuki desu yo~
ima wa 1 Pound no Fukuin wo miteimasu. Yamada Ryosuke ga daisuki dakara. :P
Scrap Teacher mo mitai na~
watashi wa itsuka nihon ni hataraki ni ikitai kara, sono yume no tame ni nihongo wo benkyoushiteimasu.
Beginnergo san, manga wo yomimasuka?

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Postby kadrimy » December 25th, 2008 9:12 am

Minna, hajimemashite..kadori to moushimasu
yoroshiku onegashimase

kyou wa kurisumasu desu ne.. otanoshimi kudasai 8)

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