My plan is to take a trip in July next year(2015)
I am 30 year old man and not a party boy. I kinda wanna walk around and look at stores and eat some japanese food like ramen,sushi and even try some of the more "stranger" foods. At night i wanna be able to go out and get a drink and meet people, maybe even get some friends i can keep contact with.I always have like japanese girls so if i would be able to meet a girl that would be a big bonus(but i am only staying 2 weeks so).
Also i was wondering is it possible to find your way around Tokyo with only english?I am learning japanese now but....

I was thinking of Osaka to but dont know if that is better for me. What do you think is the best place to go for the first time in Japan? just wonna get a good exsperiance for my first time.