mmmason8967 wrote:Trivia time! 風立ちぬ breaks with a long-established custom at Studio Ghibli. The two main directors are Hayao Miyazaki and Isao Takahata, and the custom is that Hayao Miyazaki's films always have のin the title and Isao Takahata's films always have ほ in the title (which explains why the full title of Isao Takahata's film My Neighbours the Yamadas is actually ホーホケキョとなりの山田くん).
This explains the super tearjerker "蛍の墓" is also Isao Takahata's work! I didn't know about it before!
I have been watching way TOO MANY Japanese films and TV series lately, and am feeling quite guilty as
I just don't have time to flip through all those books I bought when traveling in Japan. I'm just concerned
I won't be able to find another excuse to stop by at bookstores when I find myself in Japan again.

Ha-ha! You seem to spend more time on entertainment news than me. I don't feel so guilty now.