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Hello, lessons without peter

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Hello, lessons without peter

Postby fadelalove7555 » November 4th, 2013 2:36 pm

Hello, i would like to know wich are the lessons without peter, because i really don't like is way to translate and to be soo hegocentric. I'm Italian and i think this podcast is good but i don't upgrade because is too america oriented, and i'm studying Japanese not american slang. Thank you.

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Re: Hello, lessons without peter

Postby community.japanese » November 6th, 2013 2:47 pm

thank you for your honest feedback and sorry if you felt bothered :(
I'll share your comment with my team.
Please understand that Peter is the founder of this podcast and everything came out
to the world thanks to him. However, we all understand also that many J-Pod listeners have their preferred
hosts and their opinions on our hosts.

You can see who the hosts are on every lesson page, so you can check if the lesson is hosted by Peter
or not. Our newer series/seasons would be probably the best solution for you because hosts of
those new series are usually newer members.

Hope this helps.



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Re: Hello, lessons without peter

Postby mewes6190 » November 12th, 2013 11:43 am

I'll agree, Peter took some time to get used to, but by now I'm a fan. Apart from the fact, that you really can "hear" him grow into the thing he does here over the years and lessons, I like his enthusiasm for the language and his efforts to teach it.
I actually appreciate, that he puts so much of himself and his experiences and views into the podcasts - I guess, that's what's looking like "egocentric" and "america focused" here - he really puts himself out there.

I guess not everybody likes that, which is okay, but I do, and I actually think it's kinda sad that he's not so present in the newer podcasts anymore...


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Re: Hello, lessons without peter

Postby andycarmenjapanese8100 » November 12th, 2013 10:08 pm

mewes6190 wrote:Apart from the fact, that you really can "hear" him grow into the thing he does here over the years and lessons

I agree. He's not as bad as he used to be.

I listen to four lessons a day. The next day, I'll listen to the same four lessons, and so on. When I feel like I've absorbed most of the information from a lesson, I'll read the PDF transcript and grammar points to cover anything I might have missed and move onto the next one. This method means that sometimes I listen to lessons more than ten times. A joke that might be funny the first time I hear it becomes annoying by the tenth time.

The earlier podcasts are quite rough, like they hadn't figured out the winning forumula yet. Some of them are missing the dialogue replay at the end of the lesson, the PDFs are sometimes incomplete and the discussions are filled with unscripted giggling. The newer ones are much more smooth and professional, in my opinion.

I don't think Peter is the worst host though. I'm surprised there aren't more complaints about Take, his voice is like fingernails on a blackboard. I can't stand his style of, "talk very quietly, mumble, THEN TALK REALLY LOUD!" I think he only does voice acting now but it's still full of overacting and shouting.

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Re: Hello, lessons without peter

Postby community.japanese » November 18th, 2013 2:05 am

Kurokuma-san, Andy-san,
thank you very much for the comments and opinions! :D
I'll definitely share your opinions too with my team.

Listening to the same joke ten times.....of course you'd get bored (and annoyed) :lol: :lol:


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Re: Hello, lessons without peter

Postby Tracel » November 18th, 2013 2:15 am

I just wanted to say that I don't mind any of the hosts. The lessons are usually funny and informative. Peter's Japanese is amazing, and this makes me want to follow his example. If only I could speak as well as he does..... The only complaint is that in the Lower Intermediate and below there is an awful lot of English back and forth. I just fastforward through it, I must admit. Now I am on Intermediate and there is less English, but still a bit too much for me so far. The advanced lessons are almost all Japanese though which is great.

I also listen to the lessons again and again, but after the first listen through, I will only listen to the dialog if that is an option. Sometimes I don't even start with the full lesson and just use the dialogue and work with the written vocabulary and grammar points, especially if the points are ones that I have seen before.


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Re: Hello, lessons without peter

Postby japanese.innovative » November 21st, 2013 2:05 am


Thank you very much for your comment :D
I'll definitely talk to our team about your opinion.

Thanks again.


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Re: Hello, lessons without peter

Postby madeducator » March 23rd, 2014 5:31 pm

I know this thread is pretty old. However, for what it's worth, the fact that the podcasts had friendly, funny interactions that included Peter, was one of the main reasons I kept listening and came back to renew my subscriptions in the past. I, for one, missed his voice in the later podcasts. I've taken a long break from actively practicing and listening. But I have fond memories of all those lessons that included Peter.

So, I want to say, "Thank you, Peter." If it weren't for you and Sakura, Yoshi, Natsuko and all the early hosts of the podcasts, I would have walked away from learning Japanese. You all made it fun and made me feel as if I could succeed. :)

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Re: Hello, lessons without peter

Postby community.japanese » March 24th, 2014 9:59 pm

Madeducator san,
Thank you very much for the comment.
Yuki 由紀

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Re: Hello, lessons without peter

Postby falchion321_498872 » April 22nd, 2014 5:13 am

I'll just give my two cents.

Podcasts with Peter were amazing! I think he handles himself pretty well with the other hosts. I speak mainly on behalf on season 1 with natsuko-san, yoshi-san, and other hosts in season 1 beginner series.

The atmosphere of the podcast was just so lively and informal that it made the listening fun, the whole process of learning japanese fun. Sure there are some things that I understand very serious learners to find annoying, but I think the process of language learning should be fun, and the fooling around are just precious moments that made the podcasts worthwhile.

Peter does happen to be more "professional" in later beginner series seasons which some may appreciate, but I'll always see the best moments of jpop101 to be in beginner series 1, especially some of the earlier lessons. I remember an instance where he goes on a slight tangent to teach us some sentence on how to woo a girl, and chigusa gets confused and asks peter what he is doing because it wasn't part of the lesson. No one can deny how hiliarious that moment was.

It's just great that we get to see the personalities of the hosts, instead of just putting on their sensei face.

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Re: Hello, lessons without peter

Postby community.japanese » April 22nd, 2014 5:45 am

falchion321 san,
Thank you for telling us your opinion.
Yuki 由紀

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