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i-learning center for non-ipod users

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i-learning center for non-ipod users

Postby lulu_chan » January 11th, 2007 11:58 pm

Just a thought. I USED to have an Ipod, but now I have got a ZUNE player. I love it. I was wondering, if maybe, seeing that not everyone has Ipods, and there are Windows users here, do you think that the i-learning center on the go could someday (in the near future..soon. heh) be formatted for both Apple and Windows users?

Personally, i don't want to pay the $300 for a new ipod, when I love my Zune. ^___^

just wondering. And, I am sure there are people out there who would love to download it onto their PDAs and MDAs what not.

If this is a BIG or CRAZY request, I apologize. ^____^;;

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Postby atomsk » January 12th, 2007 11:34 am

its not crazy at all 8)

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Postby Belton » January 12th, 2007 12:33 pm

Not crazy at all. It might be difficult though.

Ideally things like this should be agnostic about the device it's on. It's all about open standards. Single file usable by all devices. (ok a guy can dream....)

Unfortunatly, the iLearning centre uses a feature built into iPods. Using fairly crude markup (all the iPod allows) in a text file you can link note files and audio files. viola, iLearning. but the functionality is provided by the iPod.

I don't know what the Zune can do in this regard. Have you seen a similar type of functionality on it? Can it be user scripted?
Maybe someone out there who has one can look into it.
I'd do it myself but I don't have access to one to play with.

Depending on number of Zune users and how difficult or easy it is to implement it might be worth jPod101 to offer it.
More choice = more subscribers ?

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Postby norgus » January 14th, 2007 10:12 pm

I want to double this request, not specifically for Zune's either.

PDA usage would be great for me, I had a bit of a look at the ilearning center files and it would seem its not evily encrypted or anything that would specifically STOP you writing software for other platforms to use it.

Perhaps if you wrote it for portable Java (or whatever the version of Java for small devices is called) then a lot of pople could use it on PDA's, phones (maybe the zune.. I have no idea what that supports).

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Postby atomsk » January 16th, 2007 9:04 am

its called the Java Micro Edition for Mobile Devices. Thats what i am thinking about too. 8)

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