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ACXGS wrote:Why not if we put our names could someone tell it us in katakana, like mine is Adam Clark
Godlesswanderer wrote:中村 Nakamura (center of the village) 誠 Makoto (sincerity)
Link for translating names into Katakana (Also has romaji and hiragana equivalents)
Yoshiko wrote:I got my Japanese name another way: (see... it's Yoshiko
I first searched for the meaning of my own Dutch name (Aafke) and it means something like 'good person'. I then found on the internet that 'Yoshiko' means 'good daughter'.
As 'Aafke' is a name for girls, it's the same.
Does anybody know how 'Yoshiko' is written in kanji?
Godlesswanderer wrote:中村 Nakamura (center of the village) 誠 Makoto (sincerity)
Link for translating names into Katakana (Also has romaji and hiragana equivalents)
Ulver_684 wrote:Thank you for the link laughinghyena21-san!![]()
Now I know how my name looks and is in Japanese!![]()