Great! I bought Musashi in a second hand bookstore. Not read it yet.
What do you think of Haruki Murakami? I read 'Umibe no Kafuka'. Well, in dutch (Kafka op het strand) ... I think in English it is 'Kafka on the beach'.
I also saw a documentary about him, 'Dinner with Murakami'.
I know Murakami doesn't write about samurai. OK, maybe its a bit off-topic.
I've got the DVD of The last samurai and also saw it in the cinema. But I think Tom should have died. and it's too Hollywood. If you want to know something about samurai, this movie is just a start.
I recommend 'Gohatto' Anyway, the books mentioned above are much more useful, like 'Go rin no sho', like Bueller-san said. (Book of five rings)