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subject object verb kanji help

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subject object verb kanji help

Postby j.c.s.black_507401 » April 16th, 2017 7:27 pm

it this . . . .

subject 題
object 物
verb 動詞
sentence 文

am i corect . . . .

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Re: subject object verb kanji help

Postby thegooseking » April 21st, 2017 11:19 am


題 means 'subject' as in 'theme'. The grammatical subject is 主語 (しゅご, "principal word").

物 means 'object' as in 'thing'. The grammatical object is called 目的語 (もくてきご, "target word"). Direct is 直接 (ちょくせつ) and indirectness is 間接 (かんせつ). You can put these directly before 目的語 to make "direct object" or "indirect object", i.e. 直接目的語 and 間接目的語.

You are correct that 動詞 means 'verb' and 文 normally means 'sentence'.


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Re: subject object verb kanji help

Postby j.c.s.black_507401 » April 29th, 2017 2:19 am

understood perfectly thank yu

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Re: subject object verb kanji help

Postby community.japanese » May 7th, 2017 11:26 pm

小狼 san,
Thank you for your explanation.

If you have any questions, please post them again.
Yuki 由紀

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