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Summary of all lessons

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Summary of all lessons

Postby SmellyTofu » February 2nd, 2007 12:03 pm

Firstly, the lessons rock! Though fortunately for me, I've had some lessons at University for 2 years that helps bring it all back.

Now my problem is, as I've only discovered this site about a month ago, I've been cramming in the lessons to catch up to it all in the car on my daily trips to and from work. As you can understand, it's pretty "full on" with all that information that I'm trying to either learn or have return to me.

Rather than listen to the whole lot which will take me 6 months at least to catch up and still be 6 months behind, is there a way I can selectively find out what is in each one, a summary of the keywords/vocab so I can pick and choose which ones to listen?

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Postby JohnCBriggs » February 2nd, 2007 1:28 pm

Personally, I would just create a group of lessons for a level appropriate to you. Perhaps Lower Intermediate might be the right level. Or Intermediate. This would allow you to progress more quickly.
I think if you look at the website, there is a list of grammar points listed below each lesson. Even with that, I don't know how you would decide.
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