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What's my name in Japanese? (make requests here!)

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Re: What's my name in Japanese? (make requests here!)

Postby mathilderybka_513063 » July 19th, 2016 5:57 pm

What will I call myself in Japanese when my name is Mathilde Rybka? And also, my freinds call med Tidde, what would that be? :) Thank you!

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Re: What's my name in Japanese? (make requests here!)

Postby community.japanese » July 28th, 2016 4:30 am

konnichiwa. :)
Your name should beマチルド リブカ and your friend’s name should be メッド トドゥ.
Yuki 由紀

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Re: What's my name in Japanese? (make requests here!)

Postby CatlyNat » August 6th, 2016 11:24 am

I'll be posting in this thread multiple times, so...warning...
I'll probably post once here now and and then around mid-end september I'll post again. And then probably again after mid-end January... Hopefully that's okay? I like the language maybe a little bit too much...anyways, what would these names be?

James Theret
Natalie Seth
Kevin (I assume just ケビン...)
Brian (His name is spelt like that instead of Bryan, or however you'd normally spell that...)

Can't think of any other name that could potentially be added..
Also, I know this isn't a name but I don't trust Google Translate so... What's "boyfriend" and "girlfriend" in Japanese? Thanks in advance~

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Re: What's my name in Japanese? (make requests here!)

Postby community.japanese » August 13th, 2016 7:30 am

Hello CatlyNat san

CatlyNat wrote:I'll be posting in this thread multiple times, so...warning...
I'll probably post once here now and and then around mid-end september I'll post again. And then probably again after mid-end January... Hopefully that's okay? I like the language maybe a little bit too much...anyways, what would these names be?

You can post any time and no matter how many times.

James Theret  ジェームス セレト
Natalie Seth ナタリー サス
Vanessa ヴァネッサ
Kevin (I assume just ケビン...) ケビン
Jessy ジェシー
Dave デイブ
Callie カリー
Alanis アラニス
Michael マイケル
Brian (His name is spelt like that instead of Bryan, or however you'd normally spell that...) ブライアン

Yuki 由紀

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Re: What's my name in Japanese? (make requests here!)

Postby Bine » August 28th, 2016 10:25 am

I've just started out learning Japanese and I'm done with hiragana now, gonna start on Katakana soon, but already I can't help but feel a bit envious...
How come I only get a plain phonetic transcription of my name while Japanese people have those intricate looking Kanji to write their names with? :P
So, I was wondering... can I pick some Kanji that have a nice meaning and decide that that is how I want to write my name?
Like, if I was called "Sabine" (German pronounciation, sounds exactly like さびね) can I go with putting together 寂 and 音 (I checked the dictionary, it doesn't give me some already established word for 寂音 luckily) or do I have to go with katakana?

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Re: What's my name in Japanese? (make requests here!)

Postby seaslug4 » August 28th, 2016 8:06 pm

My name is: Karina Moreno
May be easy since all my syllables are in Japanese, but would I write my name in hiragana or katakana?

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Re: What's my name in Japanese? (make requests here!)

Postby community.japanese » August 29th, 2016 3:30 am

You have to use katanaka for your name when you write your name on official documents for example, bank account application from or visa application and so on.
However, you can casually use kanji.
寂音 is ok however, 寂 means ‘lonely.’
How about 沙美音 or 沙飛音?
沙: sand, small stone, small tasty thing, waterside
美: beautiful
音: sound
飛: jump, fly

seaslug4 san,
Your name should be カリナ マレノ.
Yuki 由紀

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Re: What's my name in Japanese? (make requests here!)

Postby Bine » August 29th, 2016 5:57 pm

community.japanese wrote:
seaslug4 san,
Your name should be カリナ マレノ.
Yuki 由紀

That would be "Mareno", though, not "Moreno". Did you misread that, or is there something I'm missing? Moreno would be モレノ, wouldn't it?

Also thanks for the tip. When I looked up 寂, it also gave me "quietly;  mellow;  mature", but I guess those aren't associated with it that much.

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Re: What's my name in Japanese? (make requests here!)

Postby seaslug4 » September 2nd, 2016 3:18 am

How would you say the name "Victor"? I wasn't sure how to convert the "v" sound in katakana.

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Re: What's my name in Japanese? (make requests here!)

Postby mmmason8967 » September 2nd, 2016 3:45 pm

seaslug4 wrote:How would you say the name "Victor"? I wasn't sure how to convert the "v" sound in katakana.

Traditionally it would be written using "bi" to approximate the "v" sound, like this:-

ビクター  bi-ku-ta-a

But there is a way to write words that start with a "v" sound, so it's also possible to write it like this:-

ヴィクター vi-ku-ta-a

However, it's not a natural sound for Japanese speakers so it is still likely to end up being pronounced "bikutaa".


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Re: What's my name in Japanese? (make requests here!)

Postby community.japanese » September 4th, 2016 2:28 pm

Bine san, seaslug4 san,
I am sorry about the mistake.
You are right.
モレノ is correct.
Yuki 由紀

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Re: What's my name in Japanese? (make requests here!)

Postby community.japanese » September 14th, 2016 6:59 am


seaslug4 さん、
Asマイケルさん said that is ビクター or ヴィクター.

Yuki 由紀

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Re: What's my name in Japanese? (make requests here!)

Postby Jera07 » October 10th, 2016 3:23 pm


I'm new to Japanese; just finishing up Hiragana. I would like to know how my name would be written/pronounced in Japanese so that I can introduce myself in a way comfortable for any native language partners. My name is Barbara Meyer [German stress --> sounds like Baa-baa-ra My-ahr, but the nickname everyone uses is Jera (jAIR-a)]. So I guess I would want to know what Barbara "Jera" Meyer would be in Japanese.

(Have I made things complicated enough yet?)

Arigato desu!

- Jera

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Re: What's my name in Japanese? (make requests here!)

Postby community.japanese » October 20th, 2016 10:17 pm

Jera san,
Konnichiwa. :)
Your name should beバーバラ・マイヤー.
And Jera should beイェラ.
Yuki 由紀

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Re: What's my name in Japanese? (make requests here!)

Postby Jera07 » November 2nd, 2016 12:42 pm

Arigatou Yuki san!! :picket:

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