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Do you have a new one? Is this the last one?

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Do you have a new one? Is this the last one?

Postby Leon1552 » December 29th, 2015 9:50 pm

I was wondering how I should ask a cashier or a shop assistant whether or not an item they have(shirt, pants or stationary etc) is the last one and whether or not they have a new one.

I'm assuming.

Is this the last one?

Do you have a new one?

Is there a more natural way to ask?

Thank you.

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Re: Do you have a new one? Is this the last one?

Postby community.japanese » December 31st, 2015 4:52 am

The first sentence is good.
However, the second sentence means ‘in terms of this product, do you have a new one?’
I imagine the situation that a shop assistant shows you an old product.
However, does it happen in Japan? :roll:
Or a shop has a sample or a photo only?
‘do you have a new one?’ means ‘新しいものがありますか.’
新しいものmeans general new product.
Yuki  由紀

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Re: Do you have a new one? Is this the last one?

Postby Leon1552 » December 31st, 2015 7:30 pm

community.japanese wrote:Or a shop has a sample or a photo only?

Yes that's kind of what I mean. There's only one item(the one that I want to purchase) on display, it's still new and sealed, but there are no others to choose from. Does this usually mean that it's the last one that they have or do they have stock stored somewhere else in the shop? In this case, is ‘新しいものがありますか.’ ok? Or is it better to ask if they have additional stock of that item?

Thank you.

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Re: Do you have a new one? Is this the last one?

Postby community.japanese » January 2nd, 2016 6:23 am

Leon1552 san,
I understand the situation.
In that case, you should say ‘kono shouhin no zaiko ga arimasuka’ or ‘tennji hin igai ni shouhin ga arimasuka.’
Yuki 由紀

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Re: Do you have a new one? Is this the last one?

Postby kaito00kun_509756 » January 2nd, 2016 10:55 pm

Hello. Can someone help me with this sentence? 私もおれのお兄さは学生.
Is this correct or should I use わ and not も in "私も..."?

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Re: Do you have a new one? Is this the last one?

Postby Leon1552 » January 6th, 2016 4:26 am

ありがとうございます由紀先生。 :D

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Re: Do you have a new one? Is this the last one?

Postby community.japanese » January 6th, 2016 8:36 am

If you provide me with English translation, I will be able to help you.

Yuki  由紀

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