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'Mindfulness' in Japanese

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'Mindfulness' in Japanese

Postby Josholadunni_513364 » August 17th, 2016 8:30 pm

I'm pretty new here so apologies if this has been posted in the wrong section or something like that.
I'm just here asking about the Japanese translation of the word mindfulness. I'm hoping to get it tattooed on my forearm.
However, I'm confused about what the correct characters are to get on my arm. After typing mindfulness into google translate, I was given this: '注意深さ' but I'm aware that google translate isn't always 100% accurate. Is this correct? And would it mean something completely different if they were displayed vertically down my forearm starting at my hand?
Thanks :D

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Re: 'Mindfulness' in Japanese

Postby mmmason8967 » August 20th, 2016 11:05 am

Since you're thinking about having it tattooed on your arm, I'm sure you are using "mindfulness" in the special psychological or philosophical sense that it has taken on in recent years. Although 注意深さ means mindfulness in the sense of "attentiveness", I'm not sure it also carries the meaning that you want.

The article about Mindfulness on Wikipedia says that the special meaning is the English equivalent of the Sanskrit word sati. If you then check the Japanese Wikipedia page for サティ (sati), it notes that マインドフルネス (i.e. mindfulness) is the English equivalent and suggests 念 (nen) and 気づき (kizuki) as Japanese equivalents. How reliable that is, I don't really know. But since 注意深さ isn't mentioned, it's probably not the word you want.


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Re: 'Mindfulness' in Japanese

Postby community.japanese » August 29th, 2016 4:00 am

I agree with マイケルさん. 注意深さ is an inappropriate word in this case.
How about悟り (awareness)?
It is often used in Buddhism.
For example, I have been enlightened about life and death (私は死生の悟りを開いた) and Gautama sat under that tree and experienced spiritual awakening (仏陀はその木の下に座って悟りを開かれた).
Yuki 由紀

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