I am determined and really want to get myself all the way to the top in learning Japanese, I never thought I'd learn a new language as an adult but after going to Tokyo in May, I knew we would keep coming back so it is only right for me to study the language which will also help me make the absolute most out of my journeys to Japan.
I had been listening to Jpod lessons for a few months before my trip mainly just listening to Absolute Beginner (in my car) with no writing or reading. It did help me on holiday but I wish I knew more now, but we did quite well though.
But since coming back I decided I really wanted to go for it! I enjoy it and I really want to accomplish something like this in my life, so I have been studying since about June just using the Jpod audios. Recently I have been doing more reading/writing and exploring the website more, I do enjoy the flashcards! I can read/write both Kana's, but still quiz myself on them so I can get quicker at reading them. Kanji isn't something I've really explored yet though. Apologies for the long intro about myself but my question is about a weekly schedule. I would like to cover everything each week to progress at a good rate. Here's my current schedule:
Monday to Friday
5:30 to 6:00am - listen to jpod audio lesson while sorting out lunch for work
7:30 to 8:00am - listen to jpod audio lessons while driving to work
12:00 to 12:30pm - Use the jpod Android app for listening, reading and writing
4:15 to 4:30pm - listen to audio lessons while going to pick up my wife
4:30 to 5:00pm - do flashcards on my phone, listen to lessons or do some reading/writing (depends on how I feel) - while waiting for my wife.
6:00 to 7:00pm - At the moment I'm enjoying the flashcards, but mainly just to recognise the audio and the two Kana's not really looking at Kanji yet.
Tuesday Evenings
5:30 to 6:15pm - listen to jpod driving to Japanese class
6:30 to 8:30pm - Japanese for beginners class - using the Genki Book - this class will also help me gain speaking confidence I need
8:30 to 9:00pm - jpod lessons while driving home from lesson
Times vary but I can study on each day for about 3 hours or more doing flashcards, jpod audio lessons/reading/writing (using the pdf's), and using other apps on my devices too. I also have a hobby which I want to keep going so I do that on the weekends too. I also have a wonderful wife who has to put up with all this, but she is really supportive, so I'm very lucky

I think I need to put studying Kanji in my schedule, where can I start with this? Not just with reading but also writing, I seem to bypass Kanji when I see it and go straight to the Kana's. I know jpod has a lot on it, so please can you advise where I can start on jpod or other places?
I am also thinking of starting some Skype lessons too so I can speak a bit more than I do at the moment and also gain more confidence.
Any help would be great!