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Help choosing Japanese Language School in Tokyo!!

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Help choosing Japanese Language School in Tokyo!!

Postby gaellambie_510970 » March 15th, 2016 3:26 pm

Hi, can any past students let me know of their experiences at a Japanese Language school in Tokyo?
I'm looking at various places and going round in circles trying to get current advice on where's reputable..
Kai, Yoshida, ALA, KCP International, Naganuma..
Any advice appreciated..

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Re: Help choosing Japanese Language School in Tokyo!!

Postby community.japanese » March 22nd, 2016 1:27 am

konnichiwa. :)
I am sorry I don’t have any information about those schools. :(
How about contacting them?
Yuki  由紀

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Re: Help choosing Japanese Language School in Tokyo!!

Postby Jeso92 » March 28th, 2016 12:30 pm

You should check out They have some schools in their site, and will handhold you through the whole application process, they will answer your questions and yara yara. I just applied to a school in Tokyo through them. So, I recommend them.

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Re: Help choosing Japanese Language School in Tokyo!!

Postby community.japanese » April 3rd, 2016 10:29 pm

Jeso92 san
Thank you for your post. Yuki 由紀

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Re: Help choosing Japanese Language School in Tokyo!!

Postby nicoleclaraj8425 » January 19th, 2017 1:30 pm

I have lived in Japan for over 3 years and once attended the Tokyo International Japanese school near Shinjuku station. I really appreciated their learning approach with full immersion Japanese. This is also due in fairness because your classmates do not all speak English as a first language. Class time was morning or evening, 4 hours, 5 days a week. You will walk out with an ability to understand and speak Japanese. I'd love to go back but have more children now and my time schedule does not allow it. Good luck!

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Re: Help choosing Japanese Language School in Tokyo!!

Postby fremicourt3116 » January 23rd, 2017 12:17 am

I use a private teacher from ALA for studying Chinese. The teacher is nice and since I'm a private student, I decide the method, so there's nothing much to say about it. The school in Ikebukuro is decent enough, though quite old and nothing really special about it.

An other choice would be COTO, also located in Ikebukuro. Their place is awesome, I like the atmosphere when you arrive. Quiet, there's some place to seat and study, you can enjoy Wi-Fi and some free drinks. Many teachers there, some are good, some are less good. As far as I am concerned, they don't really teach a practical Japanese, it's more like "this is a grammar pattern, let's practice this one for today by repeating some example". However, since I want to strengthen my Japanese, that's good enough. And you always can send emails to your teachers.

If you're a French speaking person, there's one school in Harajuku named Espace Langue Tokyo. Useful since the Japanese teachers also speak French.

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