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Installing Japanese Support and Writing Japanese in Windows

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Postby Ulver_684 » February 28th, 2007 10:17 pm


how about updating your forum topic and give us a link or instructions in how to install Japanese in Windows Vista! :wink: 8)

I don't have Windows XP anymore so now I need and update of these for my Windows Vista PC! :D :wink: S_R_C

PS: Bueller I read your comment and I think the same for Mac! "I always forget this trash even exists" :lol:

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Postby Ulver_684 » March 10th, 2007 5:05 pm

Thank You Jason-san for the update for Windows Vista! :wink:

I really appreciated very much even do you denied my Mixi friend's request,
I still like the way your are ok! 8) :wink:

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Postby NickT » May 2nd, 2007 5:31 pm

OK, I have a question. Is it possible to add things to the list of kanji that you can auto-convert to?

For example, I have a friend called ゆきえ。 This is properly written 幸栄 in kanji. However, when I write ゆきえin Windows 2000 and try to convert to kanji, 幸栄 is not an option. This means every time I want to write it, i have to find it and copy and paste it in.

Is there a way round this?

I would have though there would be a way to add the kanji reading, similar to how in English word processing you can add non-standard words to your dictionary so that your spell check doesn't keep giving errors for the same words that you know are correct. You can also do something similar on most mobile phones, for the predictive texting.

Jason Team Member
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Postby Jason » May 2nd, 2007 6:09 pm

As far as I know, you can't add kana->kanji conversions. You can change the conversion mode to be biased towards names. You could try that.

[edit] See section 15.(iii) on the 2nd link in the first post in this thread for which button in the conversion mode.
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Postby NickT » May 5th, 2007 3:27 pm

Thanks Jason.

Even with the names bias, 幸栄 does not show up as a conversion for ゆきえ。 However, this suggestion did lead me eventually to the solution.

Using the Rikaichan names dictionary (thanks to the recent tutorial :D ), I was able to ascertain that the common readings for 幸栄 are こうえい、さちえ、ゆうえ、ゆきえい、ゆきえ and ゆきひで。 So, I tried typing each of these, and found that I can get 幸栄 if I type ゆきえい、which is close enough. Strangely, only 3 of the 6 readings given by Rikaichan can be converted back to the proper kanji using Microsoft IME. It makes me wonder, do Japanese people use IME to type? Or do Japanese computers have their own system which has better names/kanji support?

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Postby NickT » May 6th, 2007 9:29 pm


After a lot of fiddling about, I found a way to add custom kana->kanji conversion to IME.

If you click on the "Properties / Customize Input settings" button on the tool bar, then go along to the "toolbar" tab, then you can add a "Register Words / Examples" button to your toolbar. Then, by clicking on this button you can add custom kana->kanji conversion to IME.

You can also do it through the dictionary tool button, which again can be added from the properties -> toolbars menu. Once you are in the dictionary tool, click on the icon of a green book with a red pen, and you can add new words (Or peoples names, place names etc)

You can also add some other useful new buttons, such as the "reconversion" button. This is useful because when you mess up a word, you can highlight it and reconvert it to a different kanji rather than deleting it and starting from scratch.

Jason Team Member
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Postby Jason » May 6th, 2007 10:03 pm

Ah, nice. I've never really explored all the IME options before, so I didn't know those were there.
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How about Macs

Postby jmignot » May 7th, 2007 6:16 pm

While thit topic is coming under discussion, I would like to ask about Mac OS Japanese input system as well. It seems that detailed instructions are available only in Japanese. Maybe good practice, but a little beyond my current understanding :(
Is there any translation available somewhere? I am interested in a feature equivalent to "reconversion" which is mentioned in one of the posts. Entering family names could also become a problem, I guess.

Jason Team Member
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Postby Jason » May 8th, 2007 12:10 am

There is a Mac HOWTO stickied at the top of this very forum:
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Postby jmignot » May 8th, 2007 7:21 am

Jason wrote:There is a Mac HOWTO stickied at the top of this very forum:

I didn't mean this. I have been using Japanese script on my mac for years! What I am looking for is a comprehensive reference on kotoeri input, including the kind of useful tips mentionned in this thread for PCs. The "Help" item in the "Input" menu points to a ヘルプ section all in Japanese…

*** Finally, I have just found what I was looking for : here is the link to a reference documents on input systems for the Mac (Japanese + others):

Hope this may be of interest to others…

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Postby jmignot » May 8th, 2007 8:09 am

Jason wrote:There is a Mac HOWTO stickied at the top of this very forum:

I didn't mean this. I have been using Japanese script on my mac for years! What I am looking for is a comprehensive reference on kotoeri input, including the kind of useful tips mentionned in this thread for PCs. The "Help" item in the "Input" menu points to a ヘルプ section all in Japanese…
Is there a translation available somewhere

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Postby Ulver_684 » May 12th, 2007 11:08 pm

jmignot wrote:
Jason wrote:There is a Mac HOWTO stickied at the top of this very forum:

I didn't mean this. I have been using Japanese script on my mac for years! What I am looking for is a comprehensive reference on kotoeri input, including the kind of useful tips mentionned in this thread for PCs. The "Help" item in the "Input" menu points to a ヘルプ section all in Japanese…

*** Finally, I have just found what I was looking for : here is the link to a reference documents on input systems for the Mac (Japanese + others):

Hope this may be of interest to others…

Well it would only be interest to Macholics and Mac Users! :roll: :twisted: :wink:

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Using IME on an AZERTY keyboard

Postby mariyo » May 23rd, 2007 10:04 am

For all French, Dutch, etc. users that use an azerty keyboard in combination with IME :

An annoying feature is that Windows XP in combination with IME expects you are using a QUERTY keyboard, which is not always the case :(

This implies that you need to press 'HQ' to have HA for example. As you might expect this is not that handy.

To overcome this, I have created a small registry file that fixes it for you.

Just paste the following in a text file and call it 'setlanguage.reg' :

Code: Select All

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Keyboard Layouts\E0010411]
"Ime File"="imjp81.ime"
"Layout File"="Kbdfr.dll"
"Layout Text"="Japanese Input System (MS-IME2002)"
"Layout Display Name"="@%SystemRoot%\\system32\\input.dll,-5062"

Next, double-click on the file and confirm that you want to make these registry changes. After rebooting IME will behave correctly on your AZERTY keystrokes.


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Postby aak1 » May 23rd, 2007 7:56 pm

I got a little problem here.
I'm refering to the link: ... e.htm#sec3

I dont get that ... tinput.jpg
icon on the taskbar.

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Postby aak1 » May 24th, 2007 12:22 pm

oh. Geez. Now my date is in Japanese too :? Even though I dont have it on japanese...

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