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Just wondering about politeness levels...

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Just wondering about politeness levels...

Postby polentamaze_508147 » November 22nd, 2015 4:05 pm

I was just wondering about politeness levels...

Let's say I am shopping at a departmental store & meet a close friend (who is also my classmate) who works there as a shop assistant. As she is my close friend, we would naturally use casual speech to speak to each other on a daily basis. However, somehow, as I am a customer and she is a shop assistant, that would make me of a higher position than her. In that case, when in such a situation, will she end up having to switch to polite speech (or is it just not so casual speech) and would I switch to even more casual speech? Then let's say we decide to meet up after her work ends right after that, and when we speak, we will both switch back to casual speech? Does this sound strange? haha

I feel that the position of a shop assistant and customer can be quite fleeting because you are only a shop assistant say from 9am - 9pm (if that's their working hours) and you are their customer only if you come by while they are working. Does that mean how polite or casual we speak will change according to our shop assistant and customer role or as close friends?

Ok, another scenario I was wondering...Let's say I am a student and I just met a teacher. As I am not familiar with this person, I will use polite speech. However, I am a student and this person is also a teacher, I will have to speak even more politely? Is that how it works? Or is just polite speech enough?

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Re: Just wondering about politeness levels...

Postby community.japanese » November 23rd, 2015 12:17 pm

Regarding the scenario 1, it depends on the shop rules.
If your friend boss is there and s/he wants your friend to use polite languages to anyone, your friend should keep speak politely.
Customers are always allowed to use casual languages so you can speak as normal.

Regarding the scenario 2, whatever you are familiar to your teacher or unfamiliar to other teacher, I recommend you to keep using polite languages to any teachers.
Yuki 由紀

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Re: Just wondering about politeness levels...

Postby polentamaze_508147 » November 23rd, 2015 3:03 pm

Konnichiwa Yuki-san,

Thanks for getting back to me. For scenario 1, ah, I get it now...but do you mean to say as a customer, I can speak as casual as I want and it is okay?

Oh for scenario 2, what I meant was...If I meet someone new, I would have to use polite speech to them. However, after realising that this person is a teacher (and let's say I am a student), would I have to speak even more politely? Or is just polite speech fine? [:

Thank you!


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Re: Just wondering about politeness levels...

Postby community.japanese » November 25th, 2015 1:44 pm

Liz san,
As a customer you can choose speaking politely or speaking casually.
I personally use polite languages even when I am a customer though.

Regarding number 2, if you can handle honorific expressions, it’s better to use them to teachers.
Otherwise, polite form for example masu and desu are enough.

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Re: Just wondering about politeness levels...

Postby thomassanches306_509222 » December 1st, 2015 10:28 am

I want more information about this one

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Re: Just wondering about politeness levels...

Postby community.japanese » December 4th, 2015 10:15 am

If you give us specific questions, we will try to answer them. :)
Yuki 由紀

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