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how to meet people before moving to Japan

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how to meet people before moving to Japan

Postby kaylan_cox_500929 » August 22nd, 2014 1:35 am

I will be moving to Tokushima in the new year and I was wondering if anyone knew of any popular social networking sites in Japan that might help me meet some friends before I move there. Or if there is any other ways of meeting some friends, like joining a club or something. I would love to meet some people before I arrive!

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Re: how to meet people before moving to Japan

Postby lauralanda » August 27th, 2014 8:38 am

Hi kaylan_cox,

Thank you for posting!
We are glad to hear that you are coming to Japan soon.
You should study harder now :D
We wish you a safe trip and the best luck finding friends to practice your Japanese!


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Re: how to meet people before moving to Japan

Postby maijoi.green17_501451 » September 2nd, 2014 2:48 am

Hi Kaylan_cox,

Wow! You are seriously very lucky to be traveling to Japan :D :D !! Anyways, some people people join church groups, you may be thinking (possibly) "but I'm not a religious person blah blah sdufhidvhi... " that does not really matter because, usually these church groups will do amazing things, like exploring the city and beautiful rural places of Japan. Check out Sakura Sakkyokuka's video: ... JQmoP5i54Q
He covers basic tips that you may already know. If so skip to 1:44 for information about joining a church/community.
Also check out these websites: ... companions


I also have a few questions of my own too :)

1.Are you a part of an aboard program?

2. Do you have a host family?

3. Was paying for this trip expensive?

4.What was your process/experience, during this?

I just really want to travel to Japan!!! Sooooo BAAADDD :oiwai: ... :shock: !!! It's been my dream since 1ts grade lol... I'm 16 now and I'm just interested in how most people got the opportunity to go there please message be back as soon as possible!!


Maijoi. :kokoro:

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Re: how to meet people before moving to Japan

Postby kaylan_cox_500929 » November 20th, 2014 2:34 am

Hi Maijoi,
sorry it took so long to respond. Thanks for the great advice! I am a Christian so joining a church is a good idea, I can imagine that is a great way to meet people.
I'm not going with a host family or studying, I will be teaching English at a preschool. I got the job through a mutual friend. I will be living in a house by myself that is provided by my employer. I have my TESL and have taught English before in China. For this job in Japan I didn't have to seek it out, I was offered it when I wasn't even looking, however, when I was looking for a job in China I just went onto online job banks and it was very easy! I got a job quite quickly and they took good care of me. With my job in China and also in Japan my housing is paid for and my visa. I had to pay for my own flight but I've heard some places will pay for your flight. It's pretty easy to get your TESL, if you want to go while you're still in Highschool you might have to do an exchange to get over there but I would highly recommend teaching when you're graduated, it is a great great experience!
It was not too expensive, basically I had to pay for my flight and my medical insurance.

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Re: how to meet people before moving to Japan

Postby community.japanese » November 23rd, 2014 5:48 am

kaylan_cox さん、
I hope you could have a good time in Japan.

Yuki  由紀

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