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Business Card translation

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Business Card translation

Postby rpwilke » August 2nd, 2013 3:35 pm

hi all,

I need some help in translating my business card fields .
also , do you know if every field should be written in katakana like company name

so my card details are

Blueitem ( which is the company name)
Ralf-Peter Wilke ( first and surname)

manager Blueitem


any suggestions on how to write it in katakana?
also should I translate phone number as well?

thanks for any input?

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Re: Business Card translation

Postby mmmason8967 » August 4th, 2013 5:33 pm

I think you should probably have the business cards made with a combination of roman letters and Japanese characters. Maybe something like this:-

Blueitem               ブルーアイテム 
Manager                     社長
Ralf-Peter Wilke   ラルフペーター・ヴィルケ

The company name is most prominent, then your job title, then your name. I used "shachou" for your job title: this means the man at the top (boss, chairman, proprietor). Your name should be written phonetically and, as your name is German and I'm English, I'm not sure I've got it right. What I have written is pronounced "Ralf Pay-tar Vill-keh" by an English person :D

The address will be in roman letters, although you could add ドイツ (Doitsu, or Germany) to make it clear where you are.

For the phone, e-mail, fax and so on I think I would use icons because everybody knows what they mean. That is, you would have something like this:-

☎ +49 (173) 5398 657

Hope this helps.


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Re: Business Card translation

Postby rpwilke » August 5th, 2013 10:47 am

Hi Michael, ( I hope I read your signature in the right sense)

Thanks so much , very helpful.


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Re: Business Card translation

Postby community.japanese » August 5th, 2013 12:52 pm

Ralf-san, マイケルsan,
thank you very much for the help, マイケルsan! :D
I was wondering, though, if shachou can match "manager".

Like Michael-san's explained, the title "shachou" means "the person in top of the company" and
often translated as "president", someone like CEO, meaning that shachou is in the higher position than
anyone in the same company (except there's "kaichou").
If this is not your case, you can also use the word マネージャー [maneejaa].

Hope this helps! :)


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