I will add every question / comment about the lessons that I wrote and got answered. I think it can become even more useful that way for people who might want to ask the same things. I am sometimes somehow picky and usually don't leave behind what I would not perfectly understand ^^ -it starts from post 7 of the thread !
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{EDIT 2}
I started a Reading Section in post 11 given that reading skills are necessary for quick improvements (among other things).
Reading practice 1 - Page 1, post 11
Reading practice 2 - Page 3, post 2
Reading practice 3 - Page 4, post 7
Reading practice 4 - Page 5, post 1
Reading practice 5 - Page 6, post 7
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{EDIT 3} It's been two months since I'm actively using Japanesepod101.com so I've decided to start typing some posts in Japanese in order to put in practice my current knowledge and to gain some confidence.
Christmas is soon

Writing practice 1 - Page 3, post 6
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{EDIT 4} Monday, February 2, 2015 Crazy purchase: 新完全マスター (文法) for the JLPT N2 !! I know its difficulty is really off the charts for Beginners, but please read my 3rd post on page 5 to understanding my motives !
Wednesday, February 4, 2015 : The JLPT N2 is too difficult right now, so I got the 新完全マスター (文法) N3 instead. I have started to write down the vocabulary list of the words that can be found in the Kanzen JLPT 3 (Grammar)
Shin Kanzen JLPT 3 (Grammar book)
Vocabulary list - Page 5, post 7 (points 1 to 9)
Vocabulary list - Page 5, post 10 (points 10 to 18)
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{EDIT 5} Additional books that I got during the middle of February 2015 in lights of the preparation for the JLPT 3 and 2 in the future :
Shin Kanzen Master (Listening N3)
Shin Kanzen Master (Reading N2)
Shin Kanzen Master (Vocabulary N2)
Nihongo Nouryoku Shiken "Target" 2000 N2 Tango (日本語能力試験ターゲット2000 ー N2 単語)
Nihongo Tango "Speed Master" (Quick master of vocabulary, INTERMEDIATE 2500 - Including 2 CDs) (日本語単語スピードマスター)
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Hey folks,
I know this post looks very personal but I just wanted to share with everyone my progress on the website as a self-motivational gimmick. I will try to record the number of lessons I consider being "mastered" in a specific day provided that I will must have learned by heart all the kanjis (except for some names, at least for now), grammar points, vocab and important expressions or even at some point the full dialogs in order to feel comfortable with checking a lesson off the list).
I must admit that I learned a bit of Chinese before so this will greatly help me out with learning the kanjis and even guessing more instinctively the "onyomi" or Chinese pronunciation of some known characters.
I hope this can somehow be helpful for some people who might want to compare their results and/or routine with a random guy like me. I wish to become fluent someday (at the very least in spoken Japanese), although I don't know if I will as it has to do a lot with time, hard work, memory and above all else, motivation (the latter explains everything, and I think it could be interesting to share with each other the triggering factors of our learning

I might edit this post from time to time in order to add some food for thoughts or any idea or opinion I would deem relatively interesting.
As a beginner who already studied a bit Japanese with some other materials before joining Japanesepod101.com, I've skipped most of the Absolute Beginner lessons.
Here we go ! よっしゃ!