Minasan, kon'nichiwa!!!
Wow this thread is getting exciting
Thank you very much everyone
> Andy-san,
I like your sentence too!!
Kevin-san is right; your sentence is perfect
There's another similar way to say:
watashi no kappu wa pinku nanode tomodachi ni ijimeraremasu.
I've heard somewhere that, in English, you should keep the same subject in one sentence. This sentence above
actually have two parts (1. my cup is pink colour; 2. my friends bully me), but both has "watashi" as
(kind of) subject. The first part starts with "watashi no kappu", so the main person here is "watashi".
Then instead of expressing "my friends bully", keep "watashi" as "main" person and express as "I get bullied".
And, thank you very much for the help with link!
That saves my time....

(I know; I'm lazy)
Your sentence with trees is perfect!!
Ringo no ki mo orenji no ki mo kirei desu ne! demo, watashi wa ki yori ringo to orenji no hou ga suki desu
(Both apple tree and orange tree are pretty! But I like apples and oranges than their trees)
And....I understand that particles are nightmares...

just like preposition in English are the same for us Japanese
Oh, by the way, "beige" is what's called "katakana word" which means it's phonetically adopted.
So, just like you didn't, we don't usually add "iro" like "beeju iro". However, we need "no" to link "beige" to noun:
kono beeju no hijikakeisu wa takasugiru. dakara, chigau kagu-ya ni ikou!
.....too bad for the first shop!
> Chonny-san,
nice try!!
You might have read Kevin-san's post with suggestions before mine, so I'd suggest some other possibilities...
1. In the morning, I drink tea out of my cup.
=> Every morning, I drink tea with my own cup.
Instead of わたしの, you can also use じぶんの here, like "my own"
2. That's a big cup!
そのカップは大きいです。 / おおきいカップ!
Assuming from "!" at the end, you wanted to express that you were surprised??
Some people might say VERY casually (colloquially) カップでかい!
> ケビンさん、
I kinda thought you might not have learned differences between transitive and intransitive verbs...
As Andy-san suggested the link already, hope it'd help!
Japanese verbs are sometimes difficult to tell if they're transitive or not, but you can always combine particles
and/or "subject"s (i.e. agent or action taker). For instance 落ちる and 落とす (action: to fall)
Action taker for 落ちる: object
Action taker for 落とす: person or object (not the same thing which actually falls)
In other words, 落とす needs a "object" that falls, and "someone/something" that makes it fall.
Hope it makes sense...
As to your sentence with 木...

As you wrote your sentence in informal/casual way, I'd stick to that, and give you another possibility...
It's a bit difficult to say the same thing in easy way....
僕の友達のニックネームは、Hit By Tree の頭文字(かしらもじ)をとって、HBTなんだ。
I understand what exactly you wanted to say, and I wish I could find the better way to say it in Japanese,
as short as English, but this is the best I could think of.

Hope I'm not applicable
Are you sure you didn't give it to your mate???
That's interesting! I've never heard of it, actually.
We don't have such connections...actually no colour is connected to personalities or characteristics....(except for
black, white and grey for "wrong/guilty", "right/innocent" and "ambiguous")
Most of polititians are.....grey in front of media
> remillardn7528-san,
it was actually very close!!It could be
それは小さい木ですが、かわいいです。 / それは小さい木だけど、かわいいです。
It's not embarrassing at all! I know exactly how you'd be feeling! Knowing is one thing and being able to use it is another.
And, you've got a good place to practice!
Embarrass yourself here as much as you want; it'd NEVER hurt you!

No one will never laugh at you here
becasue everyone knows making mistakes is 1000000000000000000 times better than pretending that you know
Oh, BTW, Kevin-san's sentence それは小さくてかわいい木です etc. are also very correct
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