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I CANT VIEW LESSON NOTES it redirects to members only

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I CANT VIEW LESSON NOTES it redirects to members only

Postby happytaro1118691 » December 14th, 2010 9:52 pm

I've emailed two times, but no responce.

I started to look at the lesson notes, and could view, then I closed the page accedently and tryed to view again, and it redirects to a memers only page!! I have 1 week free trial and its not over yet. Its fustrating and wasting my time because its been 2 days and my trial is almost over!!!


Jessi Team Member
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Joined: November 25th, 2007 9:58 am

Postby Jessi » December 15th, 2010 8:20 am

Hello happytaro1118691,
During the Free Trial, you are only allowed to view/download 10 PDFs. Once you click on and view that many, you lose access and are redirected to the members page (this was stated on the Welcome page).
The customer service team may be able to extend your trial if you like - can you try e-mailing us again at ? I will follow up and see that they get your e-mail (I'm sorry for the lack of response before).
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