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Please Help...Another Question About ATMs...

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Please Help...Another Question About ATMs...

Postby questfordolma3207 » February 14th, 2014 11:17 pm

Hello Everyone!

It's my hope to get to Japan next month, and I have another question about using ATM machines.

My present situation is I have a Visa debit card for my checking account, and I have a plain ATM card for my savings acount.

The two accounts are not linked.

With being in Japan, is it best to have the accounts linked? In other words, is there a potential problem with accessing savings account funds with a savings account ATM card in Japan? Or, is it as simple as pressing withdrawl and just entering the pin number for that account?

At the time I made these arrangements, I felt it was best for each acount to have its own card and not be linked since my checking account is a Visa Debit which could be used by someone to make purchases if it was lost or happened to be stolen.

Whereas, the savings acccount card is strictly an ATM card and can not be used for purchases.

I would be grateful for any assistance.

Thank you!


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Re: Please Help...Another Question About ATMs...

Postby KingDog » February 15th, 2014 2:40 am

Hello again Valerie :)

I don't think you'll have a problem. It's always best to check with your bank/card company beforehand if you're worried. Also, it's always good to inform your bank and credit card company when and where you are travelling so they wont accidentally shut down your account when they see withdrawals suddenly showing up in Japan.

If it puts your mind and ease, last time I travelled to Japan I didn't take a yen of Japanese money with me. I found an ATM machine at the airport (all the international airports will have one you should be able to use), and withdrew enough cash for a few days. After that, I was always able to find ATMs at a 7-11 or a post office that I could use. It was very easy :)
Last edited by KingDog on February 15th, 2014 1:48 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Please Help...Another Question About ATMs...

Postby community.japanese » February 15th, 2014 3:37 am

Hello Valerie san,

KingDog san’s advice is more useful than we can give you.

KingDog san,
Thank you very much for helping Valerie san.

Yuki 由紀

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Re: Please Help...Another Question About ATMs...

Postby questfordolma3207 » February 16th, 2014 8:12 am

Thank you so much for the information!

It has helped to put my mind at ease. :D

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Re: Please Help...Another Question About ATMs...

Postby community.japanese » February 17th, 2014 9:06 am

Hello questfordolma3207 san
We are happy you solved the problem.
If you have any questions, please feel free to post again.
Yuki 由紀

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