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Learning methods for slow learners.

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Learning methods for slow learners.

Postby anndrox_504180 » February 2nd, 2015 12:24 am

Hi everyone. Just signed up for jpod101! I have been getting these in the email and decided now is the time that I take action and start to learn Japanese. One of the reasons I have not started is my fear for slow learning and getting discouraged or depressed over not being able to absorb the content that this website has to offer. I'm 30 and I do not read books and I have a REALLY bad memory. Does anyone else have this sort of problem and has any tips that would help me in learning Japanese? I have started taking ginkgo biloba in hopes that it will help a little bit but I am not hopeful. Thank you in advance if you respond!.


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Re: Learning methods for slow learners.

Postby danparvus_502651 » February 3rd, 2015 5:42 pm

Hi Scott,

I'm taking it slow. I started in November, and have worked my way through:
Absolute Beginner Season 1
Absolute Beginner Season 2
Newbie Season 1
Newbie Season 2

I also spend a lot of time doing flash cards for each season. It pays off to do them every day, or as often as you can as you progress through the lessons. I also sometimes go back and review the audio for the lessons. I try my best to get to a point where I can automatically know what they have said in the audios without having to translate the information into english. I've memorized most of the Hiragana and Katakana, but the Kanji are still a problem for me. I'm focusing on learning the Kanji as best as I can, but often times, the only reason I know it is that I've gone over the audio and the line by line audio so many times, I just know what the Kanji is supposed to mean at that point in the phrase. But give me a fresh sentence, and I often can't guess it. I still keep at it though. Still, some of them are starting to pop out at me. Things like 私 (watashi:I)and 誰 (dare:who), and my favourite, 時々(tokidoki:sometimes - I taught that one to my kids and it alway makes them laugh).

It is also fun. The scenarios for each lesson keep me interested and are often very funny. The 先生 (sensei) are usually very positive and seem to be enjoying themselves. The story line for Newbie Season 1, the last five I think are very 面白い (omoshiroi:interesting or funny). Where else will you learn lines like this: 私は、私は、私は誰ですか。 "Who am I!!!!" Too funny. :)

ダニエル (Daniel)

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Re: Learning methods for slow learners.

Postby patrick_harnett » February 3rd, 2015 8:38 pm

Learn slowly, but keep learning. It takes a long time (says the 47 year old guy who's been doing this five years), but it does work. Eventually it makes more sense.


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Re: Learning methods for slow learners.

Postby community.japanese » February 8th, 2015 6:03 am

ダニエルさん、 Patrick san,
Thank you for sharing your experience and tips.

Anndrox san,
You can refer to comments from ダニエルさん and Patrick san.
It is said that if you have a review in 48hours, your short time memory becomes long time memory.
So you should study constantly if you want to memorize.
If you have any questions, please feel free to ask us.
We are happy to help you.

Yuki 由紀

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Re: Learning methods for slow learners.

Postby macaron2012_498907 » March 9th, 2015 2:00 am

Hi, Scott

Firstly, why are you studying Japanese? What is your goal? Travel to Japan? Just want to exercise your brain?
If you tell yourself you are a "slow" learner, you are setting yourself up for failure. You have to tell yourself that you can do this. Set up very small goals that are achievable to build up your confidence. Toss the ginkgo biloba. They don't work. You need to learn memory tricks. The more you do these exercises the better you'll get.

Our brains can only process about 5-6 bits of information at a time. Break down your vocabulary list to about 3-4 words in a group to memorize. Group them in some logical manner, like father, mother, son, daughter. Or yesterday, today, tomorrow. The key to memorization is to make a mnemonic. You create your own personal story to help you remember. For example, Friday is kinyobi, the same kin as in the Golden Temple. So, you're Golden on Friday because you got through the week. Saturday is doyobi, the day to go "do" something. You get the picture?

Take everything in small steps. Just learn the meaning first and how to pronounce it in romanji. Once you feel comfortable with that learn the hiragana for that word. If it's too much for you, wait on the kanji. Don't try to learn everything about a new work at once.

Start with Absolute Beginner, Season 1. There is only one grammar point/lesson. Just do one lesson a week to start. Spend the reminder of the week in review. Set aside the same time every day to study. Perhaps, 30 mins before or after work. Avoid the Newbie lessons for now. Those lessons are very dense with information. It may be overwhelming for you. Do make flashcards to help you memorize. I print up the lesson notes and cut out the words to paste onto index cards. English on one side. The romanji and the hiragana on the other side.

You can make up post-it notes or flashcards of words for objects in your house and tape the cards onto the objects, like the table, chair, etc.

When you are doing something during the day, try to think how you would say that in Japanese. For example, I am going to the supermarket or I am eating breakfast, etc. Say your telephone number in Japanese. Say the day and date in Japanese each morning.

Learning a language takes a lot of practice and patience. Spending just 15-20 mins each day is very beneficial. Review, review. Don't try to learn too much at one time. Take baby steps. You will be successful. You just need some learning techniques.

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Re: Learning methods for slow learners.

Postby community.japanese » March 10th, 2015 9:33 am

macaron2012 san,
Thank you for the useful advice.

Yuki 由紀

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Re: Learning methods for slow learners.

Postby willowvekfu_505183 » March 31st, 2015 9:14 am

very beneficial. Review, review. Don't try to learn too much at one time. Take baby steps. You will be successful. You just need some learning techniques.

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