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Will there be new podcast series?

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Will there be new podcast series?

Postby dobamei » May 6th, 2017 7:31 pm

Hi everyone,

I have been with JPOD101 for quite some time now and initially joined because the Audio Lessons were something you could not get anywhere else. Will there be new series like the old audio seasons? With a dialog, followed by discussion, vocabulary and grammar? From a didactic point of view I think that approach to learning a new language is the most valuable. I find it a bit sad that now all the new releases are videos (which you can't "consume" while driving or doing chores around the house). Don't get me wrong the videos are well made and nice for a change, but primarily JPOD used to be a site for audio lessons and was unrivaled in the quality of those lessons. The new format with all those short beginner videos is closer to other stuff you can get for free on Youtube and other platforms, but it's not really something which is worth paying for a subscription (the only reason to do that would be to access the old lesson library).

Imho I think you guys should try to find the right balance between both lesson formats. The new format to attract new listeners/watchers and new lessons in the old format to make them stay (even after advancing to an intermediate level).

Thanks and regards from Germany :blob:

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Re: Will there be new podcast series?

Postby team.relationships » May 15th, 2017 6:29 am

Hello Dobamel,

Thank you for posting.

We’ll consider your feedback for our future development.
There are new lessons coming in Summer.
Please stay tuned!

Let us know if you have any question.

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