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Get to know each other! (jpod101 user profiles)

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Re: Get to know each other! (jpod101 user profiles)

Postby community.japanese » February 6th, 2014 5:54 am

Hello Michael sasn
Thank you for the comment and suggestions.

Tom san,
We are happy you recognize your improvement.
Ganbatte kudasai.

Yuki 由紀

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Re: Get to know each other! (jpod101 user profiles)

Postby andycarmenjapanese8100 » February 25th, 2014 8:43 pm

This month I'm celebrating one year on these forums and two years of studying Japanese! :kanpai:

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Re: Get to know each other! (jpod101 user profiles)

Postby metalwarrior8679 » February 26th, 2014 12:11 am

andycarmen-san, おめでとうございます。 Gratulations :D
ほやほや【ニュー】: ようこそ「Tales Beyond Reason」へ。ウェブサイトの実験音楽の新品プロジェクトです。見てください。そして、ゲストブックのエントリかメールを送りますください。私は幸せでしょう。ありがとうございます。 :D

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Re: Get to know each other! (jpod101 user profiles)

Postby community.japanese » February 26th, 2014 2:08 am

Hello andycarmenjapanese8100 さん、

Thank you for the post.

Yuki 由紀

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Re: Get to know each other! (jpod101 user profiles)

Postby Rbriona » May 8th, 2014 12:34 pm

Name: Arbrianna
Age: 15
Place of birth: Philly, U.S
Furthest location travelled: Florida
Places you want to go: Japan, England
Spoken languages: English and Spanish
Written Languages: English and Spanish
Languages in the process of learning: Spanish and Japanese
Hobbies: Reading, writing, dancing
Occupation: High school student
Education: High school
Favorite Movies: Catching Fire, Mean Girls, Scary Movie 5, Cabin in the Woods
Favorite Bands: Mindless Behavior, Black Eyed Peas
Favorite Video Games: don't really know
Ultimate Goal: Become a best-selling author, and study abroad in Japan.

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Re: Get to know each other! (jpod101 user profiles)

Postby community.japanese » May 10th, 2014 5:28 am

Arobrionna san,
Thank you for the post.
Are you taking Japanese at school?
I hope you could go to Japan to study.
Yuki  由紀

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Re: Get to know each other! (jpod101 user profiles)

Postby Strezemann » June 2nd, 2014 3:09 pm

Name: Thor
Age: 25
Place of birth: Denmark
Furthest location travelled: Japan
Places you want to go: Just about anywhere; I've only been to a handful of places in a handful of countries, so there's still so much to see. Needless to say, I'm especially keen on discovering more of Japan
Spoken languages: Danish, English
Written Languages: ^
Languages in the process of learning: Japanese. I can just about get by with my German, French and Spanish being completely broken, but I'd like to one day be able to carry on a conversation in Japanese without having to Katakanify every other sentence. :D
Hobbies: Video games, music, concerts, martial arts (karate, judo, hopefully BJJ in the near future. Also watch a ton of MMA), TV series, language learnin'
Occupation: Student
Education: High school; hoping to get accepted into University
Favorite Movies: Oldboy (+ just about every other Chan Wook Park flick), Blade Runner, Memento, etc. Japanese: Kurosawa flicks, Audition, Battle Royale, Totoro
Favorite Bands: Iron Maiden, Dream Theater, Arcturus, Ayreon, Manticora, Moonsorrow, etc. Japanese: Dir En Grey, Hiromi Uehara, Sigh, X-Japan, Super Butter Dog, etc.
Favorite Video Games: Final Fantasy VII-IX, Suikoden 2, Super Mario Bros. 3, Metal Gear Solid 1-3, Tekken, etc.
Ultimate Goal: To become a world champion pro wrassler, of course! On a slightly lower scale: To become a black belt, to become fluent in Japanese, and to make those closest to me proud. :D

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Re: Get to know each other! (jpod101 user profiles)

Postby community.japanese » June 8th, 2014 6:45 am

Strezemann san,

Thank you for the post.
I hope you could find a study buddy and practise Japanese together.

Yuki 由紀

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Re: Get to know each other! (jpod101 user profiles)

Postby adelholtz_499460 » June 10th, 2014 12:34 pm

Name: Benjamin
Age: 32
Place of birth: Regensburg, Germany
Furthest location travelled: US, California
Places you want to go: Japan
Spoken languages: German, English, French, (Spanish somewhat [stopped learning sometime ago])
Written Languages: German, Englisch, French, (spanish somewhat [stopped learning sometime ago])
Languages in the process of learning: Japanese (beginner stage atm)
Hobbies: Sports, Language studying, PlayStation ^^
Occupation: Software Engineer
Education: Uiversity, Master of Philosophy
Favorite Movies: The Secret Life of Walter Mitty, The Fountain, Star Wars
Favorite Bands: Feint, Tori Amos, Faun, Evanescence
Favorite Video Games: Final Fantasy, Tales of...
Ultimate Goal: for now -> beeing able to read, write and speak Japanese fluently

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Re: Get to know each other! (jpod101 user profiles)

Postby community.japanese » June 13th, 2014 9:35 am

Benjamin san,
Thank you for the post.
Benjamin san wa daigaku de tetsugaku (philosophy) wo bnkyou shimashita ne. You studied Pholosophy didn’t you?
Sugoidesune. That’s great.
Yuki  由紀

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Re: Get to know each other! (jpod101 user profiles)

Postby jj0304957076 » June 13th, 2014 2:38 pm

My name is Julian, I'm 19 years old and enlisting in the United States military, particular branch the U.S. Air Force. My interests are hiking, running, gym work, studying foreign culture (Japan especially) and sightseeing to name a few! I would really like to learn Japanese better since I may end up going overseas while I'm serving and I will eventually travel to Japan one day and it would really help if I could read and speak Japanese. If there are any natives of Japan or anyone that lives in Japan right now on the forum that can help me answer some questions I have I'd really appreciate it. I've been trying to study Japanese lately but it's proving difficult.

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Re: Get to know each other! (jpod101 user profiles)

Postby community.japanese » June 15th, 2014 5:56 am

Julian san,

Hajimemashite. How do you do?

Yoroshiku onegaishimasu. I am pleased to meet you.

If you have questions, please feel free to ask us.

Yuki 由紀

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Re: Get to know each other! (jpod101 user profiles)

Postby SquishySquids » June 18th, 2014 8:51 pm

Heyy everyone... Looks like I'm one of the younger users here, eh?

Name: エラ
Age: 12, almost 13
Place of birth: Minnesota, the Land of 10,000 Lakes! (Plus we have the Mall of America. Muahahaha. xD)
Furthest location travelled: Great Britain, yo!
Places you want to go: Japan, Greece, and Germany.
Spoken languages: English, Spanish
Written Languages: English, Spanish
Languages in the process of learning: Japanese! (And we never really stop learning the ones were good at too... So English and Spanish too then.)
Hobbies: Drawing, reading, being active, animals, manga/anime, et cetera
Occupation: Student!
Favorite Movies: Do'nt have one.
Favorite Bands: Skillet, Nickelback, Breaking Benjamin
Favorite Video Games: Uh... Minecraft and Portal? I'm not much of a gamer, but if someone gives me a game, I'll play. (Plus I get reaallly competitive. xD)
Ultimate Goal: Be a transfer student to Japan, possibly move there later in life with my friend.

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Re: Get to know each other! (jpod101 user profiles)

Postby community.japanese » June 22nd, 2014 5:43 am

Thank you for the post.
I hope you could find a study buddy.

Yuki 由紀

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Re: Get to know each other! (jpod101 user profiles)

Postby cody.64_501535 » September 7th, 2014 11:33 am

Name: Cody
Age: 18
Place of birth: Campbelltown, NSW, Australia
Furthest location travelled: Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
Places you want to go: JAPAN!
Spoken languages: English
Written Languages: English
Languages in the process of learning: Japanese
Hobbies: Computer games, piano, learning japanese!
Occupation: Shopfitter, solid surface fabricator.
Education: Finished year 10
Favorite Movies: The hobbit, How to train your dragon 1, faith like potatoes.
Favorite Bands: Don't really have any, i like variety.
Favorite Video Games: League of legends, Tom clancy's Ghost recon, assassins creed, dayz.
Ultimate Goal: never really thought about it, but i think i would like to get to Japan in the futer, that would be awesome!

Thanks for reading!
I look forward to getting to know people in the community!

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