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Tech Update - February 2nd, 2007 (Premium Podcast Feed)

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Downloads and syncing

Postby Kitsune » February 16th, 2007 6:05 pm

Eranさん and mplanaさん,
I am also having the same problem with downloading a the video segments. I further problem exists with syncing though. When I sync, only about 90 podcasts are moved to the iPod. The ones that do sync are randomly scattered throughout the last year plus. Some months sync everything, some don't sync a single episode. Thought this was an iPod problem, but when I tried to play the files in iTunes, they wouldn't play. There are no problems with downloading or viewing any on the .pdf's.
I am heading out of country for 4 months next weekend and will have very limited access to the internet so I am praying that we will be able to figure this out before then. (I plan on trying to review all the material up to date!)

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Premium Feed trouble

Postby Student_B » February 16th, 2007 11:07 pm

Hey Eran, I think Im having the same problem as michael_ward. Please help me.

Eran Team Member
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Re: iTunes feed

Postby Eran » February 17th, 2007 1:03 am

mplana wrote:However, I am having problems downloading the videos with iTunes. The only videos I am having trouble with are the ones with no subtitles or Japanese subtitles.

This is a known issue and we should have a fix in place some time next week. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Student B wrote:I think Im having the same problem as michael_ward. Please help me.

Like Michael-san, a space in your username was causing the issue. I replaced the space with an underscore and you should now be able to use the Premium Feed using username Student_B (case sensitive). Your password remains unchanged and should be in all lowercase.


- Eran
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Re: iTunes feed

Postby mplana » February 18th, 2007 10:00 am

Eran wrote:
mplana wrote:However, I am having problems downloading the videos with iTunes. The only videos I am having trouble with are the ones with no subtitles or Japanese subtitles.

This is a known issue and we should have a fix in place some time next week. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Oh, thank you, Eran-san. It is ok; no big inconvenience since the other versions of the videos are available.

Thank you for your excellent work.

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Postby Swifty_Frisco » February 18th, 2007 10:38 am

Hey Eran, I think I too am having the same problem as michael_ward. I know there is a space in my user name and that must be why I can't get in. Could you sort me out?

Nice one

Eran Team Member
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Postby Eran » February 18th, 2007 2:14 pm

Swifty_Frisco wrote:Hey Eran, I think I too am having the same problem as michael_ward. I know there is a space in my user name and that must be why I can't get in. Could you sort me out?

I have added an underscrore to your username. Please use Swifty_Frisco (case-sensitive) when using the Premium feed.

- Eran
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Postby Student_B » February 18th, 2007 10:48 pm

Thanks for the fast response Eran. :)

New in Town
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Postby Swifty_Frisco » February 20th, 2007 1:53 am

Thanks Eran, you're a champ!

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i Tune feed

Postby konawb » April 4th, 2007 10:43 pm

Am I support to see PDF within iTune for each lesson ?


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Postby Balrog30 » April 8th, 2007 5:23 pm

Hmmm.... I've gotten PDF files from other podcasts before, and they've always appeared in the directory for that podcast. If I go to the JapanesePod101 Premium Feed directory, there is only the audio. Is anyone else not getting the PDF files?

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some help

Postby pdwek » June 6th, 2008 9:24 pm

I'm not very good with computers, I try and do the feed thing... and it looks like its working, but it will only download one item, what to doooo!? :(


Eran Team Member
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Postby Eran » June 11th, 2008 8:34 pm

Phil -

Try clicking on the little black triangle to the left of the podcast name in iTunes to expand the podcast.

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Premium podcast on Nokia podcasting

Postby magdyreda » August 12th, 2008 1:11 pm

Hello, new here...yes, your podcast service is great...on my PC of course everything is fine but I have a Nokia E71 with its potcast reader and I cannot fetch the data from the server because I have to login first and that is not an option present in most of the podcast readers (other than proprietary Nokia software I tried RSS readers and Opera Feeds option).
Other then the syntax
http : // username : password @ www . xyz . com / premium_feed . xml
is there another way to save the Feed with username/password?


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Need to update one's premium feed?

Postby Bob1 » January 5th, 2009 12:31 am


Is there a need to update one's premium feed? Several courses have come to an end, so it
seems that I might need to subscribe to their replacements/continuations. If so, is there a special way to do this, or do I just go through the process of subscribing as if this were my first time? Thanks for your guidance on this.

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Edit My Feed?

Postby Bob1 » January 9th, 2009 12:27 am

Perhaps there has been no reply to my inquiry because I confused the terms "Premium Feed" with "My Feed". In the case of my own "My Feed", it didn't download today's Upper Intermediate lesson, presumably because a new season has started, and when I set it up, I could only subscribe to the previous season.

Of course, I can (and have) set up a new "My Feed", and unsubscribed myself from my previous "My Feed". This is a rather inelegant solution. It would be much better if I could just edit the previous "My Feed" so that I don't have to choose between (A) littering my iTunes podcast page with the dead corpses of "My Feeds" past, (B) deleting past "My Feed" subscriptions, or (C) deleting past "My Feed" subscriptions while re-downloading the same past lessons into my new "My Feed" subscription. Not only does this final option increase the burden on JPod101"s servers, but it also loses the information on my end regarding which lessons I have already opened and studied.

Is it technically possible to allow existing "My Feeds" to be edited?

I would appreciate a "yes", "no" or "We're working on it" answer.

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