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IPhone help

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IPhone help

Postby brokerron » March 2nd, 2008 5:31 pm

looking for some help on getting the lessons ...Audio and pdf to my IPhone.

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Postby Jason » March 2nd, 2008 6:33 pm

The audio lessons you can sync just like any other podcast or audio files. Unfortunately, there's no way (yet) to download the PDFs to it from your computer without some hackery. You can view PDFs by tapping on the PDFs links on the website. Safari can display them.
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Postby プチクレア » March 2nd, 2008 6:39 pm

If you want the lessons (audio and video) on your iPhone, you should just download them as any other music file (through iTunes). You can also subscribe to a webapp called PodCaster (check the Apple web application page) that acts as a proxy iTunes and collects the podcasts for you. However, at this point it doesn't support the premium feed (and it might not support the basic feed either), as it requires password identifcation. But since the good thing about the iPhone is its web-surfing ability, I mostly use mine to access the site and listen from there.

At this point, and if you have a "normal", non-jailbroken iPhone, that's also the best way to access the pdfs (if your iPhone is jailbroken, that's another matter...). Another possibility is sending yourself the pdfs as joined files in Mail, and opening them from there. Most PDFs work, but you might have trouble reading the older ones because of the Adobe encoding (it seems the iPhone/Ipod Touch supports TrueType encoding but not the old Adobe Type 1 the older PDFS are encoded with... and I still haven't find a way to change the encoding on the pdfs...)

However, Apple has promised us third-party applications on the iPhone any time soon ( rumors say next week, as the new firmware was released last tuesday), and I hope that it will enable us to load PDFs directly, and maybe even download the podcasts directly without going through your computer's iTunes.

you might want to check those threads : ... php?t=2634

(I don't know why, but it seems at this point the jkeyboard doesn't convert kanji properly..) ... php?t=2720
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Postby markystar » March 6th, 2008 3:41 am

Most PDFs work, but you might have trouble reading the older ones because of the Adobe encoding (it seems the iPhone/Ipod Touch supports TrueType encoding but not the old Adobe Type 1 the older PDFS are encoded with... and I still haven't find a way to change the encoding on the pdfs...)

this will be addressed in time. but it will take time to update all the old stuff. but it's on the long-term to do list. 8)

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Postby プチクレア » March 6th, 2008 7:53 am

As always, I'm most impressed with the Jpod staff ! I thought I would have to tinker on my own to get somewhere with this issue. Thansk guys !
さっぱり分からない !...

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Postby alismidd » March 10th, 2008 8:06 pm

I am typing this from my Ipod touch which is a new purchase. I can open the PDF files (on-line with safari) but can not see the Japanese characters at all - sorry, not great with technology, hope some-one can help rectify this? Thanks...

Jason Team Member
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Postby Jason » March 10th, 2008 9:02 pm

alismidd wrote:I am typing this from my Ipod touch which is a new purchase. I can open the PDF files (on-line with safari) but can not see the Japanese characters at all - sorry, not great with technology, hope some-one can help rectify this? Thanks...

Please see Marky's post above.
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Postby alismidd » March 11th, 2008 8:19 am

Thanks so much. Just reread the post and it makes sense now (although a little baffled by the technical jargon!). Thanks again....

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Postby Jason » March 13th, 2008 12:06 am

In the future, please put tech support request in the "Technical Support" forum, not in Tech Updates. Thanks. :)
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must be online?

Postby queenparadox » March 14th, 2009 12:54 pm

Soo.. my iPod touch has to be connected to the net to view the pdfs? Thank you for clarifying!!

alismidd wrote:I am typing this from my Ipod touch which is a new purchase. I can open the PDF files (on-line with safari) but can not see the Japanese characters at all - sorry, not great with technology, hope some-one can help rectify this? Thanks...

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Re: must be online?

Postby Javizy » March 14th, 2009 3:41 pm

queenparadox wrote:Soo.. my iPod touch has to be connected to the net to view the pdfs? Thank you for clarifying!!

alismidd wrote:I am typing this from my Ipod touch which is a new purchase. I can open the PDF files (on-line with safari) but can not see the Japanese characters at all - sorry, not great with technology, hope some-one can help rectify this? Thanks...

These posts are over a year old, and you can now view PDFs with a number of applications from the store. You will need a wireless network at home to be able to synchronise, though. I have Files Lite, which works okay and is free (with a 200 MB limit), but it's the first one I tried, so somebody else could probably recommend a better one. I don't really read the PDFs on my iPod, since it's too fiddly zooming in and out and whatnot. People have requested an e-book reader friendly version, but it seems that whatever system is used to generate the PDFs is very inflexible, so I don't think we'll see one in the near future.

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Re: must be online?

Postby queenparadox » March 16th, 2009 1:42 pm

Javizy wrote:
queenparadox wrote:Soo.. my iPod touch has to be connected to the net to view the pdfs? Thank you for clarifying!!

alismidd wrote:I am typing this from my Ipod touch which is a new purchase. I can open the PDF files (on-line with safari) but can not see the Japanese characters at all - sorry, not great with technology, hope some-one can help rectify this? Thanks...

These posts are over a year old, and you can now view PDFs with a number of applications from the store. You will need a wireless network at home to be able to synchronise, though. I have Files Lite, which works okay and is free (with a 200 MB limit), but it's the first one I tried, so somebody else could probably recommend a better one. I don't really read the PDFs on my iPod, since it's too fiddly zooming in and out and whatnot. People have requested an e-book reader friendly version, but it seems that whatever system is used to generate the PDFs is very inflexible, so I don't think we'll see one in the near future.

arrrg. For all its usefulness, I think someone really needs to build sth better than the PDF. Thank you kindly for your response. I really must get a wireless connection now. Or perhaps the geniuses at Japanesepod will come out with a new format and reader?? :D

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I'm trying to download a whole season of lessons on iphone

Postby Sherlock » February 23rd, 2012 5:01 pm

...and it's not working!

Can anyone help?


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Postby Jessi » February 24th, 2012 12:07 am

HI Sherlock,
How are you trying to download them? Are you getting any error messages?
Please give us all the information you can, thanks :)
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Re: iPhone5 and Podcasts app

Postby pilgrimpictures » June 11th, 2013 5:29 am

プチクレア wrote:However, at this point it doesn't support the premium feed (and it might not support the basic feed either), as it requires password identifcation.

Back in the day, (March 2011) i was using an iPhone3. I had been a premium member for a while, downloaded some files, (whole lessons, audio, review track, etc.) and would not only listen to the audio, but would tap the Logo Album and see the English, Romanji, Kana and Kanji for me to read along as I listen. This was a great, complimentary feature that enhanced the listening process with 'one-stop' reading of content.

Those '.pdf' files were and (still) are showing up in my iMac's iTunes as 'lyrics' and/or 'comments'.

~However~, (after letting months turn into years) and now that I have an iPhone 5 and also use the Podcasts App (something Apple didn't have back in early 2011), when I tap the Album artwork / logo, it doesn't flip over to show the translations printed out for users to read.

Is this because your files are not keeping up with Apple technology or because you've encoded the files so that users like me can no longer read along (without ~ahem~ 'Active Subscriptions')? I thought I could be a life-long user? Wasn't that what I was told back in 2011? Do I have to subscribe again to get the romaji, kana and kanji restored to each audio file on my iPhone? Or is this simply a tech issue?


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