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Installing Japanese Support and Writing Japanese in Windows

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Re: what about using multiple keyboards?

Postby ekeko » September 25th, 2006 9:04 am

Hi Mariyo-san,

thanks for your posting, but actually I did review the postings and links here before sending mine. When you plug-in a USB japanese keyboard you should able to change the driver from an us-keyboard one to a japanese one, just by following the steps described by Greggman and in other Websites, but doing so I am not able to choose such a driver. In fact there are no more drivers listed as the current one. Of course I use IME from the beginning up, but the USB-japanese keyboard work just as plain us-keyboard.

Unfortunately it's not just me with that problem. Another person posted same issue at Greggman Website, and I wrote also into there, before posting here. No clue so far.

Any help would be really appreciated.



mariyo wrote:Hi Pablo-san,

You need to set up IME (see Bueller's link :, even if you attach a Japanese keyboard. You also need to define the shortcut you want in order to switch from romaji (Latin alphabet) to hiragana or katakana. As far as I know, the Japanese keyboards are very similar to the US keyboards, with the exception that they have a key designated to be linked to access the IME (the button is located at the top left of the keyboard).

Hope this helps,


ekeko wrote:Hi Friends,
I have english Windows XP SP2 on my laptop. I got a USB Japanese keyboard in Akihabara, and I what I want is to use all that shortcuts from the japanese keyboard (it means, typing "t" would give me か and not just "t"). I searched around the web and still got no solution. so far I can use it just as a us-keyboard.

Dont know if this is anyway possible at all. by the way, once I installed japanese Windows on a desktop PC and used this keyboard and it worked as expected. Problem is when you try to do the same in english Windows....

If anyone has any idea, I would appreciate you let me know.

thanks in advance,


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Postby ndthomas » October 21st, 2006 8:07 pm

I have Windows 2000 and can type in Japanese using IME 2000. Hiragana and Kanji are fine, but does anyone know how to type ディ as in ディスク or ディジタル? Or for that matter, デュ as in デュエット or デューティーフリー?

I had to paste all of the above from Jim Breen's JDIC, as I have no idea how to type them.



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Postby Jason » October 22nd, 2006 3:41 am

To get で+small kana, type in dh[letter]. So to get でぇ type "dhe."
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Postby NickT » October 22nd, 2006 9:57 am


I never would have figured that out on my own – thank you. It took me months to figure out I could get a づ by typing “du” and a ぢ by typing “di”. Previously I have always romanized these as dzu and ji, but that doesn’t work with IME 2000.



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Postby Jason » October 22nd, 2006 1:22 pm

Here's the complete kana/rouma-ji list ripped from the IME help files.
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Postby doriangrey64 » November 11th, 2006 8:46 pm

arigato gozaimasu. i said thanks once before but i couldnt really get it to work or understood much hiragana but now since i started my nihongo lesson this will be great. thanks again =]

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Postby osekihan » December 27th, 2006 2:15 am

できました。 ありがとうございます。 まいどし日本語とタイプをしたかたでもきよまで、できなかた!

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Postby Towa » January 16th, 2007 1:11 am

Um, I tryed installing the thing to active the use of typing the Japanese characters. I even got to the part where it told me to insert the Home Edition PC disk to complete the installing but for some reason I was unable to complete it. Does anyone know why this would happen?

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Postby cloneofsnake » February 7th, 2007 7:00 pm

Thanks for the Alt+~ tips, I've always wondered if there's a keyboard shortcut, since using the mouse to change the input everytime is very annoying!

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Postby Tom » February 8th, 2007 12:46 am

Towa wrote:Um, I tryed installing the thing to active the use of typing the Japanese characters. I even got to the part where it told me to insert the Home Edition PC disk to complete the installing but for some reason I was unable to complete it. Does anyone know why this would happen?

What happened after you put in the disc?
By the way, I made it to Japan

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Postby Javizy » February 12th, 2007 9:39 pm


Just gotta learn a couple o' thousand kanji so I know what I'm typing now :P

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Postby Javizy » February 15th, 2007 8:01 pm

Is it possible to use IME in internet explorer or MSN? It's inconvenient to copy and paste from notepad. I can view jp sites, but when typing here, in google, msn, etc, with japanese selected in the language bar and direct input mode on it still comes out in romaji. I thought I read somewhere on here that you could type in IE so maybe I'm missing something?

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Postby Jason » February 16th, 2007 8:14 am

Direct input mode means that what you type doesn't get converted. If you want to type in Japanese, you need to switch to hiragana mode. The keyboard shortcut for switching between direct and hiragana input is Alt+~
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Postby Javizy » February 16th, 2007 2:04 pm

Sorry, I meant hiragana mode. In notepad, if I right-click when in direct input mode it has an 'Open IME' option, whereas with MSN and IE it doesn't. Even with the alt+~ it doesn't work. I don't understand why it works in notepad, word, etc, but not IE.

I just tried Firefox and it works in there. I'll try reinstalling IE or something, I hate MS so much :!:

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Postby Ulver_684 » February 28th, 2007 10:17 pm


how about updating your forum topic and give us a link or instructions in how to install Japanese in Windows Vista! :wink: 8)

I don't have Windows XP anymore so now I need and update of these for my Windows Vista PC! :D :wink: S_R_C

PS: Bueller I read your comment and I think the same for Mac! "I always forget this trash even exists" :lol:

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