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Your favorite Japanese food?

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Re: Your favorite Japanese food?

Postby tpgames3546 » July 27th, 2013 2:20 am

tpgames3546 wrote:
cloa513ch2629 wrote:

Do you think this Bragg's Amino is good?

Yes, I do! Its better than all Soy Sauces I've tried. The flavour is more intense. A little goes a long ways. And its pure soy with no added grains, salt or water. And, its the only Gluten Free Soy Sauce that has lots of flavour. Well worth the cost. :D

As far as all the negative hype about it:
It does NOT contain MSG. I do not have gout issues associated with it. HOWEVER, some people with gout react to Soy, salt, nightshades, cumin, coriander and spicy foods or foods that are too salty. Some people don't like how its made. I haven't reacted negatively to it, so I use it and am fine. Everyone needs to make up their own minds.

With my food allergies, its impossible for me to use MOST products because I literally can not have ANY alcohol whatsoever, in any amount. Thanks! :D

I just found out that some people who think they react to MSG, is actually reacting to how MSG is made. Those people may react to Bragg's Liquid Amino as well, even though how Bragg's is processed, doesn't get over into the final product. But, laws don't require 0 parts per million in the testing process either, and this might be the issue. I'm not sure if the standards are 200 or 20 parts per million these days. And with that, I'm ending my part of this discussion. Thanks!

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Re: Your favorite Japanese food?

Postby community.japanese » August 3rd, 2013 5:13 am

> chucksaturatedfat4862-san,
simple food is my favourite too :mrgreen:
Did you mean raw egg by "egg sauce" on rice?
Just be careful and make sure egg is fresh enough :wink: I feel like it :lol:

> tpgames3546-san,
thank you very much! :wink:


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Re: Your favorite Japanese food?

Postby harrisonjcastro_503147 » December 11th, 2014 5:42 am

my 3 all time favorites:
- Sushi/kegani/taraba/uni/seafood in Hokkaido
- Oden (Konbuya in Nishi Azabu is just AWESOME - make sure to try the Daikon - leave some room for their Nabe)
- okonomiyaki (I prefer Hiroshima-style although the Osaka-style is pretty darn good too!)

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Re: Your favorite Japanese food?

Postby community.japanese » December 14th, 2014 7:40 am

Harrisonjcastro san,

Thank you for the comment.
I also like sushi and okonomiyaki.

Yuki 由紀

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Re: Your favorite Japanese food?

Postby Christine_Aukstinaitis » February 3rd, 2015 3:23 pm

Humm... I love chicken orange, hot rolls, sushi and tempura! :kokoro: There are always so many options!!!

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Re: Your favorite Japanese food?

Postby community.japanese » February 8th, 2015 6:10 am

Christine_Aukstinaitis san,
I also like sushi and tempura.
Yuki 由紀

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Re: Your favorite Japanese food?

Postby weibelem_509324 » December 21st, 2015 3:09 pm

I like to bake and half a year ago I tried baking melon pan. It was delicious! It's still my favorite food!!!!!

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Re: Your favorite Japanese food?

Postby community.japanese » December 31st, 2015 3:50 am

I like melon pan very much. :)
Yuki  由紀

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Re: Your favorite Japanese food?

Postby kochanowska92_519190 » December 14th, 2017 10:06 pm

I like natto the most.
People are always surprise when I say that, but I love natto :D

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Re: Your favorite Japanese food?

Postby community.japanese » February 8th, 2018 7:27 pm

Hi ,

Thank you for the comment and sorry for our late reply. Wow, you like natto! I can easily see Japanese people get surprised when they hear you like natto. I love natto, too, especially the stickiness (in Japanese, it's 'nebaneba' ねばねば).

Miki H

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