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lysandert2681 wrote:Ultimate Goal: mastering Japanese and travel to Japan
metalwarrior8679 wrote:Place of birth: Kassel/Germany
出身はドイツのカッセルです。 Hope that translation is correct ;O)
Furthest location traveled: North: Sweden, West: Cork and Kerry/Ireland, South: Kosovo, East: Eastern Germany
北:スエーデン。西:アイルランド。南:コソボ。東:東ドイツ (^_^)
metalwarrior8679 wrote:Spoken languages: German, English; ドイツ語や英語
Written Languages: German, English; ドイツ語や英語
Languages in the process of learning: Japanese, Chinese; 日本語と中国語「汉语・漢語」
metalwarrior8679 wrote:Hobbies: Swimming, Climbing, Reading, Painting, Nature, E-Guitar and E-Bass, Heavy Metal
metalwarrior8679 wrote:Favorite Movies: Alien, Bambi, Lord of the Rings; 「エイリアン」や「バンビ」や「指輪物語」。
Favorite Bands: ManOwaR, マノヴォー。
Favorite Video Games: Gothic, Elvira: Mistress of the Dark; 「Gothic」や「Elvira: Mistress of the Dark」。
Favorite Books: "The Invincible" by Stanisław Lem, Only the Flower Knows; 「The Invincible」や「花のみぞ知る」。
Ultimate Goal For This Year: Climb the Fujisan; 富士山に登る。 :D
Katakana words are always tricky, aren't they? Sweden is スウェーデン in Japanese![]()
You can use と for ドイツ語と英語 unless there are more languages you actually speak and write.
Climbing.....maybe ロック・クライミング OR 岩登り, and Reading would be 読書![]()
The film "Lord of the Rings" is known as ロード・オブ・ザ・リング
than 指輪物語 although 指輪物語 is often mentioned as "sub title or translation" with main title in katakana![]()