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Going to Japan mid July - begin august

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Going to Japan mid July - begin august

Postby Thomasvl » April 11th, 2013 9:35 pm

Well Hello everyone!

First of all let me tell you all a little about myself seeing as this is my first post on jpod101 forums :)

My name is Thomas, and I'm a guy (duh..) 23 y/o from the Netherlands. And I speak Dutch and English fluently, and very (very) basic Japanese.

Anyhow.. I've decided to go to Japan this July and was wondering if any of you had some advice on places to visit or things to do?
I'm currently thinking of visiting Tokyo, Nagoya, Osaka, and Kyoto.

And now perhaps a rather unusual question… but hey it’s worth a shot!

Is anyone here planning on going to Japan in either July or August? If so.. You wanna hang out and do some stuff together?
If anyone is interested just let me know and perhaps we could chat on facebook or whatever.


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Re: Going to Japan mid July - begin august

Postby community.japanese » April 12th, 2013 2:25 pm

thank you very much for your first post!! :D

And, wow, you're visiting Japan in 3 months? That's exciting!! :oiwai:
I think your choices of cities are perfect! You'll be able to see very different sides of Japan :wink:

I hope there're some other people visiting Japan around that time, and you can all meet up! Isn't it lovely??
It's not the first time I see someone asking if there's anyone visiting Japan the same period as the poster, so your
question is TOTALLY normal and I personally think it's very nice! :D

Hope you'll enjoy staying in Japan :wink:


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Re: Going to Japan mid July - begin august

Postby becciwhitton5094 » May 20th, 2013 10:11 am

こんにちは みんなさん

わたしも かれしと なながつ にほんに いくと おもいます。 ななはつは とても むしあつい だけど それから びんは やすい ですよ。 ニュージーランドから だ、 ここに なながつは とても さむいから あつい くにに やすみは いい だと おもいます。

にほんに むしあつい てんき にわ なにを しているか? おしえてください! かんこうするのが ちょっと むずかしい ですか? たぶん うみに いくだけ んです  :D

Hi everyone

I'm also thinking of going to Japan in July with my boyfriend. However, July is really hot and humid, but because of this the flights are cheap! I'm from New Zealand, its really cold here in July so I think a holiday in a hot country would be good.

What do you do in Japan when the weather is hot and humid? Please let me know! Is it difficult to go sightseeing? Maybe we should just go to the beach :D


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Re: Going to Japan mid July - begin august

Postby community.japanese » May 20th, 2013 12:06 pm

Very well written! :D

Please revise with this version:
わたしも かれしと しちがつ にほんに いくと おもいます。
しちがつは とても むしあつい けど ひこうき は やすい ですよ。
ニュージーランドは、 しちがつは とても さむいから、やすみ に あつい くにに いく のは いい と おもいます。
にほんでは、 むしあつい とき には、 なにを していますか。 
かんこうするのは ちょっと むずかしい ですか?
たぶん うみに いきます。

July in Japanese is actually "shichi gatsu".

Hmm...we do anything even if it's hot and humid; you can visit tourtist spots or stay in the beach.
Or maybe we want to stay in a cool and less humid place, with lovely air-conditioned closed space :mrgreen:


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Re: Going to Japan mid July - begin august

Postby becciwhitton5094 » May 23rd, 2013 9:53 am

奈津子先生へんじはありがとうございます  :D

Peter先生はbeginner lessonに”日本のなつはたいへんだ”といっていました。 ”むしあつすぎるからとてもだるいだ”といっていました。  :wink:  でも、エアコンがあればたぶん大丈夫ですね。

Hi Thomas

I'd really recommend going to Okinawa. The flights from Tokyo to Naha aren't very expensive, and Okinawa is really cool. Very laid back (Hawaiian shirts are apparently considered "business" attire), great food, beautiful beaches, wakeboarding, diving... Great place to enjoy the summer heat!

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Re: Going to Japan mid July - begin august

Postby community.japanese » May 24th, 2013 7:09 am


そうですね、エアコンがあるので大丈夫ですよ! :D

だるくなったら、エアコンのあるへやに、にげましょう :mrgreen:


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