Name: Thor
Age: 25
Place of birth: Denmark
Furthest location travelled: Japan
Places you want to go: Just about anywhere; I've only been to a handful of places in a handful of countries, so there's still so much to see. Needless to say, I'm especially keen on discovering more of Japan
Spoken languages: Danish, English
Written Languages: ^
Languages in the process of learning: Japanese. I can just about get by with my German, French and Spanish being completely broken, but I'd like to one day be able to carry on a conversation in Japanese without having to Katakanify every other sentence.
Hobbies: Video games, music, concerts, martial arts (karate, judo, hopefully BJJ in the near future. Also watch a ton of MMA), TV series, language learnin'
Occupation: Student
Education: High school; hoping to get accepted into University
Favorite Movies: Oldboy (+ just about every other Chan Wook Park flick), Blade Runner, Memento, etc. Japanese: Kurosawa flicks, Audition, Battle Royale, Totoro
Favorite Bands: Iron Maiden, Dream Theater, Arcturus, Ayreon, Manticora, Moonsorrow, etc. Japanese: Dir En Grey, Hiromi Uehara, Sigh, X-Japan, Super Butter Dog, etc.
Favorite Video Games: Final Fantasy VII-IX, Suikoden 2, Super Mario Bros. 3, Metal Gear Solid 1-3, Tekken, etc.
Ultimate Goal: To become a world champion pro wrassler, of course! On a slightly lower scale: To become a black belt, to become fluent in Japanese, and to make those closest to me proud.