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EC2953 の Progress (Beginner)

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Re: EC2953 の Progress (Beginner)

Postby ec2953 » January 10th, 2015 2:11 am

January 6 - 9, 2015

Slowing down the pace ... =(

143 (~17)

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Re: EC2953 の Progress (Beginner)

Postby community.japanese » January 10th, 2015 8:44 am

ec2953 san,
I didn’t know you live in Paris.
I saw news regarding shooting and hostages.
I am sorry for people passed away.
I hope you can live safely.
Yuki 由紀
Last edited by community.japanese on January 12th, 2015 4:34 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: EC2953 の Progress (Beginner)

Postby ec2953 » January 11th, 2015 1:06 am

Thank you for your kind words~

I should maybe move again away of the country given some circumstances.

Sigh ...


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Re: EC2953 の Progress (Beginner)

Postby community.japanese » January 12th, 2015 4:46 am

ec2953 san,
I found information regarding the level of safety.
It’s not the latest information and the witter might have been looking at Japan optimistically, it said Japan is safe except natural disasters.

Yuki 由紀

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Re: EC2953 の Progress (Beginner)

Postby ec2953 » January 15th, 2015 7:32 pm

Yuki 先生、

うらやましいね ★✨


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Re: EC2953 の Progress (Beginner)

Postby ec2953 » January 15th, 2015 7:35 pm

January 10 - 15, 2015

154 (~7)

Almost done with this season before following up with a comprehensive review of the 170 lessons yeah !
Last edited by ec2953 on January 18th, 2015 1:24 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: EC2953 の Progress (Beginner)

Postby ec2953 » January 15th, 2015 7:45 pm

For the next translation, I decided to select a song sang by 新垣・結衣(あらがき・ゆい)although I think the original version is from MONGOL 800.

The name of the song is ちいさな恋のうた

Here is the link to the song:

広い宇宙の数ある一つ 青い地球の広い世界で
小さな恋の思いは届く 小さな島のあなたのもとへ
あなたと出会い 時は流れる 思いを込めた手紙もふえる
いつしか二人互いに響く 時に激しく 時に切なく
響くは遠く 遥か彼方へ やさしい歌は世界を変える
ほら あなたにとって大事な人ほど すぐそばにいるの
ただ あなたにだけ届いて欲しい 響け恋の歌
ほら ほら ほら 響け恋の歌

あなたは気づく 二人は歩く暗い道でも 日々照らす月
握りしめた手 離すことなく 思いは強く 永遠誓う
永遠の淵 きっと僕は言う 思い変わらず同じ言葉を
それでも足りず 涙にかわり 喜びになり
言葉にできず ただ抱きしめる ただ抱きしめる
ほら あなたにとって大事な人ほど すぐそばにいるの
ただ あなたにだけ届いて欲しい 響け恋の歌
ほら ほら ほら 響け恋の歌

夢ならば覚めないで 夢ならば覚めないで
あなたと過ごした時 永遠の星となる

ほら あなたにとって大事な人ほど すぐそばにいるの
ただ あなたにだけ届いて欲しい 響け恋の歌
ほら あなたにとって大事な人ほど すぐそばにいるの
ただ あなたにだけ届いて欲しい 響け恋の歌
ほら ほら ほら 響け恋の歌

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Re: EC2953 の Progress (Beginner)

Postby ec2953 » January 16th, 2015 1:14 pm

あなたは気づく 二人は歩く暗い道でも 日々照らす月
握りしめた手 離すことなく 思いは強く 永遠誓う
永遠の淵 きっと僕は言う 思い変わらず同じ言葉を
それでも足りず 涙にかわり 喜びになり
言葉にできず ただ抱きしめる ただ抱きしめる

There is one big world in a blue Earth (among many ones) in this wide universe.
A small thought of love will reach you who are on a small island.
Meeting you, time is flowing, the number of letters full of (charged with) feeling is increasing.
Without us realising, it is echoing between us.
It is sometimes intense, sometimes painful.
It resonates far away, to the distant opposite shore.
This gentle song will change the world.

宇宙(うちゅう): universe, cosmos, space
数ある(かず): numerous, many
地球(ちきゅう): the earth, the globe
あなたのもとへ : (here) to your location (基)
出会う(であう): meeting, rendezvous
思い : thought / imagination / love, affection / feelings, emotion
込める(こめる): (here) to put into (e.g. emotion, effort)
思いを込めた手紙 : a letter charged with emotion
いつしか (何時しか) : before one knows, unnoticed, unawares (=不知不覺)
互いに(たがいに): mutually, with each other, reciprocally, together
響く(ひびく): to resound, to be heard far away / to vibrate / to make an impression
時に(ときに): sometimes, occasionally
激しい(はげしい): violent, furious, extreme, intense, fierce
切ない(せつない): painful, heartrending, trying / oppressive, suffocating, miserable
遠く(とおく): far away, distant, distance place
遥か(はるか): far, remote, far off
彼方(かなた): beyond, across, the other side
変える(かえる): to change, to alter, to transform, to convert

ほら あなたにとって大事な人ほど すぐそばにいるの
ただ あなたにだけ届いて欲しい 響け恋の歌
ほら ほら ほら 響け恋の歌

Look, the person who is that valuable to you is right beside you.
I just want you only to receive that echoing love song.
Hey, look, listen, to this resounding love song.

ほら : look
あなたにっとて : to you
大事なひと(だいじ): important, valuable person
ほど : degree, extent /to do smth as well as x (x ほど)
大事なひとほど : the degree to which a person is important (?) / as valuable as a person (such?)
すぐそば : near, immediately
すぐそばにいる : to be right beside
あなたにだけ届いて欲しい(とどいてほしい): I just want you to receive
響け恋の歌(ひびけこいのうた): a love song that is echoing (?)

あなたは気づく 二人は歩く暗い道でも 日々照らす月
握りしめた手 離すことなく 思いは強く 永遠誓う
永遠の淵 きっと僕は言う 思い変わらず同じ言葉を
それでも足りず 涙にかわり 喜びになり
言葉にできず ただ抱きしめる ただ抱きしめる

You will realize that even when we both walk in the dark
The moon will keep shining everyday
I won't let go of your hand that I hold tightly.
I swear that these feelings will remain strong forever (that these strong feeling will last forever)
In the depths of forever, my affection will remain unchanged and I will definitely say these same words.
Even if it is not enough, the tears will change into happiness that I cannot put into words, and I will hold you tight, hold you tight.

気づく(きづく): to notice, to recognize, to realize, to become aware of
暗い道(くらいみち): dark road
日々(ひび): every day, daily, day after day
照らす(てらす): to shine on, to illuminate
月(つき): moon
握りしめる(にぎりしめる): to grasp tightly
離す(はなす): to separate, to part, to divide, to keep apart
永遠誓う(えいえんちかう): to swear for the eternity (?)
誓う(ちかう): to swear, to vow, to take an oath, to pledge
淵(ふち): abyss, deep pool, the depths
思い変わらず(おもいかわらず): unchanged thoughts
それでも : but (still), and yet, nevertheless, even so, notwithstanding
足りず(たりず): not enough (grammar: ないでー>ず/するー>せず/こるー>こず)
にかわり: instead of, replacing / on behalf of
喜び(よろこび): joy, delight, pleasure
喜びになり : to become joy
言葉にできず:can't put into words (?)
抱きしめる(だきしめる): to hugh someone close, to hold someone tight, to embrace closely

夢ならば覚めないで 夢ならば覚めないで
あなたと過ごした時 永遠の星となる

If it's a dream, please don't wake up, if it's a dream, don't wake up.
The time I shared with you will become an everlasting star.

ならば : if, in case, if it is the case that, if it is true that, if so / if possible, if circumstances allow
覚める(さめる): to wake up / to become sober, to sober up to regain consciousness, to come to one's senses


There is one big world in a blue Earth in this wide universe.
A small thought of love will reach you who are on a small island.
Meeting you, time is flowing, the number of letters charged with feeling is increasing.
Without us realising, it is echoing between us.
It is sometimes intense, sometimes painful.
It resonates far away, to the distant opposite shore.
This gentle song will change the world.

Look, the person who is that valuable to you is right beside you.
I just want you only to receive that echoing love song.
Hey, look, listen, to this resounding love song.

You will realize that even when we both walk in the dark
The moon will keep shining everyday
I won't let go of your hand that I hold tightly.
I swear that these feelings will remain strong forever (that these strong feeling will last forever)
In the depths of forever, my affection will remain unchanged and I will definitely say these same words.
Even if it is not enough, the tears will change into happiness that I cannot put into words, and I will hold you tight, hold you tight.

Look, the person who is that valuable to you is right beside you.
I just want you only to receive that echoing love song.
Hey, look, listen, to this resounding love song.

If it's a dream, please don't wake up, if it's a dream, don't wake up.
The time I shared with you will become an everlasting star.

Look, the person who is that valuable to you is right beside you.
I just want you only to receive that echoing love song.
Hey, look, listen, to this resounding love song.

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Re: EC2953 の Progress (Beginner)

Postby ec2953 » January 18th, 2015 1:24 am

January 17, 2015

157 (~4)

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Re: EC2953 の Progress (Beginner)

Postby community.japanese » January 19th, 2015 5:06 am

ec2953 san,
I don’t get the meaning of 大変 in わたしが平和とかも大変にして、本当によかったです.
Is it 大切?

Yuki 由紀

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Re: EC2953 の Progress (Beginner)

Postby ec2953 » January 20th, 2015 1:17 am







もう一度誤りを訂正してお返事いたしましていただいて、どうもありがとうございました !(誤り:あやまり errors / 訂正する:ていせい to correct)

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Re: EC2953 の Progress (Beginner)

Postby community.japanese » January 20th, 2015 3:42 am


You are learning so don’t worry about making mistakes very much. :)
If you make mistakes, you will learn from it. :D

Sorry one more thing
「エドワードを呼んでください」 は  「エドワードと呼んでください」がいいですね。

Yuki 由紀

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Re: EC2953 の Progress (Beginner)

Postby ec2953 » January 24th, 2015 4:15 pm

Hello 由紀先生!

必然(ひつぜん: inevitable, necessary)

Thank you so much for your thoughtful help~ ^.^
Last edited by ec2953 on January 26th, 2015 2:25 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: EC2953 の Progress (Beginner)

Postby ec2953 » January 24th, 2015 4:22 pm

Saturday, January 24, 2015

Beginner Season 1

158 (~12)

Beginner Season 2


I haven't quite advanced in the mastery of the new lessons I've been listening to, since some of the lesson's difficulty is definitely off my charts so far (~163 for instance).

I've started to listen to the first lessons from the second season without taking notes, and I am considering alternating with Lower Intermediate lessons every 3 lessons from the Beginner Series, that is to say that I'll listen to one podcast from the Lower Intermediate series after I feel I've mastered 3 lessons from the Beginner S2.

I'll also start to watch the videos designed for beginners as well once I have more time :)

みんなさん、がんばりましょう〜  :D
Last edited by ec2953 on January 28th, 2015 9:35 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: EC2953 の Progress (Beginner)

Postby community.japanese » January 27th, 2015 3:59 am

頑張ってください。 :D

Yuki 由紀

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