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Mixi invites - only open to those with a Japanese cell phone

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Postby torakun » October 20th, 2009 12:21 pm

To all kind people that sent me a mixi invites.
I thank you but I can't register for some reason because it says my keitai mail address is wrong. Eventhough I put in my current japanese cell's mail address.

Also, for some unknown reason, in the application page, my PC email and my keitai email got mixed up (the PC email address should be the one that's blank) and I can't change the PC mail address.

Can anyone would be so kind to tell what might possibly be wrong with my case?

Again thanks again in advance for the kind invites :)

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Invites still going?

Postby ken274 » October 31st, 2009 3:26 am

Hi there,

If anyone would be so kind to send me an invite, I'd be incredibly grateful!

My email address is:

ken[dot]chatfield[at] btinternet[dot]com

Also, I have a Japanese cellphone, so the verification step shouldn't be a problem.

Thanks so much!


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Can i have a mixi invite too?

Postby cloudy266 » December 21st, 2009 3:56 am

Hi would anyone gladly send me an invite to mixi i really want to meet new people. I am currently living in Japan so the keitai part is no problem. i think. Is there a way that I can register without my keitai address, because i might change it soon

my email address is

and my keitai address is

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hello everyone

Postby kayloc » December 25th, 2009 8:27 am

Would somebody send me an invitation?
I am french and I'd love to be in the mixi community

my address is slasky at

I heva a telephone in japan so it should be ok to register :)

Thanks a lot in advance

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Postby Ulver_684 » July 28th, 2011 5:45 pm

Mina-san! :wink:

Does anyone know if mixi remove the list of people that visit your profile before? I can't seem to find it anymore. Does anyone knows a link where to see the people that visit my profile or that is gone? Well thank you for your time and wait for a kind reply! :)

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Postby patrickcolgan9829 » August 26th, 2011 1:53 pm

The community on mixi is too quiet. If anybody wants to add me, my email is patrick.colgan@gmail dot com.

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