I actually tried out your method of listening to Jpod101 and multitask, but unfortunately it did not work for me. I found myself replaying the same audio track too often because I missed a portion. However, your method for listening to Jpod101 when you can't fall asleep worked for me. Actually I plan on using this as a stress reliever technique that way I can relieve stress and learn all at once.
Like I wrote above to Andy, my strategy for relieving stress is listening to Jpod101. I am currently going through beginner season 1 and the lessons are quite entertaining which really helps relieve stress. Give it a try and let me know how it works for you. Also don't get so down about people on youtube bringing you down. As long as you try just the slightest bit that is enough for Japanese people to respect you. They will never put you down because like you they are learn English and understand the hardship you are going through.
Thank you for sharing your story as well. I really enjoy reading it. I definitely agree that grammar is very important and that should be priority number 1 as without grammar you cannot construct any sentence. It is very impressive that instead of doing your math homework, you wrote them in english to study instead. Unfortunately I am opposite from you. I excelled in math and science and was terrible with english, history, etc. If you didn't understand something I would just give up and ask someone for help

You are now learning a new language? I am guessing spanish, french or italian, correct? Good luck!!
PS: Don't worry you did not scare us with your eccentric study approaches. I was very motivating