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Japanese Anime & Manga forums

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Japanese Anime & Manga forums

Postby 100kV5476 » August 14th, 2012 6:52 pm

Hi are there any well established japanese anime & manga forums? Like and

natsukoy9313 Team Member
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Postby natsukoy9313 » August 17th, 2012 6:44 am

Hi! I'm not very sure, but have you tried ""?


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Postby 100kV5476 » August 18th, 2012 7:34 pm

Hi Natsuko-san.

I'm especially looking for japanese sites, with little to no english text. I feel like I can learn a lot from japanese people discussing anime. I hope someone can help me find one.

natsukoy9313 Team Member
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Postby natsukoy9313 » August 19th, 2012 1:48 am

Oh, sorry! I've now looked for some information on Google, but it seems people are rather blogging instead of using forum...?
Have you heard of "2ch"? It's a huge community and people discuss about quite much anything. One huge problems of 2ch is that people don't really have "common sense" sometimes and conversations often contain disgusting postings like libels and abuse.
I don't really recommned 2ch, but you might want to give a look...?


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Postby 100kV5476 » August 19th, 2012 8:11 am

Hi thanks Natsuko-san.

I actually tried both 2ch and 2chan before, but I didn't like them. For the same reason I don't like 4chan. The replies are too random and usually unfriendly.

By blogging do you mean through social networking sites like facebook and twitter?

I'm quite surprised that forums aren't that well known to them.

natsukoy9313 Team Member
Posts: 176
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Postby natsukoy9313 » August 28th, 2012 6:46 am

I know; I was surprise too. But to be honest, when I googled it, I even didn't know what to type in Japanese if I want to type "forum".
That's how less I don't know? Or, that's how less common the forums are among Japanese...?

When I wrote "blog", I meant more personal bloggings, not social networks.
It of course could be, like facebook and/or Twitter, but there's "ameba" blog (ameblo), for example. I believe people prefer writing blogs and talk about any topic with people who come and visit their blogs.
If you write "アニメ ブログ" to google, you'll find quite a many lists of blogs about anime/manga. :wink:

Natsuko (奈津子),

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