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flashcard suggestions

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flashcard suggestions

Postby kraemder » June 20th, 2011 3:29 pm

There should be more flexibility - like having English on the front and Japanese on the back and being able to put pictures on the back etc. Also, why not have the (option) to have the audio play automatically when the side shows?

The pictures are great but the way the default setting is setup, I know I will remember the English based entirely on the picture without learning the Japanese. The pictures are so intuitively obvious that I don't even need to flip the card the 1st time to get the answer right a lot - without knowing the Japanese.

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Postby kraemder » June 20th, 2011 3:33 pm

I just turned the pictures off entirely (which made me sad) and turned on Kanji + Kana for the front. There's a bug - the kana isn't showing. It just says "kana".

Also, I've found that once I flip the card I can't flip it back. Having the English in my head I'd like to stare at the Japanese (and make the audio play a few times more) to try to memorize it.

Jessi Team Member
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Postby Jessi » June 22nd, 2011 1:47 am

Hi kraemder, thanks for posting!
I have passed on your suggestions to the technical team working on the flashcards :)
As for the kana bug, this is because kana was not originally included for the core word list entries, but we are working on adding kana so that it will show up on the flashcards.

Thanks again! ;)
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Re: flashcard suggestions

Postby michellehues7706 » January 12th, 2013 6:30 am

May I post an idea? It would be good to remove duplicate cards when searching in the deck manager. Sometimes I get up to five hits for the same word. I think users can still add multiple cards of the same word as well, so an option to automatically remove duplicates in the editing section might be good.

Also, another thing- on lesson pages, there is an option to 'add words to my flashcards.' This automatically creates a new deck. There should be an option to tick selected words to add to a specific deck.

And why is it that "Items added to your wordbank from Dictionary are not available as a part of My Flashcards?" It would be great to sync my wordbank with my flashcards. Less clicking.

Thanks :)

Jessi Team Member
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Re: flashcard suggestions

Postby Jessi » January 15th, 2013 1:35 am

HI Michelle,
Thanks for posting your suggestions! I think they are good ideas - especially the ability to add selected words from a lesson to a specific deck. I have passed on your ideas to the team responsible for the flashcards. Thanks again!
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