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Still can understand some Japanese after being back in the states for 5 years

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Still can understand some Japanese after being back in the states for 5 years

Postby untmdsprt » August 21st, 2017 12:29 am

I had to come back to the states in January 2012 as my visa was ending. Just as well as I got tired of teaching English and living in Tokyo where all the English speakers are.

I'm currently living in the midwest and there is absolutely no Japanese speakers here :( . Good thing I'm still open to relocate once the job market becomes better!

I'm now getting back into learning Japanese and I'm amazed that my listening level is still at a high beginner. My reading and writing though has gone down as I don't get much practice with it. Has anyone else had this happen that you've been out of touch with a language and yet once you get back into it you pick up on it really quick? I can also do it with French but not as well as I've been out of that language for around 20 years and only took two semesters in college.

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