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Adjective Congution Question

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Adjective Congution Question

Postby Jaagjah » January 23rd, 2016 2:09 am

I understand how to conjugate i-adjectives, but I have a question regarding na-adjectives. Would this be correct: しずかじゃないなひと = Is not a quiet person. Or would I have to put it like this: これはしずかじゃないなひと = This is not a quiet person. Or like this: このひとはしずかじゃない。

For an i-adjective would this be correct: さむくないへや meaning "is not a cold room" or このへやはさむくない。へやはあつい。さむかった。

Am I all correct with this or making some errors?

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Re: Adjective Congution Question

Postby Shaydwyrm » January 25th, 2016 2:44 am

When you make a な adjective negative using じゃない, you can conjugate it as an い adjective. For your first two examples, these are valid versions:

しずかじゃないひと = A person that is not quiet
これはしずかじゃないひと = This is not a quiet person

As for the rest of your examples, they look correct to me.

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Re: Adjective Congution Question

Postby Jaagjah » January 26th, 2016 12:56 am


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Re: Adjective Congution Question

Postby community.japanese » January 30th, 2016 8:53 am

Jaagjah san,
What Shaydwyrm said is correct.

Shaydwyrm san,
Thank you for helping Jaagjah san.
Yuki  由紀

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