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best way to approach kanji and memorize it?

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best way to approach kanji and memorize it?

Postby mugi.jafar_510285 » February 1st, 2016 4:54 pm

greeting everyone!
am not sure if this question was already asked before, however I'd like to hear the advice of people experienced in the language.
now, i know what both the ON-yomi and KUN-yomi mean. i know their definition their history. when and how to use them. in short i already looked them up in various places until i completely understood their use.
the point that's still confusing for me is the way to approach the kanji memorisation. i will be writing two different approaches to learning kanji that grasped my interest and wait for your advice on wich one is better.
1- first is the absolute memorization ( the one am adapting at the time being): using different flashcard apps and software you can drill numerous kanji (up to 2000+) in your mind throughout daily routine, and then when it comes to jukugo or compound kanji, you just glue every possible pronunciation together until you find the right meaning and sound. but as everyone may know, every kanji has up to 10 meanings and pronunciations. so managing to memorise every single one along with it's kunyomi and onyomi is not an easy task at all and require a strong memory. not to mention the use of those two doesn't always abide by its typical rule.
here enters the second approach i want to try, but am still worried if it's effective or not.
2- memorizing kanji along with their kunyomi while at the same time acquiring the jukugo+onyomi as a vocabulary through reading experience (novels, VNs, random text...). that way you don't need to worry about learning the on-readings since you will consider the jokugo as a single word.
eventually, you will get accustomized with the on yomi reading being common to one character and then you will be able to guess how to read a jukugo right after the first time you stumble upon it.
while this approach personally seems to suit my mind, am still worried if it will let me cover most of the necessary kanji, vocabulary and expressions to read novels and be able to hold a casual discussion (yes casual discussions are enough). in the first place, the main purpose am learning Japanese is so i can read novels and translate them into English.
so with this, I'd like to hear your opinions about the best way to approach learning and memorizing kanji.
thank you.

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Re: best way to approach kanji and memorize it?

Postby adelholtz_499460 » February 2nd, 2016 11:07 am


since i am at work right now, i can't answer in full detail but instead leave you a link for now:

Read this, it summarizes most of my own thoughts.
Tonight when im at home i will write smth related to my own experience and learning path, maybe that will help some.
Until then, have a nice day

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Re: best way to approach kanji and memorize it?

Postby adelholtz_499460 » February 2nd, 2016 8:08 pm

I actually intended to write something more, but after browsing through Tae Kims Blog again i realized that theres everything written and said that in my opinion can be said.
Learn Vocabulary, memorize the Kanji in conjuction with words. Rinse and repeat and you will be there eventually.

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Re: best way to approach kanji and memorize it?

Postby community.japanese » February 11th, 2016 10:06 am

Thank you for helping san.

Japanese people basically learn kanji for 12 years until they become 18 years old. :roll:
Kanji learning cannot be accomplished in a short time…
Japanese students read novels, articles, poems, news paper and so on and pick up kanji words.
Then they have kanji writing homework everyday and have to take tests almost everyday at school.
I suggest you should learn kanji words from reading, make a kanji vocabulary note and practice reading and writing then test yourself every week.

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Re: best way to approach kanji and memorize it?

Postby dpradas_507164 » May 1st, 2016 12:21 am

I highly recommend Wanikani if mnemonics help you. Also a great community and resource.

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Re: best way to approach kanji and memorize it?

Postby j.c.s.black_507401 » May 1st, 2016 9:47 pm

i just started to let go on it after 4 and a half yearz coming up at the end of june with my self teaching.... it al fal together to remember az memory itself....

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Re: best way to approach kanji and memorize it?

Postby community.japanese » May 5th, 2016 1:45 pm

san, san,
Konnichiwa. :)
Thank you for your posts.
Yuki 由紀

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Re: best way to approach kanji and memorize it?

Postby aina_pretty_514869 » January 4th, 2017 7:09 am

A simple yet killer effective to master Kanji characters. Builds on cognitive learning, bypassing memorization: ⭐️tar ☔️mbrella ☎️elephone.

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Re: best way to approach kanji and memorize it?

Postby community.japanese » February 1st, 2017 11:03 am

Thank you for the information. :)
That is great.
Yuki 由紀

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