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Need Sakubun Help

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Need Sakubun Help

Postby unuboldbattogoo_519979 » February 7th, 2018 8:04 am

SO I am going to give a sakubun for a japanese High school in a few months and I would love if you guys give me recommendations to help me
Topic is What will you do after you get into school

Is it ok if I start with 私の名前は(name)です。(country)から来ました。?

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Re: Need Sakubun Help

Postby community.japanese » March 7th, 2018 6:04 pm


Thank you for posting the comment and sorry for our late reply. I hope it's not too late....

Yes, you can start your essay with the introductory sentences. For the second sentence, I'd recommend changing it to :
出身は(country) です。出身(しゅっしん)

Good luck with your 作文!

Miki H
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